
第一篇 走享受基督作生命树的路,为着成就神永远的经纶

Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life for the Accomplishing of God's Eternal Economy



壹 在创世记二章,我们看见在人面前的两个拣选─生命树和善恶知识树─7~9节:

I. In Genesis 2 we see two choices before man—the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil—vv. 7-9:

一 两棵树表明在这宇宙中,有两个意志、两个源头和两种可能,让人运用自由意志来拣选─参申三十19~20。

A. The two trees show that in this universe there are two wills, two sources, and two possibilities for man to choose with his free will—cf. Deut. 30:19-20.

二 生命树表征作三一神具体化身的基督,以食物的形态作人的生命,使人享受祂,并被祂构成,使祂得着荣耀,就是祂团体的彰显,因而成就神照着祂永远经纶之原初的心意─创一26,赛四三7,创二9,启二7,二二14,约一4,十四6上,十10下,六35、57、63,启二一10~11,参四3:

B. The tree of life signifies Christ, the embodiment of the Triune God, as life to man in the form of food for man to enjoy Him and be constituted with Him for His glory, His corporate expression, thus accomplishing God's original intention according to His eternal economy—Gen. 1:26; Isa. 43:7; Gen. 2:9; Rev. 2:7; 22:14; John 1:4; 14:6a; 10:10b; 6:35, 57, 63; Rev. 21:10-11; cf. 4:3:

1 生命树,神的树,神树,乃是宇宙的中心。

1. The tree of life, the tree of God, the God-tree, is the center of the universe.

2 旧约开始于生命树(创二9),新约结束于生命树(启二二2、14);因此,神作人生命的思想,贯穿整个神圣的启示。─引用经文

2. The Old Testament begins with the tree of life (Gen. 2:9), and the New Testament ends with the tree of life (Rev. 22:2, 14); thus, the thought of God being man's life runs through the entire divine revelation.

3 神将人安置在生命树跟前,指明神要人借着生机地吃祂,并新陈代谢地吸收祂,而接受祂作人的生命,使神成为人之所是的构成成分─约六57、63,耶十五16,太四4。

3. God's placing man in front of the tree of life indicates that God wanted man to receive Him as his life by eating Him organically and assimilating Him metabolically, so that God might become the very constituent of man's being—John 6:57, 63; Jer. 15:16; Matt. 4:4.

三 善恶知识树表征撒但对人乃是死亡的源头─来二14:

C. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil signifies Satan as the source of death to man—Heb. 2:14:

1 这树也表征神以外一切的事物;任何不是神自己的事物,包括善的,甚至合乎圣经及宗教的事物,都会被那狡猾者撒但所利用,将死亡带给人─约五39~40,林后三6下。

1. It also signifies all things apart from God, for anything that is not God Himself, including good things and even scriptural things and religious things, can be utilized by Satan, the subtle one, to bring death to man—John 5:39-40; 2 Cor. 3:6b.

2 善与恶不是由两棵树所表征,乃是由一棵树,就是第二棵树所表征;因此,寻求神以外的善,乃是属于撒但。

2. Good and evil are not signified by two trees but by one tree, the second tree; thus, seeking good other than God belongs to Satan.

3 真正的善乃是神自己;因此,得着神就等于得着真正的善─太十九17上,可十17~18,诗十六2。

3. The genuine good is God Himself; hence, gaining God equals gaining the genuine good—Matt. 19:17a; Mark 10:17-18; Psa. 16:2.

四 生命树使人倚靠神(约十五5),但知识树使人悖逆神并向神独立(参创三5):─引用经文

D. The tree of life causes man to be dependent on God (John 15:5), but the tree of knowledge causes man to rebel against God and be independent from Him (cf. Gen. 3:5):

1 吃指明倚靠;神是我们的食物,由生命树所表征,意思就是我们必须不断倚靠神。

1. Eating indicates dependence; that God is our food, signified by the tree of life, means that we must depend on God continually.

2 知识树指明独立;在神眼中,人第一次的罪和最大的罪就是独立。

2. The tree of knowledge indicates independence; in the eyes of God, man's first sin and the greatest sin is independence.

五 两棵树带进两条线,两条路─生命的路与死亡的路─贯穿整本圣经并结束于启示录:

E. The two trees issue in two lines, two ways—the way of life and the way of death—that run through the entire Bible and end in the book of Revelation:

1 死亡开始于知识树(创二17),结束于火湖(启二十10、14)。─引用经文

1. Death begins with the tree of knowledge (Gen. 2:17) and ends with the lake of fire (Rev. 20:10, 14).

2 生命开始于生命树,结束于新耶路撒冷,就是生命水的城─二二1~2。

2. Life begins with the tree of life and ends with the New Jerusalem, the city of the water of life—22:1-2.

贰 我们必须借着享受基督作为生命树而留在生命之路、生命的线上,维持在生命中,使我们在生命上长大,为着神在生命里的建造─约十10下,启二二1~2,弗四16,二21~22,西二19:

II. We must stay on the way of life, the line of life, in the maintenance of life by enjoying Christ as the tree of life for God's building in life by our growth in life—John 10:10b; Rev. 22:1-2; Eph. 4:16; 2:21-22; Col. 2:19:

一 我们留在生命之路上,乃是借着按照生命的原则生活与事奉,而不是按照是非的原则:

A. We stay on the way of life by living and serving according to the principle of life, not according to the principle of right and wrong:

1 我们必须不照着是非,只照着我们灵中内里生命的感觉,就是生命的引导而生活行事─罗八6,林后二13。

1. We must live and act according to the inner sense of life in our spirit, the leading of life, not according to right and wrong—Rom. 8:6; 2 Cor. 2:13.

2 基督徒生活的标准乃是我们里面内住的基督;不是对或错的问题,乃是我们里面的神圣生命是否响应的问题─太十七3、5、8,参玛二15~16。

2. The standard for Christian living is the presence of the indwelling Christ within us; it is not a question of what is right or wrong but of whether or not the divine life within us agrees with something—Matt. 17:3, 5, 8; cf. Mal. 2:15-16.

二 我们留在生命之路上,乃是借着爱主到极点,吸引人快跑跟随祂─可十二30,歌一4上:

B. We stay on the way of life by loving the Lord to the uttermost, drawing others to run after Him—Mark 12:30; S. S. 1:4a:

1 要享受基督作生命树,我们必须一直告诉祂:“主耶稣,我爱你”;如果我们向着主耶稣有火热的爱,让祂在一切事上居首位,我们就会享受祂一切的所是─启二4~5、7。

1. To enjoy Christ as the tree of life, we must tell Him all the time, "Lord Jesus, I love You"; if we have a burning love toward the Lord Jesus, giving Him the first place in all things, we will enjoy all that He is—Rev. 2:4-5, 7.

2 要享受基督作生命树,我们必须把人许配给祂,将他们带进对主耶稣这宝贵人位真实的珍赏、爱和享受里─林后十一2~3。

2. To enjoy Christ as the tree of life, we must betroth people to Him, bringing them into the genuine appreciation, love, and enjoyment of the precious person of the Lord Jesus—2 Cor. 11:2-3.

三 我们留在生命之路上,乃是借着祷读主的话,默想主的话而吃耶稣,并操练我们信心的灵而将是灵的话供应到别人里面─约六57、63,耶十五16,诗一一九15,太四4,二四45,林前二4~5、13:

C. We stay on the way of life by eating Jesus through pray-reading the Word, musing on the word, and ministering the word as the Spirit into others by the exercise of our spirit of faith—John 6:57, 63; Jer. 15:16; Psa. 119:15; Matt. 4:4; 24:45; 1 Cor. 2:4-5, 13:

1 我们必须清晨在话中享受祂,每日有新的起头,并且接受祂的话,谨慎地反复思想─诗一一九15、147~148,参利十一3。

1. We must enjoy Him in the Word early in the morning to have a new start of each day, and we must receive His word with much and careful consideration—Psa. 119:15, 147-148; cf. Lev. 11:3.

2 无论得时不得时,我们都必须每日对各种人讲说基督(徒五42,八4,提后四2),并且拼上一切,竭力建立在每一个聚会中说话的习惯(林前十四26、4~5、12、31)。─引用经文

2. We must speak Christ to all kinds of people daily in season and out of season (Acts 5:42; 8:4; 2 Tim. 4:2) and desperately endeavor to build up a habit of speaking in any meeting (1 Cor. 14:26, 4-5, 12, 31).

四 我们留在生命之路上,乃是借着享受三一神作为生命之灵的律,同其神圣的性能─罗八2,耶三二39:

D. We stay on the way of life by enjoying the Triune God as the law of the Spirit of life with its divine capacity—Rom. 8:2; Jer. 32:39:

1 在伊甸园中的这两棵树里,我们看见生命、善与恶;我们是伊甸园的小影,在我们的灵里有生命之灵的律,在我们天然、独立的心思里有善的律,在我们的肉体里有恶的律─罗七23,八2、16。

1. In the garden of Eden with the two trees, we see life, good, and evil; we are a miniature garden of Eden with the law of the Spirit of life in our spirit, the law of good in our natural, independent mind, and the law of evil in our flesh—Rom. 7:23; 8:2, 16.

2 我们必须照着灵而行,并将我们的心思置于灵,借此“打开”生命之灵的律的“开关”,使那作生命的三一神得以分赐到我们三部分的人里─2、4、6、10~11节。

2. We must "switch on" the law of the Spirit of life by walking according to the spirit and setting our mind on the spirit for the dispensing of the Triune God as life into our tripartite being—vv. 2, 4, 6, 10-11.

五 我们留在生命之路上,乃是借着活在复活里,活在召会作基督身体的实际里;召会作基督的身体,乃是由金灯台这棵复活生命的树所表征;这是为叫我们成为新耶路撒冷这生命的城,有神的荣耀,作神的彰显─弗一22~23,出二五31~40,启一11~12,二一10~11。

E. We stay on the way of life by living in resurrection, in the reality of the church as the Body of Christ, signified by the golden lampstand as a tree of resurrection life; this is so that we may bear the glory of God for God's expression as the city of life, the New Jerusalem—Eph. 1:22-23; Exo. 25:31-40; Rev. 1:11-12; 21:10-11.

叁 我们成为得胜者独一的路,乃是借着吃并享受基督作生命树,使我们能在生命里变化而成为男孩子,为着展示基督的得胜,并使我们成为基督的新妇,使祂满足─二7、17,三20~21,十二5~12,十九7~9,二二2、14。

III. The unique way for us to be overcomers is by eating and enjoying Christ as the tree of life so that we can be transformed in life to become the man-child for the display of Christ's victory and for us to become the bride for Christ's satisfaction—2:7, 17; 3:20-21; 12:5-12; 19:7-9; 22:2, 14.
