第五篇 那地有葡萄树

A Land of Vines



壹 葡萄树预表牺牲的基督,就是那位把自己一切全都牺牲的基督,并且从祂的牺牲中,产生出使神和人喜乐的新酒─申八8,士九13,诗一〇四15上:

I. The vine typifies the sacrificing Christ, the Christ who sacrificed everything of Himself, and out of His sacrifice He produced new wine to cheer God and man—Deut. 8:8; Judg. 9:13; Psa. 104:15a:

一 基督是产酒者,祂牺牲自己,产生酒使神和人喜乐。

A. Christ is the wine producer, sacrificing Himself to produce wine to cheer God and others.

二 基督是葡萄树,所产生的使神喜乐,也使人喜乐。

B. As the vine, Christ produces happiness for God and happiness for others.

贰 我们若接触那由葡萄树所预表的基督,并经历祂牺牲的生命,祂就加给我们力量,使我们过牺牲的生活,产生酒使别人和神喜乐─罗十二1,弗五2,林后一24:

II. If we contact the Christ typified by the vine and experience His sacrificing life, He will energize us to live a life of sacrifice, producing wine to make others and God happy—Rom. 12:1; Eph. 5:2; 2 Cor. 1:24:

一 在主的主宰权柄之下,我们也许被摆在某些处境中,需要我们牺牲自己,好使别人喜乐─罗十二1,弗五2:

A. Under the Lord's sovereignty, we may be put into situations where we need to sacrifice ourselves to make others happy—Rom. 12:1; Eph. 5:2:

1 我们若在这样的处境中来接触主,我们就要经历祂是出产酒的葡萄树,也就是那使神和人喜乐的一位─腓三1上。

1. If in the midst of such a situation we contact the Lord, we will experience Him as the wine-producing vine, as the One who gives cheer to God and to others—Phil. 3:1a.

2 经历基督作葡萄树的结果,乃是我们在祂里面、凭着祂、同着祂并借着祂,成为葡萄树,出产东西使神和人喜乐。

2. The issue of experiencing Christ as the vine is that in Him, by Him, with Him, and through Him we become a vine that produces something to cheer God and man.

二 我们若在基督包罗万有的这一面经历祂,就必有多量的酒可以喝,我们要“喝醉”了,并因基督而“癫狂”,而在主里被喜乐充满─约十五11,徒五41,十三52,腓三1上,四4。

B. If we experience Christ in this aspect of His all-inclusiveness, we will have much wine to drink, and we will be "drunken" and "mad" with Christ, filled with joy in the Lord— John 15:11; Acts 5:41; 13:52; Phil. 3:1a; 4:4.

三 我们在自己里面无法过牺牲的生活,因为我们的生命是天然的生命,自私的生命─伯二4,太十六25:

C. In ourselves we are not able to live a life of sacrifice, for our life is a natural life, a selfish life— Job 2:4; Matt. 16:25:

1 只有基督的生命才是牺牲的生命。

1. Only the life of Christ is a life of sacrifice.

2 基督这牺牲的羔羊活在我们里面,加给我们力量,使我们能为人牺牲,而将欢乐带给人,使他们喜乐─林后四12,弗五2。

2. Christ as the sacrificing Lamb lives in us, energizing us to sacrifice ourselves for others to bring them cheer and to make them happy—2 Cor. 4:12; Eph. 5:2.

3 我们若接触主,经历祂牺牲的生命,祂就要加给我们力量,加强我们,使我们为神为人牺牲─约一29,二十22,林前十五45下,六17,腓四13,罗十二1,弗五2:

3. If we contact the Lord and experience His sacrificing life, He will energize and strengthen us to sacrifice for God and for others— John 1:29; 20:22; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 6:17; Phil. 4:13; Rom. 12:1; Eph. 5:2:

a 我们越经历基督作葡萄树连同祂牺牲的生命,我们就越得着加力,好牺牲自己,使神和人喜乐。

a. The more we experience Christ as the vine with His sacrificing life, the more we will be energized to sacrifice ourselves to make God and others happy.

b 我们要被喜乐“灌醉”,看见最喜乐的人乃是最不自私的人。

b. We will be "drunken" with happiness, realizing that the happiest person is the one who is the most unselfish.

c 我们要将喜乐带给和我们接触的人,我们也要将欢乐带给神─林后一24,五13上。

c. We will bring happiness to those who contact us, and we will bring cheer to God—2 Cor. 1:24; 5:13a.

叁 我们借着经历基督作产酒的葡萄树,并借着被祂这新酒所充满,我们就得以在祂里面并同着祂而成为奠祭─创三五14,出二九40~41,腓二17,提后四6:

III. By experiencing Christ as the wine-producing vine and by being filled with Him as the new wine, we may become a drink offering in Him and with Him—Gen. 35:14; Exo. 29:40-41; Phil. 2:17; 2 Tim. 4:6:

一 奠祭预表基督是在神前作为真酒倾倒出来,使神满足的那一位─出二九40~41:

A. The drink offering typifies Christ as the One poured out as the real wine before God for His satisfaction—Exo. 29:40-41:

1 奠祭乃是在基本的祭物之外附加的,浇奠在一种基本祭物上─民十五1~10,二八7~10。

1. The drink offering was in addition to the basic offerings, and it was poured out on one of the basic offerings—Num. 15:1-10; 28:7-10.

2 奠祭的酒是浇奠给神,使神满足的;那是浇奠给神喝的─出二九40~41:

2. The wine of the drink offering was poured out for God's satisfaction; it was poured out for God to drink—Exo. 29:40-41:

a 基督将祂的全人向神倾倒─赛五三12。

a. Christ poured out His being unto God—Isa. 53:12.

b 基督是属天、属灵的酒,向神倾倒,使神喜悦;祂将自己如同酒倾倒出来,叫神喜乐。

b. Christ is the heavenly, spiritual wine poured out to God for His pleasure; He poured Himself out as wine to make God happy.

二 奠祭不仅预表基督自己,也预表这位基督以祂自己作属天的酒浸透我们,直到祂与我们成为一而被浇奠,为着神的享受和满足,并为着神的建造─太九17,腓二17,提后四6:

B. The drink offering typifies not only Christ Himself but also the Christ who saturates us with Himself as heavenly wine until He and we become one to be poured out for God's enjoyment and satisfaction and for God's building—Matt. 9:17; Phil. 2:17; 2 Tim. 4:6:

1 奠祭预表献祭的人所享受的基督,祂这属天的酒充满献祭的人,使他成为献给神的酒─腓二17:

1. The drink offering is a type of Christ as the heavenly wine who is enjoyed by the offerer, filling him and causing him to become wine to God—Phil. 2:17:

a 我们借着经历基督作祭物,就成为被基督充满并浸透的人─弗三17,加四19。

a. By experiencing Christ as the offerings, we become persons who are filled and saturated with Christ—Eph. 3:17; Gal. 4:19.

b 我们在主观上所经历那作祭物的基督,在我们里面成了酒,使我们欣喜若狂─太九17,林后五13上。

b. The Christ whom we experience subjectively as the offerings becomes wine in us, causing us to be ecstatically happy and joyful—Matt. 9:17; 2 Cor. 5:13a.

c 至终,我们被基督这属天的酒所浸透,而与这酒成为一,甚至成为酒;这样,我们就有资格作奠祭─太九17,林后五13上,弗五2,腓二17。

c. Eventually, we are saturated with Christ as the heavenly wine and are one with the wine and even become wine; in this way we are qualified to be a drink offering—Matt. 9:17; 2 Cor. 5:13a; Eph. 5:2; Phil. 2:17.

2 雅各在伯特利浇奠祭在柱子上,指明奠祭是为着神的建造─创三五14:

2. Jacob poured out a drink offering on the pillar at Bethel, indicating that the drink offering is for God's building—Gen. 35:14:

a 在伯特利浇奠的酒,不是直接来自于酒醡,乃是间接来自于享受基督作酒,并被基督这酒浸透的人。

a. The wine poured out at Bethel is not the direct wine from the winepress; it is the indirect wine from those who enjoy Christ as wine and who are saturated with Christ as wine.

b 在伯特利,就是在神的家,在作基督身体的召会里,我们至终需要作奠祭被浇奠─林后十二15上。

b. In Bethel, in God's house, the church as the Body of Christ, we eventually need to be poured out as a drink offering—2 Cor. 12:15a.

肆 使徒保罗成为奠祭,浇奠在圣徒信心的祭物和供奉上─腓二17,提后四6:

IV. The apostle Paul became a drink offering that was poured out upon the sacrifice and service of the saints' faith—Phil. 2:17; 2 Tim. 4:6:

一 在腓立比二章十七节和提后四章六节里奠祭的酒,就是马太九章十七节的基督(酒),浸透了保罗,使保罗成为酒。─引用经文

A. The wine of the drink offering in Philippians 2:17 and 2 Timothy 4:6 is the Christ (wine) of Matthew 9:17 who had saturated Paul and had made him wine.

二 保罗为召会成了奠祭,这指明奠祭不仅是为着敬拜神,乃是特别为着神的建造。

B. Paul became a drink offering for the church; this indicates that the drink offering is not only for the worship of God but especially for God's building.

三 根据奠祭需要基本的祭物这个原则,保罗把信徒信心的祭物和供奉看作是基本的祭物,他能将自己作为奠祭浇奠在其上─腓二17:

C. Based upon the principle that the drink offering required a basic offering, Paul regarded the sacrifice and service of the believers' faith as the basic offering upon which he could pour out himself as a drink offering—Phil. 2:17:

1 这里的信心包括信徒对基督的一切经历和享受;至终,这信心包括信徒自己的所是。

1. Faith here includes all that the believers have experienced and enjoyed of Christ; ultimately, it includes what the believers themselves are.

2 保罗能将自己作为奠祭浇奠在其上的基本祭物,乃是腓立比信徒的信心:

2. The basic offering upon which Paul could pour himself out as a drink offering was the faith of the believers in Philippi:

a 作为祭物的是信徒的信心,并非信徒本人。

a. It is the believers' faith, not the believers themselves, that is a sacrifice.

b 信心、话与那灵乃是一─罗十17,八9。

b. Faith, the word, and the Spirit are one—Rom. 10:17; 8:9.

3 腓立比二章十七节的信心,是我们所经历、享受并赢得之基督的总和:─引用经文

3. Faith in Philippians 2:17 is the sum total of our experience, enjoyment, and gain of Christ:

a 我们对基督的经历、享受和赢得,成了献给神的馨香祭物。

a. Our experience, enjoyment, and gain of Christ become a sweet sacrifice offered to God.

b 借着享受基督,我们就经历基督、赢得基督并且据有基督,我们全人也由基督所构成;这样,我们的信心就成为能够献给神的祭物,可以让奠祭浇奠在其上。

b. Through the enjoyment of Christ, we experience Christ, gain Christ, and possess Christ, and our being is constituted of Christ; in this way our faith becomes a sacrifice, which can be offered to God and upon which the drink offering can be poured.
