
第一篇 被带回归向基督自己而有真正的召会生活

Being Brought Back to Christ Himself for the Genuine Church Life



壹 我们作为在基督里的信徒和神的儿女,需要从一切打岔中得释放,被带回归向基督自己─弗三8、14~18,西三10~11:

I. We, believers in Christ and children of God, need to be freed from all distractions and brought back to Christ Himself—Eph. 3:8, 14-18; Col. 3:10-11:

一 神要基督在万有中作中心,并在万有中居首位─基督是一切,又在一切之内─一15~18。

A. God wants Christ to be the center of all things and to have the first place in all things—Christ being all and in all—1:15-18.

二 基督是奇妙的;祂是全宇宙中的奇妙,基督之所是的每一项都是奇妙的─赛九6,士十三18,弗三8。

B. Christ is wonderful; He is the wonder of the entire universe, and every item of what Christ is, is wonderful—Isa. 9:6; Judg. 13:18; Eph. 3:8.

三 神的旨意,就是神在宇宙中永远的定旨和愿望,乃是要叫基督作我们的一切,并叫基督作到我们的里面,成为我们的生命和一切─17节上。

C. God's will, which is His eternal purpose and desire in the universe, is that Christ be everything to us and be wrought into us as our life and everything—v. 17a.

四 保罗写他的书信,是因为他清楚,许多美好的事物,包括道理、伦理、道德、教训、文化,都使人受打岔离开基督─腓三4~8:

D. Paul wrote his Epistles because he was clear that many good things, such as doctrines, ethics, morality, teachings, and culture, are distractions from Christ—Phil. 3:4-8:

1 使徒保罗给我们看见,这些事物不是基督自己,并指明它们若使我们受打岔离开基督,就是与基督相对─林前七35。

1. The apostle Paul shows us that these things are not Christ Himself, and he indicates that if they distract us from Christ, they are versus Christ—1 Cor. 7:35.

2 当我们转离所有打岔人的事物并转向基督,我们就被带回归向基督自己,使我们可以认识基督,经历基督,享受基督,彰显基督,并被基督构成─加二20,四19,腓三9~10。

2. When we turn away from all distractions and turn to Christ, we will be brought back to Christ Himself so that we may know Christ, experience Christ, enjoy Christ, express Christ, and be constituted with Christ—Gal. 2:20; 4:19; Phil. 3:9-10.

五 腓立比三章三至十六节陈明基督是信徒追求的标竿:─引用经文

E. In Philippians 3:3-16 Christ is presented as the goal of the believers' pursuit:

1 保罗因着以认识基督为至宝,所以将万事看作亏损─8节上。

1. On account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, Paul counted all things to be loss—v. 8a.

2 保罗亏损万事,看作粪土,为要赢得基督─7、8节下。

2. Paul suffered the loss of all things and counted them as refuse in order to gain Christ—vv. 7, 8b.

3 保罗切慕给人看出他是在基督里面─9节。

3. Paul's earnest desire was to be found in Christ—v. 9.

4 给人看出我们是在基督里面的必要条件,就是我们没有自己的义,乃是借着信基督而有神的义─9节。

4. The necessary condition of being found in Christ is not having our own righteousness but the righteousness of God through faith in Christ—v. 9.

5 保罗渴望认识基督、并祂复活的大能、以及同祂受苦的交通─10节。

5. Paul aspired to know Christ, the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings—v. 10.

6 在腓立比三章十节保罗说到模成基督的死;这指明保罗渴望以基督的死作他生活的模子。─引用经文

6. In Philippians 3:10 Paul speaks of being conformed to Christ's death; this indicates that Paul desired to take Christ's death as the mold of his life.

7 保罗经历基督作奠祭,并且也成为奠祭,浇奠在圣徒信心的祭物和供奉上─二17,提后四6。

7. Paul experienced Christ as the drink offering and became a drink offering that was poured out upon the sacrifice and service of the saints' faith—2:17; 2 Tim. 4:6.

六 我们需要看见属天的异象,就是神的心意是要使基督成为我们的一切:

F. We need to see a heavenly vision of God's intention to make Christ everything to us:

1 我们若从主接受新的怜悯和恩典,就能放下一切美好的事物,甚至是最好的事物,而努力面前的,好取得基督自己─腓三7~8、13。

1. If we receive new mercy and grace from the Lord, we will be able to drop all the good things—even the best things—and stretch forward to lay hold of Christ Himself—Phil. 3:7-8, 13.

2 我们需要祷告,好叫基督在我们日常生活中成为我们的一切─西三17:

2. We need to pray that Christ will be everything to us in our daily life—Col. 3:17:

a 我们作各种事情的时候,应当在我们所作的事上应用基督。

a. As we are doing various things, we should apply Christ in what we are doing.

b 每天我们需要祷告,使我们对基督─这住在我们里面并作我们生命和一切的一位─有新的经历;这是我们今天极大的需要─弗三17上。

b. Every day we need to pray for new experiences of Christ—the One who dwells in us to be our life and everything; this is our great need today— Eph. 3:17a.

贰 我们被带回归向基督自己,结果乃是真正的召会生活─林前一2,十二27,罗十六1、4~5、16、20:

II. The issue of our being brought back to Christ Himself is the genuine church life—1 Cor. 1:2; 12:27; Rom. 16:1, 4-5, 16, 20:

一 真正的召会生活乃是众圣徒以团体的方式实化、经历并彰显基督─弗三16~21:

A. The genuine church life is Christ realized, experienced, and expressed by all the saints in a corporate way—Eph. 3:16-21:

1 神计划要有召会,目的乃是为着彰显基督;因此,召会乃是基督的彰显─9~11、21节.

1. God planned the church for the purpose of expressing Christ; thus, the church is the expression of Christ—vv. 9-11, 21.

2 召会生活一点不差就是我们所经历并享受,且借着我们得着彰显之包罗万有的基督,连同祂追测不尽的丰富─8、21节。

2. The church life is nothing other than the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches experienced and enjoyed by us and expressed through us—vv. 8, 21.

3 我们若要有这样的召会生活,就需要被基督构成,直到我们的一切所是并一切所有都只是基督自己,祂是一切,又在一切之内;这就是召会生活的素质和本质─西一12,二9~10、16~17,三4、10~11,四15~16。

3. If we would have such a church life, we need to be constituted with Christ until all that we are and have is simply Christ Himself, who is all and in all; this is the essence and the substance of the church life—Col. 1:12; 2:9-10, 16-17; 3:4, 10-11; 4:15-16.

二 真正的召会生活就是基督的生活,就是基督自己─三4,约十一25:

B. The genuine church life is the life of Christ, Christ Himself—3:4; John 11:25:

1 真正的召会生活不是教训或道理的事;乃是一种生活,基督自己在其中被我们实化、经历、享受、彰显并展览出来─腓三10。

1. The genuine church life is not a matter of teaching or doctrine; rather, it is a life in which Christ Himself is realized, experienced, enjoyed, expressed, and exhibited by us—Phil. 3:10.

2 唯有凭着我们在日常生活中经历基督,才能实现真正的召会生活─罗八9~11、17。

2. The genuine church life can be realized only by the experience of Christ in our daily life—Rom. 8:9-11, 17.

三 实化真正召会生活的路,乃是经历基督作我们的一切─西一27,二17,三1、4、10~11、15~17:

C. The way to realize the genuine church life is to experience Christ as everything to us—Col. 1:27; 2:17; 3:1, 4, 10-11, 15-17:

1 真正的召会生活来自里面对基督真实的享受─弗三17上。

1. The genuine church life comes from the genuine inner enjoyment of Christ— Eph. 3:17a.

2 基督发展到我们里面就产生真正的召会生活─四13、15~16。

2. The development of Christ into our inward being issues in the genuine church life—4:13, 15-16.

3 我们要有照着神永远定旨彰显基督的召会生活,我们的魂必须被基督这灵征服并浸透─帖前五23,弗三17上,加四19,林前十五45下,林后三17。

3. In order to have a church life to express Christ according to God's eternal purpose, our soul must be subdued and saturated with Christ as the Spirit— 1 Thes. 5:23; Eph. 3:17a; Gal. 4:19; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:17.

四 真正的召会生活需要我们背起我们的十字架,并跟从主─太十38:

D. The genuine church life requires us to take up our cross and follow Him—Matt. 10:38:

1 我们这些基督的信徒已经与祂同钉十字架,现在我们必须背十字架─加二20,太十六24。

1. We, His believers, were crucified with Christ, and now we must bear the cross—Gal. 2:20; Matt. 16:24.

2 己必须被除去,使基督能成为召会生活的实际─23~24节,罗六5。

2. The self must be crossed out so that Christ can come to be the reality of the church life—vv. 23-24; Rom. 6:5.

3 要实化真正的召会生活没有别的路,只有否认我们天然的生命与魂生命,并且在灵里跟从主─太十六24~27。

3. There is no other way to realize the genuine church life but to deny our natural life and the soul-life and follow the Lord in our spirit—Matt. 16:24-27.

五 真正的召会生活是借着对内住基督的内里经历─弗三16~17上,四12、16,二21~22:

E. The genuine church life is through the inner experience of the indwelling Christ— Eph. 3:16-17a; 4:12, 16; 2:21-22:

1 整本新约都充满关于内住基督的启示─罗五10、17,加一15~16,二20,四19,林前一2、9、24、30,腓一20下~21上,西一27。

1. The entire New Testament is filled with the revelation of the indwelling Christ— Rom. 5:10, 17; Gal 1:15-16; 2:20; 4:19; 1 Cor. 1:2, 9, 24, 30; Phil. 1:20b-21a; Col. 1:27.

2 保罗在以弗所三章十六至二十一节祷告,要我们借大能得以加强到里面的人里,结果基督就能安家在我们心里,进而以祂自己来占有、据有、浸润并浸透我们整个里面的人─16~17节上。

2. In Ephesians 3:16-21 Paul prayed that we would be strengthened with power into the inner man with the result that Christ could make His home in our hearts and thereby occupy, possess, permeate, and saturate our whole inner being with Himself—vv. 16-17a.

3 一旦基督能安家在我们心里,占有我们全人里面的各部分,我们就能有真正的召会生活─二21~22,四12、16。

3. When Christ is able to make His home in our hearts, occupying all the inward parts of our being, we will be able to have the genuine church life—2:21-22; 4:12, 16.

六 我们要有真正的召会生活,就需要经历并享受基督的丰富─三8:

F. In order for us to have the genuine church life, we need to experience and enjoy the riches of Christ—3:8:

1 真正的召会生活不是组织,乃是在我们灵里;我们的灵受基督的丰富所滋养,直到我们被充满,成为神一切的丰满─8节。

1. The genuine church life is not an organization; it is in our spirit, which is nourished with the riches of Christ until we are filled unto all the fullness of God—v. 8.

2 真正的召会生活乃是寻求主的信徒所过的团体生活,他们被基督的丰富所充满,成为神一切的丰满,就是成为三一神的彰显─19节。

2. The genuine church life is a corporate life of seeking believers who are filled with the riches of Christ unto all the fullness of God, that is, unto the expression of the Triune God—v. 19.

3 借着对内住基督内里的经历,我们与众圣徒一同领略基督无限的量度,并有真正的召会生活而建造基督的身体─17~18节,二21~22,四16。

3. It is through the inner experience of the indwelling Christ that we apprehend with all the saints the unlimited measure of Christ and have the genuine church life for the building up of the Body of Christ—vv. 17-18; 2:21-22; 4:16.

4 倘若我们都经历并享受基督的丰富,自然会产生真正的召会生活,作基督的丰满,基督的彰显─三8、17上,二22。

4. If we all experience and enjoy the riches of Christ, the genuine church life as the fullness, the expression, of Christ will be produced spontaneously—3:8, 17a; 2:22.

七 所有的圣徒都需要在日常生活中经历一些出于基督的事物,并带着他们所经历的基督来在一起,以展览这位基督,与别人彼此分享祂,并与父神一起享受祂,使父神喜悦;这就是真正的召会生活─林前十四26,来十25。

G. All the saints need to experience something of Christ in their daily life and come together with the Christ whom they have experienced to exhibit this Christ, to share Him with one another, and to enjoy Him with God the Father for His pleasure; this is the genuine church life—1 Cor. 14:26; Heb. 10:25.



爱 灵 慕 圣