

第四篇 所罗门辉煌的国预表千年国时期基督的国

Solomon's Splendid Kingdom Typifying Christ's Kingdom in the Millennium

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读经: 王上十1~24,诗七二1~8、11、17~19,启十一15,二十4、6

壹 所罗门辉煌的国,连同他在神丰厚祝福下的兴盛,预表千年国时期基督的国─ 王上四20~五18:

I. Solomon's splendid kingdom, with his prosperity under the rich blessing of God, is a type of Christ's kingdom in the millennium—1 Kings 4:20—5:18:

一 王上九至十章描绘所罗门在列国中荣耀的巅峰。

A. Chapters 9 and 10 in 1 Kings portray the highest peak of Solomon's glory among the nations.

二 所罗门在以色列国中,因他这国的辉煌而得荣;这是在千年国里基督的预表─十1~24。

B. Solomon was glorified in the kingdom of Israel with the splendor of his kingdom; this is a prefigure of Christ in the millennium—vv. 1-24.

贰 基督第二次来时,要据有那已赐给祂作产业的地,并要在全地建立神的国,因而恢复神对地的权利─ 诗二四1:

II. At His second coming Christ will take possession of the earth, which has been given to Him as His possession, and will establish God's kingdom on the whole earth, thus recovering God's right over the earth—Psa. 24:1:

一 诗篇二十四篇七至十节揭示得胜的基督在神永远的国里作要来的王。─ 引用经文

A. Psalm 24:7-10 unveils the victorious Christ as the coming King in God's eternal kingdom.

二 耶和华就是耶稣,耶稣就是成为肉体、钉十字架并复活的三一神,祂是刚强争战且得胜的一位─ 启五5。

B. Jehovah is Jesus, and Jesus is the incarnated, crucified, and resurrected Triune God, who is strong in fighting and is victorious—Rev. 5:5.

三 祂要在复活里同祂的得胜者回来据有全地作祂的国─ 但二34~35,七13~14,珥三11,启十一15,十九13~14。

C. He is the One who will come back in His resurrection with His overcomers to possess the earth as His kingdom—Dan. 2:34-35; 7:13-14; Joel 3:11; Rev. 11:15; 19:13-14.

叁 诗篇七十二篇论到作王的基督,由作王的所罗门所预表:─ 引用经文

III. Psalm 72 is on the reigning Christ, typified by the reigning Solomon:

一 七十二篇实际上是论到所罗门王的诗篇;他预表基督是作王的一位─ 太十二42:

A. Psalm 72 is actually a psalm on King Solomon, who is a type of Christ as the reigning One—Matt. 12:42:

1 基督作为大卫的子孙(儿子),继承大卫的王位与国度─ 一1,撒下七12~13,路一32~33。

1. Christ as the son of David is the One who inherits the throne and kingdom of David—1:1; 2 Sam. 7:12-13; Luke 1:32-33.

2 基督在地上经过由大卫的苦难所预表受苦的生活之后,就升到诸天之上,如今在那里作王掌权,由所罗门所预表─ 林前十五25,启十七14。

2. After His life of suffering on earth, typified by the sufferings of David, Christ ascended to the heavens, where He is now reigning as the King, typified by Solomon—1 Cor. 15:25; Rev. 17:14.

二 在诗篇七十二篇,作王的基督由作王的所罗门(太一1,二二42)在亨通昌盛时所预表(王上九~十),如这诗篇的标题和第一节经文所指明的:─ 引用经文

B. The reigning Christ is typified in Psalm 72 by the reigning Solomon (Matt. 1:1; 22:42) in his prosperous and flourishing time (1 Kings 9—10), as indicated by the title of this psalm and by the first verse:

1 七十二篇启示基督作全地的王,诸王都要叩拜祂,万国都要事奉祂─ 1~8、11节。

1. Psalm 72 reveals Christ reigning over the earth, with all the kings bowing down to Him and all the nations serving Him—vv. 1-8, 11.

2 七十二篇是一幅荣耀的图画,说出主恢复、据有并治理全地的情形─ 17~19节。

2. Psalm 72 is a glorious picture of what it will be like for the Lord to recover, possess, and reign over the whole earth—vv. 17-19.

3 由所罗门所预表的基督,将在复兴时代的千年国里作王─ 启二十4、6,太十九28。

3. The reign of Christ, typified by Solomon, will be in the millennium in the age of restoration—Rev. 20:4, 6; Matt. 19:28.

肆 “世上的国,成了我主和祂基督的国,祂要作王,直到永永远远”─启十一15:

IV. "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever"—Rev. 11:15:

一 基督的国是千年国,也是神的国─ 二十4、6,太十六28,十三41、43。

A. The kingdom of Christ is the millennium; it is also the kingdom of God—20:4, 6; Matt. 16:28; 13:41, 43.

二 这国是基督的国,也是神的国,就着这一面说,基督与神一同掌权;也可以说,基督作为神掌权─ 启十一15。

B. In the aspect of the kingdom as the kingdom of Christ and of God, Christ reigns with God; we may also say that Christ reigns as God—Rev. 11:15.

三 基督回来执行对列国的审判之后,世上的国就成了基督的国─ 但七13~14,二44~45。

C. The kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of Christ at His coming back after He executes His judgment upon the nations—Dan. 7:13-14; 2:44-45.

四 在启示录十一章十五节,主要作王,直到永永远远,指主要在千年国和新天新地作王,直到永远─ 二二5。

D. In Revelation 11:15 the Lord's reigning forever and ever is the Lord's reigning in the millennial kingdom and in the new heaven and new earth for eternity—22:5.

五 所有的得胜者要与基督一同作王一千年,所有得救的人将要在永世里作王,直到永永远远─ 二十4、6,二二5。

E. All the overcomers will reign with Christ for a thousand years, and all the saved ones will reign forever and ever in eternity—20:4, 6; 22:5.

伍 主耶稣对付信徒、犹太人和列国(万民)以后,将要带进千年国─基督和神的国,在地上一千年─ 二十4、6:

V. After the Lord Jesus deals with the believers, the Jews, and the nations, He will bring in the millennium—the kingdom of Christ and of God on earth for a thousand years—20:4, 6:

一 千年国指基督再来作王治理世界之后,新天新地之前的时间。

A. The millennium refers to the time after Christ comes again as King to rule the world and before the new heaven and new earth.

二 在千年国期间,列国都要归向基督─ 亚十四16。

B. During the millennium all the nations will come to Christ—Zech. 14:16.

三 旧约里有许多关于千年国的经文─ 诗二6、8~9,赛二2~5,十一1~10,六五20~25,亚八20~23,十四16~21。

C. In the Old Testament there are many verses concerning the millennial kingdom—Psa. 2:6, 8-9; Isa. 2:2-5; 11:1-10; 65:20-25; Zech. 8:20-23; 14:16-21.

四 在行传三章二十一节,“万物复兴的时候”指千年国:─ 引用经文

D. In Acts 3:21 the times of the restoration of all things refers to the millennium:

1 这复兴不仅要影响人,也要影响整个宇宙─诸天、地、动物甚至树木。

1. This restoration will affect not only man but also the entire universe—the heavens, the earth, the animals, and even the trees.

2 一切因着人堕落而遭受咒诅的事物都要得着恢复─ 赛十一6,三十26。

2. Everything that was cursed through the fall of man will be restored—Isa. 11:6; 30:26.

五 千年国时代仍要被神用来作预备的时代:

E. The millennium will still be used by God as an age of preparation:

1 在这时代,神要成全那些在召会时代未得成全的圣徒,使他们能有资格进入新耶路撒冷,作神永远的国。

1. During this age God will perfect the saints who have not been perfected during the age of the church so that they may be qualified to enter into the New Jerusalem for God's eternal kingdom.

2 在千年国时,神也要炼净复兴的列国,在新地上作百姓。

2. During the millennium God will also purify the restored nations to be the people on the new earth.

六 在神的儿子基督里的信徒已经重生进入神的国,今天是在召会生活中,活在神的国里;但并不是所有的信徒,乃是只有得胜者,将有分于千年国─ 约三5、15~16,罗十四17,启十二10~11,二26~27,三21。

F. The believers in Christ the Son of God have been regenerated into the kingdom of God, and they are in the church life, living in the kingdom of God today, but not all believers, only the overcoming ones, will participate in the millennium—John 3:5, 15-16; Rom. 14:17; Rev. 12:10-11; 2:26-27; 3:21.

陆 马太十六章二十八节至十七章五节所描述的,乃是在千年国里诸天之国实现的小影:─ 引用经文

VI. What is described in Matthew 16:28—17:5 is a miniature of the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens in the millennium:

一 这小影的中心乃是得荣的耶稣,同祂在一起的有摩西和以利亚,代表旧约的得胜者,还有彼得、雅各和约翰,代表新约的得胜者─ 1~3节。

A. The center of this miniature is the glorified Jesus, and with Him are Moses and Elijah, representing the Old Testament overcomers, and Peter, James, and John, representing the New Testament overcomers—vv. 1-3.

二 彼得、雅各、约翰在山上与主耶稣一同预尝要来国度的实现─ 十六28~十七3。

B. On the mountain with the Lord Jesus, Peter, James, and John had a foretaste of the coming manifestation of the kingdom—16:28—17:3.

三 主耶稣变化形像,意思就是祂的人性被祂的神性所浸透、饱和;这个变化形像就是祂的得荣耀─ 2节:

C. For the Lord Jesus to be transfigured means that His humanity was saturated and permeated with His divinity; this transfiguration was His glorification—v. 2:

1 主耶稣的变化形像,照耀,就是祂在祂的国里来临;祂的变化形像在哪里,国度的来临也在哪里─ 可九1~4,路九27~31。

1. The transfiguration, the shining, of the Lord Jesus was His coming in His kingdom; where His transfiguration is, there is the coming of the kingdom—Mark 9:1-4; Luke 9:27-31.

2 主耶稣的变化形像乃是祂所是的实化。

2. The transfiguration of the Lord Jesus was the realization of what He is.

3 国度乃是主耶稣之实际的照耀;在祂的照耀之下就是在国度里─ 启二二4~5。

3. The kingdom is the shining of the reality of the Lord Jesus; to be under His shining is to be in the kingdom—Rev. 22:4-5.

4 在千年国里,得胜的信徒要与基督一同在国度光明的荣耀里:“那时,义人在他们父的国里,要发光如同太阳”─ 太十三43上与注1,注2。

4. In the millennium the overcoming believers will be with Christ in the bright glory of the kingdom: "then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father"—Matt. 13:43a and footnotes 1 and 2.

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