

第二篇 借着紧紧跟随那有时代异象的时代执事,而进入时代的职事─四段要紧的路程

Four Crucial Journeys to Enter into the Ministry of the Age by Closely Following the Minister of the Age with the Vision of the Age

晨兴 - 纲目 | outline - 听抄 - 目录

读经: 王上十八21~40,十九2~12,王下二1~14

壹 以利亚是有他那时代之异象的时代执事(参玛四5~6,路一13~17、76~80,太十七1~13,启十一3~12);主在每一个时代都有祂特别要作的事,有祂自己所要恢复、要作的工作;祂在一个时代所要作那特别的恢复和工作,就是那个时代的职事;以利亚的职事是他要作相反的见证,告诉以色列人拜偶像乃是得罪神的罪;当以色列众人拜偶像时,以利亚告诉他们,他们所拜的偶像是假神,唯有耶和华是真神:─ 引用经文

I. Elijah was a minister of the age with the vision for his age (cf. Mal. 4:5-6; Luke 1:13-17, 76-80; Matt. 17:1-13; Rev. 11:3-12); in every age the Lord has special things that He wants to accomplish; He has His own recoveries and His own works to do; the particular recovery and work that He does in one age is the ministry of that age; Elijah's ministry was for him to be an anti-testimony, telling the children of Israel that idolatry is a sin that offends God; when all Israel worshipped idols, Elijah told them that the idols they worshipped were false gods, and only Jehovah was the true God:

一 以利亚的名字意思是“我的神是耶和华”;这说到他的使命和信息;他是被掳以前最显著且最具代表性的申言者,他也是得胜者。

A. Elijah's name means "My God is Jehovah"; this speaks of his mission and message; he was the most prominent and the most representative of the prophets before the captivity, and he was an overcomer.

二 在以利亚的时代,以色列人都敬拜巴力,唯有以利亚说耶和华是神;在以色列最荒凉、最黑暗时,以利亚是神在他们悲哀历史中最黑暗的时刻所兴起的申言者;整个以色列国都跟随拜偶像的样式─ 王上十八19。

B. At the time of Elijah all Israel was worshipping Baal, and only Elijah said that Jehovah is God; he was a prophet raised up by God at one of the darkest hours of Israel's sad history, when their desolation and darkness were most severe; the entire kingdom of Israel was following a pattern of idolatry—1 Kings 18:19.

三 他们敬拜巴力实际上是敬拜撒但;王下一章二节说,以革伦的神是巴力西卜(Baal-zebub);在新约里,别西卜(Beelzebub)的意思是“苍蝇之王”,指撒但是鬼王;犹太人由于蔑视,将这名改为别西布尔(Beelzebul),意“粪堆之王”─ 太十25,十二24、27,可三22,路十一15:

C. Their worshipping Baal was actually their worshipping Satan; 2 Kings 1:2 says that the god of the Ekronites was Baal-zebub; in the New Testament Beelzebub means "the lord of flies," referring to Satan as the ruler of the demons; this name was changed contemptuously by the Jews to Beelzebul, which means "the lord of the dunghill"—Matt. 10:25; 12:24, 27; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15:

1 撒但作为粪堆之王,专门带着苍蝇吃粪;既然他也是苍蝇之王,一切罪人都像苍蝇跟随撒但“吃粪”;所有亚当堕落的后代都是撒但的俘虏,撒但带着他们到处犯罪,并使他们成为“罪的奴仆”─ 约八34。

1. As the lord of the dunghill, Satan specializes in leading flies to feed on dung; since he is also the lord of flies, all sinners are like flies that follow Satan to "feed on dung"; all the fallen descendants of Adam are captives of Satan, who leads them about to commit sins and makes them "a slave of sin"—John 8:34.

2 我们需要跟随使徒保罗的榜样,他说从前对他是赢得的一切事物,他都看作“粪土”(渣滓、垃圾、脏物、狗食、粪),为要赢得基督─ 腓三5~8。

2. We need to follow the apostle Paul's pattern, who said that all the things that were once gains to him in the past, he counted as "refuse" (dregs, rubbish, filth, dog food, dung) that he might gain Christ—Phil. 3:5-8.

四 亚哈惹耶和华发怒,超过他之前所有的王;结果,神兴起以利亚来宣告,以色列人是因着拜偶像而遭灾,并且唯独耶和华是神─ 王上十六33,十八4、17~18、37:

D. Ahab provoked Jehovah to anger more than all the kings before him; consequently, God raised up Elijah to declare that the children of Israel had been troubled because of idolatry and that only Jehovah is God—1 Kings 16:33; 18:4, 17-18, 37:

1 作为新约信徒,我们需要留意使徒约翰的话─“孩子们,你们要保守自己,远避偶像”(约壹五21);偶像是指一切顶替基督作为真实、真正、实际之神的东西或代替品(约二十28~29);我们需要看见为人的耶稣就是神(一1~2,五18,十33,罗九5,腓二6,约壹五20)。─ 引用经文

1. As New Testament believers, we need to take heed to the apostle John's word—"Little children, guard yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21); idols refer to anything that replaces or is a substitute for Christ as the true, genuine, and real God (John 20:28-29); we need to see that the man Jesus is the very God (1:1-2; 5:18; 10:33; Rom. 9:5; Phil. 2:6; 1 John 5:20).

2 耶和华对以西结说,“人子啊,这些人已将他们的偶像接到心里”;我们心中的偶像就是我们里面所爱的任何事物,超过了对主的爱,并在我们的生活中顶替了主─结十四3。

2. Jehovah said to Ezekiel, "Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their hearts"; an idol in our heart is anything within us that we love more than the Lord and that replaces the Lord in our life—Ezek. 14:3.

3 “敌基督”这辞,希腊文的字首anti,安替,有两个主要的意义─第一是“反对”,第二是“顶替”或“代替”;敌基督者一面是反对基督,另一面也是以一些事物代替基督,顶替基督─ 约壹二18~19。

3. In the word antichrist, the Greek prefix anti has two main meanings—first, it means "against"; second, it means "in place of," or "instead of "; to be an antichrist is, on the one hand, to be against Christ, and on the other hand, it is to have something instead of Christ, something that replaces Christ—1 John 2:18-19.

4 我们需要求主拯救我们,免于在敌基督的原则(即顶替基督的原则)里生活;基督是受膏者,也是膏油涂抹;在敌基督的原则里生活,就是在“反膏油涂抹”的原则里生活,也就是“敌挡”三一神在我们里面的运行、工作和浸透─ 20、27节。

4. We need to ask the Lord to save us from having a living that is in the principle of antichrist, the principle of replacing Christ, who is both the anointed One and the anointing; to have a living in the principle of antichrist is to have a living in the principle of being "anti-anointing," which is to be "anti" the moving, working, and saturating of the Triune God within us—vv. 20, 27.

5 撒但的目的是要在许多偶像和宗教的背后,来受世人的敬拜(太四8~9);偶像有邪灵和鬼在背后,因为撒但是在它们背后;父必须寻找敬拜祂的人,因为撒但想要夺取对神的敬拜(约四23~24,参约壹二20、27)。─ 引用经文

5. Satan's aim is to receive worship from men by hiding behind numerous idols and religions (Matt. 4:8-9); idols have evil spirits and demons hiding behind them because Satan is behind them; the Father has to seek for worshippers because Satan is trying to rob God of worship (John 4:23-24; cf. 1 John 2:20, 27).

五 以利亚代表一种原则,就是不顾自己的性命,为要维持神的见证;他刚强且勇敢地站在君王、百姓和四百五十个巴力的申言者面前;当召会荒凉,大体信徒不冷不热时,神兴起得胜者成为相反的见证,他们不顾自己的性命,只顾神的旨意(就如“我忠信的见证人安提帕在你们中间,撒但所住之处被杀……”)─ 启二13~14,十二11。

E. Elijah represents the principle of not caring for one's own life in order to maintain God's testimony; he was strong and courageous to stand before the king, the people, and the four hundred fifty prophets of Baal; when the church is desolate and the majority of the believers are lukewarm, God raises up overcomers to be an anti-testimony, who do not care for their own life and care only for God's will (such as "Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells")—Rev. 2:13-14; 12:11.

贰 雅各书五章十七至十八节说,“以利亚是与我们性情相同的人,他恳切祷告,求不要降雨,雨就三年零六个月不降在地上。他又祷告,天就赐下雨水,地也生出土产”:

II. James 5:17 and 18 say, "Elijah was a man of like feeling with us, and he earnestly prayed that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth sprouted forth with its fruit":

一 以利亚“恳切”祷告,直译,他“在祷告里祷告”;这指明有从主来的祷告赐给了以利亚,他就在这祷告里祷告。

A. For Elijah to pray "earnestly" means literally that he "prayed in prayer"; this indicates that a prayer from the Lord was given to Elijah, in which he prayed.

二 他不是凭自己的感觉、思想、意愿、情绪,或任何来自环境和情况的刺激,为着达到自己的目的而祷告,乃是在主所赐给他的祷告里,为了成就主的旨意而祷告─ 参诗二七4,约十五7。

B. He did not pray in his feeling, thought, intention, or mood, or in any kind of motivation, arising from circumstances or situations, to fulfill his own purpose; he prayed in the prayer given to him by the Lord for the accomplishing of His will—cf. Psa. 27:4; John 15:7.

三 在迦密山上,以利亚对以色列众人和巴力的四百五十个申言者说,“你们心持两意要到几时呢?若耶和华是神,就当跟从耶和华;若巴力是神,就当跟从巴力”─ 王上十八21:

C. On Mount Carmel Elijah said to all the people of Israel and to the four hundred fifty prophets of Baal, "How long will you go hopping between two opinions? If Jehovah is God, follow Him; but if Baal is, follow him"—1 Kings 18:21:

1 以利亚向“亚伯拉罕、以撒、以色列的神,耶和华”祷告,于是“耶和华降下火来,烧尽燔祭、木柴、石头、尘土,又烧干沟里的水”─ 36~38节。

1. Elijah prayed to "Jehovah, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel," and "the fire of Jehovah fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench"—vv. 36-38.

2 “众民看见了,就面伏于地,说,耶和华是神!耶和华是神”;之后巴力的四百五十个申言者就被处死了─ 39~40节。

2. "When all the people saw this, they fell on their faces and said, Jehovah—He is God! Jehovah—He is God!"; afterward, all the four hundred fifty prophets of Baal were executed—vv. 39-40.

3 耶洗别听见这事,威胁要杀死以利亚;以利亚因自己的软弱而害怕,就逃命;他走了四十昼四十夜,到了何烈山,就是神的山,他进了一个洞,就住在洞中─ 十九2、9~10。

3. When Jezebel heard about this, she threatened to kill Elijah; because in his weakness Elijah was afraid, he ran for his life; he went forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mount of God, and he went into a cave and lodged there—19:2, 9-10.

四 以利亚在神的山上时,忽然耶和华经过,祂不在风中、地震中或火中;火后,神以“微小柔细的声音”对以利亚说话;这指明神将以利亚引进新约时代;神在新约时代对祂子民说话不是发声如雷,乃是微小柔细的─ 11~12节,罗八6下,林后二13,约壹二27。

D. While Elijah was on the mount of God, suddenly Jehovah passed by, and He was not in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire; after the fire, God spoke to Elijah in "a gentle, quiet voice"; this indicates that God was ushering Elijah into the New Testament age, in which God speaks to His people not by thundering but gently and quietly—vv. 11-12; Rom. 8:6b; 2 Cor. 2:13; 1 John 2:27.

五 然后神说,“我在以色列中为自己留下了七千人,都是未曾向巴力屈膝,未曾与巴力亲嘴的”(王上十九18,罗十一2~5);这些忠信的得胜者乃是祂所“隐藏的人”(诗八三3下),并且我们的神乃是“自隐的神”(赛四五15)。─ 引用经文

E. God then said, "I have left Myself seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed unto Baal and every mouth that has not kissed him" (1 Kings 19:18; Rom. 11:2-5); these faithful overcomers are His "hidden ones" (Psa. 83:3b), and our God is "a God who hides Himself " (Isa. 45:15).

叁 以利沙跟随以利亚,从吉甲到伯特利,从伯特利到耶利哥,又从耶利哥到约但河,这表明我们若要进入新约时代的职事,就必须内在的照着时代的异象,跟随时代的执事;我们要这么作,就必须跟随主,经过四个要紧的地方─ 王下二1~14:

III. Elisha's following of Elijah from Gilgal to Bethel, from Bethel to Jericho, and from Jericho to the river Jordan shows that in order to enter into the ministry of the New Testament age, we should intrinsically follow the minister of the age according to the vision of the age; to do this we must follow the Lord through four crucial places—2 Kings 2:1-14:

一 以利亚是旧约时代连同旧约经纶的预表,以利沙是新约时代连同新约经纶的预表。

A. Elijah is a type of the Old Testament age with the Old Testament economy, and Elisha is a type of the New Testament age with the New Testament economy.

二 借着经过吉甲,就是神的百姓受割礼以对付肉体的地方,时代就转变了;吉甲是审判肉体的地方,是神给我们亮光审判肉体的地方─ 书五2~9,加五24,腓三3~8:

B. The age was changed by passing through Gilgal, the place where God's people were circumcised to deal with their flesh; it is the place where the flesh is judged and the place where God gives us the light to judge the flesh—Josh. 5:2-9; Gal. 5:24; Phil. 3:3-8:

1 肉体是我们与生俱来所有的一切(约三6);肉体是堕落之三部分人极点的表现,我们灵里的那灵是三一神终极的实化;堕落的肉体是神最强硬、最邪恶的仇敌(罗七5~八13),彻底并绝对地为神所恨恶(创六3,林前二14~16,三1、3)。─ 引用经文

1. The flesh is everything we possess from our birth (John 3:6); the flesh is the uttermost expression of the fallen tripartite man, and the Spirit in our spirit is the ultimate realization of the Triune God; the fallen flesh is the strongest and most evil enemy of God (Rom. 7:5—8:13) and is thoroughly and absolutely hated by God (Gen. 6:3; 1 Cor. 2:14-16; 3:1, 3).

2 我们生而有的一切─不只有罪、污秽、败坏,并且也有天然的良善、恩慈、才干、热心、智慧和能力─都是神不喜悦的。

2. All that we possess from our birth—not only sin, uncleanness, and corruption but also natural goodness, kindness, talent, zeal, wisdom, and ability—is displeasing to God.

3 拒绝肉体是属灵生活最高的表示;凡没有学习拒绝肉体的,还没有开始属灵的途程,真实属灵的生活是他们所不知道的。

3. Rejecting the flesh is the highest expression of the spiritual life; all those who have not learned to reject the flesh have not started on the spiritual pathway, and they do not truly know the spiritual life.

三 借着经过伯特利,就是舍弃世界,完全转向神,以神为一切的地方,时代就转变了;伯特利指胜过世界─ 创十二8,约壹二15:

C. The age was changed by passing through Bethel, which is the place to give up the world and turn to God absolutely, taking God as everything; Bethel refers to victory over the world—Gen. 12:8; 1 John 2:15:

1 按照创世记十二章八节,伯特利是亚伯拉罕筑坛的地方,祭坛乃是与神交通,与神来往的地方;伯特利乃是我们奉献给神,完全归神以胜过世界的地方─ 十三3~4。

1. According to Genesis 12:8, Bethel is the place where Abraham built an altar, the place of fellowship and communication with God; it is the place where we consecrate ourselves to God and are totally given to Him to overcome the world—13:3-4.

2 胜过世界乃是被提和得着圣灵能力的条件;一个信徒如果真盼望充满圣灵,真盼望被提,就当出代价舍弃世界,并在奉献一切的祭坛上,学习与神交通。

2. Victory over the world is a condition for being raptured and receiving the power of the Holy Spirit; if a believer truly desires to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be raptured, he must pay the price to forsake the world and learn to fellowship with God on the altar of total consecration.

四 借着经过耶利哥,时代就转变了;耶利哥是约书亚和以色列人进入美地时,必须击败的第一座城,表征神的仇敌撒但─ 书六,启十二11:

D. The age was changed by passing through Jericho; it was the first city that Joshua and the people of Israel had to defeat when they entered into the good land, and it signifies God's enemy, Satan—Josh. 6; Rev. 12:11:

1 约书亚六章说到胜过耶利哥;耶利哥的意思是“被咒诅”;迦南人表征以弗所六章十二节里所说诸天界里那邪恶的属灵势力。─ 引用经文

1. Joshua 6 speaks of overcoming Jericho, which means "cursed"; the Canaanites signify the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies mentioned in Ephesians 6:12.

2 撒但是这世界的王(约十四30),邪灵是管辖这黑暗世界的,这黑暗的世界,指今天的世界;邪灵乃是背叛的天使,他们跟从撒但一同背叛神,现今在诸天界里管辖世上的列国─就如波斯的魔君和雅完的魔君(但十20)。─ 引用经文

2. Satan is the ruler of this world (John 14:30), and the evil spirits are the world-rulers of this darkness, which refers to today's world; the evil spirits are the rebellious angels, who followed Satan in his rebellion against God and who now rule in the heavenlies over the nations of the world—such as the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece (Dan. 10:20).

3 我们必须是“穿戴神全副的军装”的人(弗六11、13);神全副的军装是为着基督的整个身体,不是为着身体上任何单个的肢体;我们必须在基督的身体里打属灵的仗,绝不能单独作战。─ 引用经文

3. We need to be those who "put on the whole armor of God" (Eph. 6:11, 13); the whole armor of God is for the entire Body of Christ, not for any individual member of the Body; we must fight the spiritual warfare in the Body, not as individuals.

4 胜过世界的路就是操练信心的灵相信神的话,按着祂的话去行,并相信我们要得着行祂话的结果(林后四13,约十七17,六63,弗六17~18);耶利哥的陷落,乃是因着以色列人信靠神的话,稳固的站住他们的地位;主三次受魔鬼试诱时,三次回答说,“经上记着……。”(太四4、7、10)─ 引用经文

4. The way to overcome the world is to exercise our spirit of faith to believe in God's word, act according to His word, and believe that we will receive the results of carrying out His word (2 Cor. 4:13; John 17:17; 6:63; Eph. 6:17-18); Jericho fell by the Israelites relying on God's word and standing firm in their position; when the Lord was being tempted by the devil three times, the Lord responded three times by saying, "It is written…" (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10).

5 我们要胜过邪灵的攻击,就必须不顾一切的光景和感觉,操练信心的灵相信神应许的话;我们也必须站在基督所给我们的地位,就是在诸天之上的地位,而监守撒但和他的邪灵在他们较低的地位上─ 林后四13,弗二6,西三1~2。

5. In order to overcome the attack of the evil spirits, we must disregard every situation and feeling and exercise our spirit of faith to believe in God's word of promise; we must also stand in the position that Christ has given us, which is in the heavens, and must put down Satan and his evil spirits to their inferior position—2 Cor. 4:13; Eph. 2:6; Col. 3:1-2.

6 在耶利哥祭司抬着约柜,表征在属灵的争战中,我们第一该作的事乃是高举基督,让祂在一切事上居第一位,居首位;吹号并呼喊(绕城第七次时),表征相信神指示的话而见证并宣扬神和基督(约柜)─ 书六1~20。

6. The bearing of the Ark by the priests at Jericho signifies that in spiritual warfare the first thing we should do is to exalt Christ, giving Him the first place, the preeminence, in everything; the blowing of the trumpets and the shouting (the seventh time around the city) signify the testifying and proclaiming of God with Christ (the Ark) through faith in God's word of instruction—Josh. 6:1-20.

五 借着经过约但河,时代就转变了;约但河是新约之浸开始的地方,表征死;过约但河就是胜过死,为要在复活里生活并尽职─ 太三5~6,罗六3~4,加二20:

E. The age was changed by passing through the river Jordan; this river, where the New Testament baptism began, signifies death; crossing the river Jordan is overcoming death in order to live and minister in resurrection—Matt. 3:5-6; Rom. 6:3-4; Gal. 2:20:

1 主受浸表明死;祂从水里上来,表明复活;主是借着复活的能力而胜过死亡;借着受浸,主甚至在实际死而复活的三年半以前,就能在复活里生活并尽职─ 太三13~17。

1. The Lord's baptism signifies death, and His coming out of the water signifies resurrection; by the power of resurrection, the Lord overcame death; by being baptized, He was able to live and minister in resurrection even before His actual death and resurrection three and a half years later—Matt. 3:13-17.

2 我们在重生时得着基督作复活的生命;人而神者耶稣借着不法之人的手被钉在十字架上杀了,但神“将死的痛苦解除,叫祂复活了,因为祂不能被死拘禁”─ 徒二23~24,约十一25,彼前一3。

2. We obtained Christ as this resurrection life at the time of our regeneration; the man-God, Jesus, was nailed to a cross and killed by the hand of lawless men, but God raised Him up, "having loosed the pangs of death, since it was not possible for Him to be held by it"—Acts 2:23-24; John 11:25; 1 Pet. 1:3.

3 在生命的新样中生活行动,就是活在受浸的实际里(罗六4);在灵的新样里服事,就是在受浸的实际里服事(七6)。─ 引用经文

3. To walk in newness of life is to live in the reality of our baptism (Rom. 6:4); to serve in newness of spirit is to serve in the reality of our baptism (7:6).

4 我们需要追求认识基督复活的大能;我们乃是凭基督复活的大能,而不是凭我们天然的生命,定意否认己而背起十字架,并且借着与祂的十字架成为一,而能模成祂的死─ 腓三10~12,太十六24,歌二8~10、14。

4. We need to pursue knowing the power of Christ's resurrection; it is by the power of Christ's resurrection, not by our natural life, that we determine to take the cross by denying our self and are enabled to be conformed to His death by being one with His cross—Phil. 3:10-12; Matt. 16:24; S. S. 2:8-10, 14.

5 我们在预备被提时,必须学习如何过约但河并胜过死亡;必须学习与在自己身上,并环境中死的势力抵抗;我们该表明并显出我们与我们复活的主联合,在一切事上认识并彰显祂是复活的大能─ 林前六17,林后一8~9,五4,三17,参四5、10~12。

5. While preparing to be raptured, we must learn how to cross the Jordan and overcome death; we must learn how to resist the power of death that exists in us and in our environment, and we should demonstrate and manifest that we are joined to our resurrected Lord, knowing and expressing Him as the power of resurrection in all things—1 Cor. 6:17; 2 Cor. 1:8-9; 5:4; 3:17; cf. 4:5, 10-12.

6 十字架的生活是借着复活的大能而活出的,并因着复活的丰富而得鼓励(腓三10);雅歌的结语是基督的佳偶祷告,求她的良人在祂复活的大能(羚羊和小牡鹿)里快快回来,设立那要充满全地,祂甘甜美丽的国(香草山)(八13~14,启十一15,但二35)。─ 引用经文

6. The life of the cross is lived by the power of resurrection and is encouraged by the riches of resurrection (Phil. 3:10); the concluding word of Song of Songs is Christ's loving seeker praying for her Beloved to make haste to come back in the power of His resurrection (gazelle and young hart) to set up His sweet and beautiful kingdom (mountains of spices), which will fill the whole earth (8:13-14; Rev. 11:15; Dan. 2:35).

六 我们若要得着以利亚的被提,以及有圣灵大能之加倍的灵(王下二9~15),就必须经过吉甲、伯特利、耶利哥和约但河;我们要经历从旧约时代转换到新约时代,就必须对付我们的肉体(加五24,腓三3),舍弃世界转向神(雅四4,约壹二15~17),击败撒但(弗六10~20,启十二11),并且经过死,进入在复活里的生活(罗六3~4,加二20)。─ 引用经文

F. If we want to receive the rapture of Elijah and a double portion of the spirit with the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Kings 2:9-15), we must pass through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and the river Jordan; in order for the age to be changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament in our experience, we must deal with our flesh (Gal. 5:24; Phil. 3:3), give up the world and turn to God (James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17), defeat Satan (Eph. 6:10-20; Rev. 12:11), and pass through death into a living that is in resurrection (Rom. 6:3-4; Gal. 2:20).

肆 现今的时代乃是得胜者的时代,并且借着现今时代执事而有之现今时代的职事乃是发出主对得胜者的呼召(得胜者就是那些看见永远异象、活永远生命并作永远工作的人─这就是看见神终极的目标,活出并作出新耶路撒冷);这些得胜者乃是为着建造基督身体的实际,预备基督的新妇,并使基督的国得以显出;我们要在这末后的日子应付神终极的需要,就必须立志成为得胜者,就是有活力的人─ 士五15~16、31,启二7、11、17、26~29,三5~6、12~13、21~22。

IV. This present age is the age of the overcomers, and the ministry of this present age through the ministers of the present age is the sounding of the Lord's call for the overcomers (those who see the vision of eternity, live the life of eternity, and work the work of eternity—this is to see God's ultimate goal and live out and work out the New Jerusalem); these overcomers are for the building up of the reality of the Body of Christ, the preparation of the bride of Christ, and the manifestation of the kingdom of Christ; in order to meet God's ultimate need in these last days, we have to make a resolution to be the overcomers, the vitalized ones—Judg. 5:15-16, 31; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26-29; 3:5-6, 12-13, 21-22.

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