

第一篇 列王纪中借着预表所揭示并传达关于神经纶的内在启示

The Intrinsic Revelation in 1 and 2 Kings concerning the Economy of God Unveiled and Conveyed through Typology

晨兴 - 纲目 | outline - 听抄 - 目录

读经: 弗一10、22~23,三9,西二9,三11,提前一4,王上二11~12,六1~2

壹 圣经乃是一本神经纶的书─ 创一1、26~28,启二一1~2、9~11:

I. The Bible is a book of God's economy—Gen. 1:1, 26-28; Rev. 21:1-2, 9-11:

一 整本圣经新旧两约,首先是神经纶的图画,然后是神经纶完全的解释和应验─ 弗一10,提前一4。

A. The entire Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament, is first a picture of God's economy and then a full definition and fulfillment of God's economy—Eph. 1:10; 1 Tim. 1:4.

二 圣经乃是关于神永远经纶之神圣启示的记载;神这永远经纶的中心和实际乃是基督─ 约十四6,西一15,三11:

B. The Bible is a record of the divine revelation concerning God's eternal economy, of which Christ is the center and the reality—John 14:6; Col. 1:15; 3:11:

1 基督是三一神的具体化身,召会是基督的身体─ 二9,弗一22~23。

1. Christ is the embodiment of the Triune God, and the church is the Body of Christ—2:9; Eph. 1:22-23.

2 基督与召会是圣经的基本结构─ 弗五32。

2. Christ and the church are the basic structure of the Bible—Eph. 5:32.

三 神的经纶─圣经的钥匙─乃是那有其计划与安排的三一神,将祂自己在祂的神圣三一里分赐到祂所拣选、救赎并重生的人里面,作他们的生命、生命的供应和一切,好使他们成为祂团体的彰显─起先是基督的身体,至终是新耶路撒冷─ 弗三9:

C. God's economy, the key to the Bible, is the Triune God with His plan and arrangement to dispense Himself in His Divine Trinity into His chosen, redeemed, and regenerated people as their life, their life supply, and their everything to make them His corporate expression, initially as the Body of Christ and ultimately as the New Jerusalem—Eph. 3:9:

1 我们若看见神的经纶乃是圣经的钥匙,我们就会使用这把钥匙来读圣经的每一卷书。

1. If we see that God's economy is the key to the Bible, we will use this key in our study of every book of the Bible.

2 我们若看见这把钥匙并使用这把钥匙,圣经对于我们就会和圣经对于神是一样的─是神圣经纶的启示─ 路二四44~46。

2. If we see this key and use it, the Bible will become to us what it is to God—the revelation of the divine economy—Luke 24:44-46.

贰 列王纪不是论到历史的事实,乃是论到这两卷书中的内在启示:

II. First and 2 Kings are concerned not with the historical facts but with the intrinsic revelation in these books:

一 从约书亚记至以斯帖记所记载之历史的内在启示,是要向我们揭示,神永远的经纶如何借着祂在地上的选民得以完成─ 书一1~9,撒上十六12~13,王上二11~12,六1~2。

A. The intrinsic revelation of the history according to the record from Joshua to Esther is to unveil to us how the eternal economy of God was carried out by His elect on the earth—Josh. 1:1-9; 1 Sam. 16:12-13; 1 Kings 2:11-12; 6:1-2.

二 表面上,列王纪是以色列诸王的历史;事实上,这两卷书在神的灵感动下写成,乃是与神永远的经纶息息相关─ 弗三9,提前一4。

B. Apparently, the books of 1 and 2 Kings are the history of the kings of Israel; actually, 1 and 2 Kings were written in the inspiration of the Spirit of God in the way of being related to God's eternal economy—Eph. 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:4.

三 大卫和所罗门这两个预表有力地证明,以色列诸王的历史与神永远的经纶有关,这经纶乃是关于基督作神的具体化身,以及召会作基督的身体─ 弗五32。

C. David and Solomon, as types, are strong evidences that the history of the kings of Israel is related to the economy of God, which concerns Christ as the embodiment of God and the church as the Body of Christ—Eph. 5:32.

四 所罗门和他所建的殿既然在以色列的历史中扮演有力的角色,并且在这样的历史中占有广大的范畴,因此这二者证明,在旧约里,按预表说,以色列的历史与神永远经纶的完成极有关系─ 路二四44:

D. Since Solomon and the temple built by him play strong roles in the history of Israel and occupy a wide realm in such a history, they are evidence that the history of Israel concerns very much the fulfillment of God's eternal economy in the Old Testament in the way of typology—Luke 24:44:

1 基督与召会乃是神经纶的中心与普及,这在新旧约里都是一样─ 太十六16~18。

1. That Christ and the church are the centrality and universality of God's economy is universal in both the New Testament and the Old Testament—Matt. 16:16-18.

2 我们需要看见,历史书是按神关于基督与召会之永远经纶的观点写的─ 弗五32。

2. We need to see that the books of history were written from the point of view of God's eternal economy concerning Christ and the church—Eph. 5:32.

五 我们读列王纪时,需要看见旧约历史书与新约之间的连接;这连接乃是神的经纶,这经纶是为着基督和基督的身体─ 弗一22~23,三17,四16。

E. In reading 1 and 2 Kings, we need to see the link between the Old Testament books of history and the New Testament; this link is God's economy for Christ and for Christ's Body—Eph. 1:22-23; 3:17; 4:16.

叁 旧约历史在预表上与神的经纶有密切的关系─ 弗三9,林前五7,十6:

III. The Old Testament history is closely related to God's economy in the way of typology—Eph. 3:9; 1 Cor. 5:7; 10:6:

一 旧约是神永远经纶表征的图画,而新约乃是神永远经纶实际的完成。

A. The Old Testament is a figurative portrait of God's eternal economy, and the New Testament is the practical fulfillment of God's eternal economy.

二 从创世记至申命记的预表,揭示三一神具体化身在基督里,作祂永远经纶的中心和圆周,也揭示这位基督作三一神选民的福分和一切─ 申八7~11。

B. The types from Genesis to Deuteronomy unveil the Triune God embodied in Christ as the center and circumference of His eternal economy and also unveil Christ as the blessing and everything to the Triune God's chosen people—Deut. 8:7-11.

三 从约书亚记至以斯帖记这十二卷历史书,揭示三一神在祂选民中的行动,使他们取得、承受并享受祂所应许包罗万有的基督作美地─ 书一1~9、13,斯四13~14。

C. The twelve books of history from Joshua to Esther unveil the Triune God's move in His chosen people to possess, inherit, and enjoy His promised all-inclusive Christ as the good land—Josh. 1:1-9, 13; Esth. 4:13-14.

四 诗歌书─约伯记、诗篇、箴言、传道书和雅歌─揭示基督是神选民所要追求唯一的完全,也是神选民所要得着并享受唯一的满足─ 伯四二1~5,诗二6~12,八1,歌一2~4,六1、10、13,八1、14。

D. The books of poetry—Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs—unveil that Christ is the unique perfection for God's chosen people to pursue after and the unique satisfaction for God's chosen people to obtain and enjoy—Job 42:1-5; Psa. 2:6-12; 8:1; S. S. 1:2-4; 6:1, 10, 13; 8:1, 14.

五 从以赛亚书至玛拉基书这十七卷申言者书,我们看见三一神成了神人,以完成祂完全的救赎,好成就神永远的经纶,要终极完成于新天新地─ 赛九6,启二一1。

E. In the seventeen books of prophecy from Isaiah to Malachi, we see that the Triune God has become a God-man to accomplish His full redemption for the fulfillment of His eternal economy, which will consummate in the new heaven and new earth—Isa. 9:6; Rev. 21:1.

六 马太福音至约翰福音揭示,三一神经过过程并终极完成,成为包罗万有赐生命的灵─ 约一14,七39。

F. The books from Matthew to John unveil that the Triune God has been processed and consummated to be the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit—John 1:14; 7:39.

七 使徒行传揭示,包罗万有赐生命的灵,作那是神具体化身之基督的实际,扩展祂自己,为着产生神的众召会─ 一3、8,二22~36,四23~31。

G. The book of Acts unveils the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit spreading Himself as the reality of Christ, who is the embodiment of God, for the producing of the churches of God—1:3, 8; 2:22-36; 4:23-31.

八 罗马书至启示录揭示,包罗万有赐生命的灵借着变化将众召会建造成为终极完成之三一神的生机体,作基督的身体,这要终极完成于新耶路撒冷,作终极完成之三一神永远的扩大─ 罗一3~4,十二4~5,十六20,启二一2、9~11。

H. The books from Romans to Revelation unveil the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit building up the churches through transformation into the organism of the consummated Triune God as the Body of Christ, which will consummate in the New Jerusalem as the eternal enlargement of the consummated Triune God—Rom. 1:3-4; 12:4-5; 16:20; Rev. 21:2, 9-11.

肆 列王纪里内在的启示乃是借着预表揭示并传达的:

IV. The intrinsic revelation in 1 and 2 Kings is unveiled and conveyed through typology:

一 以色列人的历史不仅是整个召会的预表,也是神经纶的预表─ 提前一4。

A. Israel's history is not only a type of the entire church but also a type of God's economy—1 Tim. 1:4.

二 以色列预表那作神在新约里之选民的召会─ 林前五7,十6:

B. Israel typifies the church as God's elect in the New Testament—1 Cor. 5:7; 10:6:

1 神的目的乃是要得着一个团体的身体─ 弗一22~23:

1. God's intention is to have a corporate Body—Eph. 1:22-23:

a 为着这个由以色列国所预表的团体身体,神把祂自己作到团体的以色列人里面,使他们成为神的家,就是神在地上的居所─ 出二五8~9,四十34。

a. For this corporate Body, typified by the nation of Israel, God worked Himself into the corporate Israel so that they would become the house of God, God's habitation on earth—Exo. 25:8-9; 40:34.

b 这团体的以色列人就是预表召会作基督的身体。

b. This corporate Israel is a type of the church as the Body of Christ.

2 整个以色列人的历史就是召会的预表;保罗将以色列人的历史应用于新约的召会生活─ 林前五7,十6。

2. The entire history of Israel is a type of the church; Paul applies the history of the children of Israel to the New Testament church life—1 Cor. 5:7; 10:6.

3 旧约有一班人─以色列人,新约也有一班人─召会;这两班人乃是描述神所作的一件事─神经纶的完成─ 弗一10,三9。

3. The Old Testament has a people—Israel—and the New Testament has a people—the church; these two peoples are a description of one thing that God has done—the accomplishment of God's economy—Eph. 1:10; 3:9.

三 大卫预表受苦的基督,所罗门预表那在神的国和神国的威荣里得荣耀的基督─ 王上二11~12。

C. David typifies the suffering Christ, and Solomon typifies the Christ glorified in the kingdom of God and its splendor—1 Kings 2:11-12.

四 圣殿预表基督与召会作为神在宇宙中独一的建造─ 太十二6,十六18。

D. The temple typifies Christ and the church as the unique building of God in the universe—Matt. 12:6; 16:18.

五 申言者以利沙在预表上代表神新约的经纶;以利沙是旧约里的预表,预表新约里真实的事物─ 王下四9。

E. The prophet Elisha represents God's New Testament economy in typology; he is a type in the Old Testament who typifies the real things in the New Testament—2 Kings 4:9.

六 亚哈的异教妻子耶洗别这极其可恨的妇人,预表在新约实际里的耶洗别─预表背道的召会─ 王上十六31,十九1~2,二一23,启二20~23。

F. Jezebel, a most hateful person, the pagan wife of Ahab, is a type of who Jezebel is in the New Testament reality—a type of the apostate church—1 Kings 16:31; 19:1-2; 21:23; Rev. 2:20-23.

七 在预表里,王的宫室和神的殿是分开的;但在新约的实际里,这二者乃是一个建造─ 王上九15,弗二21~22:

G. In typology the king's palaces and God's temple were separate, whereas in the New Testament reality these two are one building—1 Kings 9:15; Eph. 2:21-22:

1 我们新约的信徒一面是祭司,事奉、敬拜神─ 彼前二9。

1. On the one hand, we, the New Testament believers, are priests to serve and worship God—1 Pet. 2:9.

2 另一面我们是神的君王,为神掌权─ 启一6、9,五10。

2. On the other hand, we are God's kings to reign for God—Rev. 1:6, 9; 5:10.

八 君王乃是新约信徒的预表,因为所有新约的信徒都是蒙神拯救,成为君王的─ 启一6、9,五10:

H. The kings are types of the New Testament believers, because all the New Testament believers are saved by God to be kings—Rev. 1:6, 9; 5:10:

1 新约里的信徒应该是神经纶里君王之预表的应验─ 罗五17、21。

1. The believers in the New Testament should be the fulfillment of the typology of the kings in God's economy—Rom. 5:17, 21.

2 在新约里,所有信徒都是蒙拯救作君王、作祭司─ 彼前二9,启一6,五10,提后二12:

2. In the New Testament all the believers are saved to be kings and priests—1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 2 Tim. 2:12:

a 神管治,但神不是直接管治;神乃是借着我们这些信徒作王来管治─ 启二十4、6,三21。

a. God rules, but He does not rule directly; He rules through us, the believers, as kings—Rev. 20:4, 6; 3:21.

b 我们重生得有神圣、属灵、属天、作王、君尊的生命;这使我们登宝座为王,管理一切─ 约一12~13,三3、5,启五10,罗五17、21。

b. We were regenerated with a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life; this enthrones us to reign as kings over all things—John 1:12-13; 3:3, 5; Rev. 5:10; Rom. 5:17, 21.

伍 历史书被摆在圣经里,因其在预表上给我们一幅神经纶的生动图画;旧约预表的素质乃是神的经纶,以基督和祂的身体为中心和实际─ 弗一9,三9,五32。

V. The history books were put into the Holy Scriptures because, in typology, they give us a vivid view of God's economy; the essence of the typology of the Old Testament is God's economy with Christ and His Body as the center and reality—Eph. 1:9; 3:9; 5:32.

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