
第三篇 借着留意申言者的话,如同留意照在暗处的灯,直等到天发亮,晨星在我们心里出现,而为着主的来临将自己预备好

Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming by Giving Heed to the Prophetic Word as to a Lamp Shining in a Dark Place Until the Day Dawns and the Morning Star Rises in Our Hearts



壹 信徒留意申言者的话,乃是极重要的─彼后一19上:

I. It is crucial for believers to give heed to the prophetic word—2 Pet. 1:19a:

一 申言者的话是神要求我们知道的事,是信徒必须留意的─彼前一10,彼后三2,路一70。

A. Prophecies are matters that God requires us to know, and believers should give heed to them—1 Pet. 1:10; 2 Pet. 3:2; Luke 1:70.

二 主耶稣曾嘱咐我们,对于申言者的话需要会意;这清楚表明信徒必须重视圣经中申言者的话─太二四15,参但九24~27。

B. The Lord Jesus charged us to understand the prophecies; this clearly shows that the believers must pay attention to the prophecies in the Bible—Matt. 24:15; cf. Dan. 9:24-27.

三 召会若不够重视申言者的话,就难免在信徒中多有失去信心的,受谎言欺骗的,“因无……认识而灭绝”的,因不儆醒而忘记主的来临─何四6,帖前五4~6,太二四42,彼前五8。

C. If the church does not pay adequate attention to these prophecies, many believers will inevitably lose faith, be deceived by lies, be destroyed because of a lack of that knowledge, and forget the Lord's coming by not being watchful—Hosea 4:6; 1 Thes. 5:4-6; Matt. 24:42; 1 Pet. 5:8.

四 信徒若没有圣经中的预言(申言者的话),就会落在黑暗里─徒二六18,约十二35~36,弗五8~9:

D. If the believers do not have the prophecies in the Bible, they will fall into darkness—Acts 26:18; John 12:35-36; Eph. 5:8-9:

1 今世乃是夜间─罗十三12,帖前五4~8。

1. The present age is the nighttime—Rom. 13:12; 1 Thes. 5:4-8.

2 当主耶稣来时,天就要发亮(彼后一19下);来世,国度时代,就是白天。─引用经文

2. When the Lord Jesus comes, the day will dawn (2 Pet. 1:19c), and the next age, the kingdom age, will be the daytime.

贰 彼得把经上的预言(申言者的话)比作照在暗处的灯─19节下:

II. Peter likens the word of prophecy in the Scripture to a lamp shining in a dark place—v. 19b:

一 这指明今世乃是黑夜里的暗处(罗十三12),这世上的人都是在黑暗里行走、活动(参徒二六18)。─引用经文

A. This indicates that this age is a dark place in the dark night (Rom. 13:12), and all the people of this world are moving and acting in darkness (cf. Acts 26:18).

二 经上申言者的话犹如信徒的明灯,传输属灵的光(不仅供人心思理解的字句知识),照耀在他们的黑暗里,引导他们进入光明的白昼,甚至经过黑夜,直到主显现的那日,天发亮的时候─彼后一19下,提后四8,一12。

B. The prophetic word of the Scriptures, as the shining lamp to the believers, conveys spiritual light that shines in their darkness (not merely knowledge in letters for their mental apprehension), guiding them into a bright day, even to pass through the dark night until the day of the Lord's appearing dawns—2 Pet. 1:19b; 2 Tim. 4:8; 1:12.

三 在主这阳光显出以前,我们需要祂话的光,照耀我们的脚步─玛四2,诗一一九105、130。

C. Before the Lord as the sunlight appears, we need this word as light to shine over our footsteps—Mal. 4:2; Psa. 119:105, 130.

四 我们若留意申言者那如灯照在暗处的话,会叫我们得着基督在我们心里出现,照耀在黑暗中─彼后一19下。

D. If we give heed to the prophetic word in the Bible, which shines as a lamp in a dark place, we will have Christ rising in our hearts to shine in the darkness—2 Pet. 1:19b.

叁 我们需要留意照在暗处的灯,直等到天发亮,晨星在我们心里出现─19节下:

III. We need to give heed to the lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in our hearts—v. 19c:

一 “暗处”按原文也可译为“阴暗地方”,即肮脏、干燥、被人忽略的地方。

A. The Greek words rendered "dark place" may also be translated "murky place," a place that is squalid, dry, and neglected.

二 “天发亮”是隐喻,说明满了亮光的时候即将来到,如同晴天破晓,有晨星于黎明前在那些蒙光照的信徒心里出现,这些信徒借着留意经上照亮人的预言之话,得了光照而被照明:

B. The day is a metaphor illustrating a time coming that will be full of light, as a bright day dawning, with the morning star rising, before its dawning, in the hearts of the believers, who are illuminated and enlightened by giving heed to the shining word of prophecy in the Scripture:

1 这促使并鼓励信徒切切寻求主的同在,并且儆醒,使他们当主在祂来临(巴路西亚)的隐密部分,像贼一样来到时,不至于见不到主─太二四27与注1、42~43,帖后二8与注4。

1. This will cause and encourage the believers to earnestly seek the Lord's presence and be watchful so that they will not miss the Lord in the secret part of His coming (parousia), when He will come as a thief—Matt. 24:27, 42-43; 2 Thes. 2:8.

2 这隐喻必是将来世,国度时代,比作那要在主显现(来临)时发亮的天;那时主是公义的日头,祂的光要照耀出来,冲破今世黑夜的幽暗─玛四2。

2. This metaphor must allude to the coming age, the day of the kingdom, as a day that will dawn at the appearing (the coming) of the Lord as the Sun of righteousness, whose light will shine to break through the gloom of the dark night of this age—Mal. 4:2.

三 晨星在黎明前最黑暗的时刻出现─启二二16下,参民二四17,太二2、9~10:

C. The morning star appears in the darkest hour, prior to dawn—Rev. 22:16b; cf.?Num. 24:17; Matt. 2:2, 9-10:

1 这指明基督要在这世代临近结束前,在最黑暗的时候,出现如明亮的晨星─启二二16下。

1. This indicates that Christ will appear as the bright morning star in the darkest time, prior to the end of this age—Rev. 22:16b.

2 主作晨星的出现,与祂作公义日头的出现,不在同一时间─二28,玛四2:

2. The Lord's appearing as the morning star and His appearing as the Sun of righteousness will not be at the same time—2:28; Mal. 4:2:

a 晨星的出现是在黎明之前;日头的出现是在天明之后。

a. The morning star appears before dawn, and the appearing of the sun occurs after the dawning of the day.

b 基督作公义的日头,在天明之后的显现,是公开地向着地上一切的人─2节。

b. As the Sun of righteousness after the dawning of the day, Christ will appear publicly to all the people on the earth—v. 2.

c 祂作明亮的晨星,要在黎明之前,隐秘地向着那些儆醒预备,等候祂的得胜者显现─启二二16下。

c. As the bright morning star before the dawning of the day, He will appear privately to the overcomers who are watching, preparing, and waiting for Him—Rev. 22:16b.

d 祂要隐秘地将祂自己当作晨星,赐给那些爱祂而儆醒等候祂的人,叫他们优先尝到祂久离再临之同在的新鲜─二28。

d. He will secretly give Himself as the morning star to those who love Him and who watch and wait for Him that they may have the priority to taste the freshness of His presence at His coming back after a long absence—2:28.

四 我们留意经上如灯照在暗处的话,我们里面就会有像天发亮,晨星在我们心里出现的光景─彼后一19下:

D. When we give heed to the word of the Scriptures as to a lamp shining in a dark place, the condition within us will be like the day dawning and the morning star rising in our hearts—2 Pet. 1:19c:

1 按象征说,“天发亮”指来世国度时代的晴天破晓─参太十三43。

1. Figuratively, the day dawns refers to the coming age of the kingdom as a bright day dawning—cf. Matt. 13:43.

2 整本圣经关于基督的预表,开始于祂作为光,结束于祂作为晨星─创一3,启二28,二二16下。

2. Concerning the types of Christ, the entire Bible begins with Him as light and ends with Him as the morning star—Gen. 1:3; Rev. 2:28; 22:16b.

3 “晨星”指在国度时代破晓前,深夜中最黑暗时,隐秘出现于爱慕主显现者心中的基督─16节下。

3. The morning star refers to Christ who, in the darkest hour of the night, prior to the dawning of the kingdom age, will secretly rise in the hearts of those who love His appearing—v. 16b.

4 我们若一直留意经上照亮的话,我们就会有国度的天在我们里面发亮,并且在基督作明亮的晨星实际地出现之前,我们就会得着祂如同晨星在我们心中出现─彼后一19,启二28。

4. If we continually give heed to the shining word of the Scriptures, we will have the kingdom as the day dawning in us and Christ as the morning star rising in our hearts before His actual appearing as the bright morning star—2 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 2:28.

5 基督作为晨星,要赐给得胜者作他们的第一个赏赐;我们需要为着基督作为晨星的隐秘显现将自己预备好─28~29节。

5. Christ as the morning star will be given to the overcomers as their first reward; we need to make ourselves ready for the secret appearing of the Lord as the morning star—vv. 28-29.



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