
第二篇 两棵树与两种生活的原则

The Two Trees and the Two Principles of Living



壹 创世记二章九节的两棵树─生命树与善恶知识树─代表两种生活的原则:

I. The two trees in Genesis 2:9—the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil—represent two principles of living:

一 这两棵树表明基督徒能凭着两种不同的原则─是非的原则或生命的原则─而生活─林前八1。

A. The two trees show that a Christian can live according to two different principles—the principle of right and wrong or the principle of life—1 Cor. 8:1.

二 基督徒不是讲是非的原则,善恶的原则,乃是讲生命─约壹五11~13、20。

B. Being a Christian is not a matter of the principle of right and wrong, the principle of good and evil, but is a matter of life—1 John 5:11-13, 20.

三 当我们接受主耶稣,得着新的生命之后,我们多了一个生活的原则─生命的原则;我们如果不知道,就会把生命的原则摆在一边,而跟从是非的原则。

C. When we received the Lord Jesus and gained a new life, we obtained another principle of living—the principle of life; if we do not know this principle, we will set the principle of life aside and follow the principle of right and wrong.

四 基督徒不是问事情对或不对,乃是在作事时问里面的生命怎么说─罗八6,弗四18~19。

D. Being a Christian is not a matter of asking whether something is right or wrong; it is a matter of checking with the life inside of us whenever we do something—Rom. 8:6; Eph. 4:18-19.

贰 我们基督徒的生活是凭着里面的生命,不是凭着外面是非的标准;我们生活的原则是里面的而不是外面的:

II. Our Christian life is based on an inner life, not an outward standard of right and wrong; our principle of living is inward instead of outward:

一 如果我们生活的原则也不过是对与错,我们就和世人一样了─17节。

A. If we live by the principle of right and wrong, we are the same as the worldly people—v. 17.

二 对不对,不是凭着外面的标准,乃是凭着里面的生命。

B. Right and wrong are not decided by an outward standard but by the inner life.

三 我们不只是恶事不能作,连仅仅是善的事也不能作:

C. We should not only avoid all that is evil but also all that is merely good:

1 基督徒只能作出乎生命的事;在这里有恶事,有善事,也有生命的事─约一4,十10,约壹二25,五13。

1. Christians can do only that which comes from life; there are evil things, good things, and the things of life—John 1:4; 10:10; 1 John 2:25; 5:13.

2 在创世记二章九节,“善恶”摆在一起,两者是在一条路上,“生命”是在另外一条路上。

2. In Genesis 2:9 "good and evil" are put together as one way, whereas "life" is another way.

3 有一个标准比善的标准还要高,这个标准乃是生命的标准─约十一25,约壹五11~12。

3. There is a standard that is higher than the standard of good; it is the standard of life—John 11:25; 1 John 5:11-12.

4 基督徒的生活标准,不只是对付恶的事,也是对付善和对的事。

4. The standard of Christian living deals not only with evil things but also with good and right things.

5 许多事情,虽然按着人的标准是对的,但是按着神的标准却是错的,因为缺少神的生命。

5. Many things are right according to human standards, but the divine standard pronounces them wrong because they lack the divine life.

四 基督徒的生活是凭着里面的生命─罗八2、6、10~11:

D. Christian living is based on the inner life—Rom. 8:2, 6, 10-11:

1 没有一个基督徒可以在生命之外有所决断─约壹五13。

1. No Christian should determine anything apart from life—1 John 5:13.

2 里面生命加增的事,就都是对的;里面生命减少的事,就都是不对的。

2. Whatever increases the inner life is right, and whatever decreases the inner life is wrong.

3 我们的道路是神的生命,不是是与非;这两个原则的分别太大、对比太强了。

3. Our pathway is God's life, not right and wrong; the difference between these two principles is immense, and the contrast here is great.

4 我们只有一个问题:神的生命在我们里面是起来的,或者是萎下去的;这要断定我们的道路。

4. The one question we must ask is whether the divine life within us rises or falls; this is what must determine the path we take.

5 神乃是要求到神的生命满足了才够;我们要作到神所给我们的生命满足了才够─约一4,三15。

5. God requires us to satisfy the divine life; we must do things in a way that satisfies the life God has given us—John 1:4; 3:15.

6 基督徒不是因为犯了罪在神面前认罪而已;基督徒许多时候是因为作了好事而在神面前认罪。

6. As Christians, we should not only repent before God for the sins we have committed; often, we need to repent before God for the good things we have done.

7 我们生活的原则,不是分别善和恶;我们在神面前所分别的是生命和死亡─罗八6,约壹三14。

7. The principle of our living is not one that differentiates between good and evil; we must come before God to determine what is of life and what is of death—Rom. 8:6; 1 John 3:14.

叁 我们若要按照生命的原则生活,就需要分辨灵与魂,并且认识灵─来四12,林前二14~15:

III. If we would live according to the principle of life, we need to discern the spirit from the soul and know the spirit—Heb. 4:12; 1 Cor. 2:14-15:

一 主就是那灵,在我们灵里生活、居住、运行、行动并行事,并且我们与祂成为一灵─林后三17,罗八16,林前六17:

A. The Lord who is the Spirit is living, dwelling, working, moving, and acting in our spirit, and we are one spirit with Him—2 Cor. 3:17; Rom. 8:16; 1 Cor. 6:17:

1 我们若想要实际地认识主,并在日常生活中经历祂,就必须学习分辨我们的灵─二14~15。

1. If we desire to know the Lord in a practical way and experience Him in our daily life, we must learn to discern our spirit—2:14-15.

2 我们若不认识我们人的灵,就不能领会神在我们里面的行动,也不能跟从主,因为今天主乃是那灵,活在我们灵里─约壹二27,提后四22。

2. If we do not know our human spirit, we cannot understand God's moving within us and cannot follow the Lord, because the Lord is the Spirit living within our spirit—1 John 2:27; 2 Tim. 4:22.

二 我们需要认识我们的灵与其他内里诸部分的不同─诗五一6,结三六26,彼前三4。

B. We need to know the difference between our spirit and our other inward parts—Psa. 51:6; Ezek. 36:26; 1 Pet. 3:4.

三 在我们的魂里作任何事,不论事是对或不对,都是活在旧人里;因此,我们需要否认我们的魂生命,就是我们的己─太十六24~26。

C. To do anything in our soul, whether it is right or wrong, is to live in the old man; thus, we need to deny our soul-life, our self—Matt. 16:24-26.

四 当我们跟从灵,我们就是跟从主自己,因为主是在我们灵里─提后四22,林前六17。

D. When we follow our spirit, we follow the Lord Himself, because the Lord is in our spirit—2 Tim. 4:22; 1 Cor. 6:17.

肆 我们要按照生命的原则生活,就需要跟随生命内里的感觉─罗八6,弗四18~19,赛四十31:

IV. In order to live according to the principle of life, we need to follow the inner sense of life—Rom. 8:6; Eph. 4:18-19; Isa. 40:31:

一 生命的感觉是主观的、个人的、实际的:

A. The sense of life is subjective, personal, and practical:

1 在消极一面,生命的感觉是死的感觉─罗八6上。

1. The sense of life on the negative side is the feeling of death—Rom. 8:6a.

2 在积极一面,生命的感觉是生命平安的感觉,感觉刚强、饱足、安息、明亮、舒服─6节下。

2. The sense of life on the positive side is the feeling of life and peace, with a consciousness of strength, satisfaction, rest, brightness, and comfort—v. 6b.

二 生命感觉的源头是神圣的生命(弗四18~19)、生命之律(罗八2)、圣灵(11,约壹二27)、住在我们里面的基督(约十五4~5)和在我们里面运行的神(腓二13)。─引用经文

B. The source of the sense of life is the divine life (Eph. 4:18-19), the law of life (Rom. 8:2), the Holy Spirit (v. 11; 1 John 2:27), Christ abiding in us (John 15:4-5), and God operating in us (Phil. 2:13).

三 生命感觉的功用,是使我们知道自己是活在天然的生命里,或活在神圣的生命里;是活在肉体里,或活在灵里─林前二14~15,罗八8~9,加五16~17。

C. The function of the sense of life is to make us know whether we are living in the natural life or in the divine life and whether we are living in the flesh or in the Spirit—1 Cor. 2:14-15; Rom. 8:8-9; Gal. 5:16-17.

四 信徒的生命长进不长进,就在于他如何对待生命内里的感觉─弗四15,西二19,林前三6~7。

D. A believer's growth in life depends on how he deals with the inner sense of life—Eph. 4:15; Col. 2:19; 1 Cor. 3:6-7.

五 我们需要将自己祷告到生命的感觉里,并天天活在这种管制、引导、指引的元素之下─罗八6,弗四18~19,约壹二27。

E. We need to pray ourselves into the sense of life and live under its controlling, guiding, and directing element day by day—Rom. 8:6; Eph. 4:18-19; 1 John 2:27.

六 我们越照着灵而行并跟随生命的感觉,就越照着生命的原则而活─罗八4、6。

F. The more we walk according to the spirit and follow the sense of life, the more we will live according to the principle of life—Rom. 8:4, 6.

伍 我们若照着生命的原则而活,我们辨识事物,就不会照着对错,乃照着生命或死亡─林后十一3:

V. If we live according to the principle of life, we will discern matters not according to right and wrong but according to life and death—2 Cor. 11:3:

一 约翰福音强调一个事实:生命树与善恶知识树相对,我们不该在意善恶,乃该在意生命─四10~14、20~21、23~24,八3~9,九1~3,十一20~27。

A. The Gospel of John emphasizes the fact that the tree of life is versus the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and that we should care not for good or evil but for life—4:10-14, 20-21, 23-24; 8:3-9; 9:1-3; 11:20-27.

二 辨识一件事最好的办法─辨识的秘诀─乃是照着生命或死亡来辨识;我们必须学习照着生命和死亡来辨识、分辨事情,拒绝任何剥夺我们对主作我们生命供应之享受的说话,而接受主真正的职事,真正的职事总是加强我们享受基督作我们生命的供应─罗八6,林后十一3。

B. The best way to discern a matter—the secret of discernment—is to discern according to life or death; we must learn to discern, to differentiate, matters by life and death, rejecting any speaking that deprives us of the enjoyment of Christ as our life supply but receiving the genuine ministry of the Lord, which always strengthens us in the enjoyment of Christ as our life supply—Rom. 8:6; 2 Cor. 11:3.
