第二篇 借着留意基督劝戒和警告的话,并借着接受祂的重新训练,使我们里面的人日日得更新,而承受包罗万有的基督作美地

Inheriting the All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land by Taking Heed to His Words of Advice and Warnings and by Receiving His Renewed Training to Have Our Inner Man Renewed Day by Day



壹 神呼召以色列人的目标,乃是要他们进入应许之地,享受那地的丰富,使他们能建立神的国,并成为神在地上的彰显─出三8、14、17:

I. The goal of God's calling of the children of Israel was that they would enter into the promised land to enjoy its riches so that they might establish God's kingdom and be God's expression on earth—Exo. 3:8, 14, 17:

一 所有以色列人虽然都借着逾越节蒙了救赎,脱离了埃及人的暴虐,并被带到神的山,领受神居所─帐幕─的启示,但因着他们的恶行和不信,几乎全数失败并倒毙在旷野,无法达到这目标(来三7~19)。─引用经文

A. Although all Israel was redeemed through the passover, delivered out of the Egyptian tyranny, and brought to the mountain of God to receive the revelation of God's dwelling place, the tabernacle, nearly all fell and died in the wilderness, failing to reach this goal (Heb. 3:7-19) because of their evildoings and unbelief.

二 这表征我们虽然借着基督蒙了救赎,脱离了撒但的辖制,也被带进神经纶的启示中,我们仍可能无法达到神呼召的目标,就是进入并据有我们的美地─基督,为着神的国享受祂的丰富,使我们能在今世成为祂的彰显,并在国度时代有分于对基督极点的享受─太二五21、23。

B. This signifies that although we have been redeemed through Christ, delivered out of Satan's bondage, and brought into the revelation of God's economy, we may yet fail to reach the goal of God's calling, that is, to enter into the possession of our good land, Christ, and enjoy His riches for the kingdom of God that we may be His expression in the present age and participate in the uttermost enjoyment of Christ in the kingdom age—Matt. 25:21, 23.

三 唯有迦勒和约书亚达到目标,进了美地;我们新约的信徒需要像迦勒和约书亚一样,“向着标竿〔最完满的享受并赢得基督〕竭力追求”,“要得……奖赏〔在千年国里对基督极点的享受〕”─民十四27~30,腓三12~14:

C. Only Caleb and Joshua reached the goal and entered into the good land; like Caleb and Joshua, we New Testament believers need to "pursue toward the goal" (the fullest enjoyment and gaining of Christ) "for the prize" (the uttermost enjoyment of Christ in the millennial kingdom)—Num. 14:27-30; Phil. 3:12-14:

1 摩西打发去窥探那地的十二个人中,有十个带来恶信,使以色列人发怨言并背叛耶和华的话,但迦勒和约书亚对全会众说,“只是你们不可背叛耶和华,也不要怕那地的民〔亚衲人〕;因为他们是我们的食物”─民十四9。

1. Ten of the twelve men whom Moses sent to spy out the land brought an evil report that caused the children of Israel to murmur and rebel against the word of the Lord, but Caleb and Joshua said to the whole assembly, "Only do not rebel against Jehovah, nor should you fear the people of the land [the Anakim], for they are our bread"—Num. 14:9.

2 神的话是我们的食物(太四4),实行神的旨意是我们的食物(约四34),我们的食物也是亚衲人(民十四9),亚衲人代表我们为着召会的建造追求基督时所遇到似乎不能解决的难处和没有办法的事。─引用经文

2. The word of God is our bread (Matt. 4:4), doing God's will is our food (John 4:34), and our bread is also the Anakim (Num. 14:9), who represent the seemingly insurmountable obstacles and impossible situations in our pursuit of Christ for the building up of the church.

3 撒但摆在我们面前的每一个难处和和试诱都是我们的食物;这就是神所给我们属灵长进的办法(提前四15~16);我们若靠主得胜并让祂得胜的生命在我们身上显明,就要得着新鲜的滋养和加增的活力(书十四11~15)。─引用经文

3. Every difficulty and temptation Satan puts in our way is food for us; this is a God-appointed means of spiritual progress (1 Tim. 4:15-16); if we are relying on the Lord for victory and allow His overcoming life to be manifested in us, we will find fresh nourishment and increased vitality (Josh. 14:11-15).

4 我们要得着神保守的能力,就必须操练我们信心的灵,并保持我们的心一直转向主,全心相信祂的应许(林后四13,三16,一20),相信祂与祂的子民同在,并相信他们足能得胜(书十四12~15,民十三30);我们必须将我们的魂交与神这信实的创造主(彼前四19),将自己交给祂,并交托祂保守我们一生(提后一12)。─引用经文

4. In order to have God's keeping power, we must exercise our spirit of faith and keep our heart turned to the Lord to believe wholeheartedly in His promises (2 Cor. 4:13; 3:16; 1:20), to believe that He is with His people, and to believe that they are well able to overcome (Josh. 14:12-15; Num. 13:30); we must commit our souls as a deposit to God, the faithful Creator (1 Pet. 4:19), hand ourselves over to Him, and commit to Him the keeping of our life (2 Tim. 1:12).

5 我们若信靠祂的应许,将自己完全交托给祂,就要蒙保守,从今天一直到祂来的日子;祂能保守我们不失脚,并使我们无瑕无疵,欢欢乐乐站在祂荣耀之前─犹24。

5. If we trust in His promises and commit ourselves utterly to Him, we will be kept from this day to the day of His return; He is able to guard us from stumbling and to set us before His glory without blemish in exultation—Jude 24.

6 我们若要完全据有基督作美地,就必须谨慎,免得有不信的恶心;不相信主就是背叛祂─申一25~26、28、35~39,九23,来三12、16~19,四2、6,十一1,参林后四13,加三2、5,罗十17,徒六5上,民十三25~33,十四4~10,三二11~12,书十四6~12,林前十1~13。

6. If we are going to fully possess Christ as the good land, we must beware of having an evil heart of unbelief; not to believe in the Lord is to rebel against Him—Deut. 1:25-26, 28, 35-39; 9:23; Heb. 3:12, 16-19; 4:2, 6; 11:1; cf. 2 Cor. 4:13; Gal. 3:2, 5; Rom. 10:17; Acts 6:5a; Num. 13:25-33; 14:4-10; 32:11-12; Josh. 14:6-12; 1 Cor. 10:1-13.

7 我们若要完全据有基督作美地,就必须提防怨言(不满和秘密的唧咕、牢骚与抱怨);怨言是一种含糊不清、低声耳语的抱怨,不满和阴郁的怨恨─10节,诗一〇六24~25,腓二14。

7. If we are going to fully possess Christ as the good land, we must beware of murmurings (discontented and secret mutterings, grumblings, and complaining); murmuring is an indistinct, whispered complaining in low tones, discontentedly and with a gloomy resentment—v. 10; Psa. 106:24-25; Phil. 2:14.

贰 我们若要完全据有基督作美地,使徒保罗指着以色列人拜金牛犊的事(出三二1~6)说,我们必须“逃避拜偶像的事”(林前十14):─引用经文

II. If we are going to fully possess Christ as the good land, the apostle Paul says that we must "flee from idolatry" (1 Cor. 10:14), referring to the children of Israel's idolatry in worshipping the golden calf (Exo. 32:1-6):

一 金牛犊是神所救赎之人所制造的偶像;起来玩耍是放纵于嬉闹(或闹趣);我们心中的偶像就是我们里面所爱的任何事物,超过了对主的爱,并在我们的生活中顶替了主(结十四3);我们这些真神的真儿女应当儆醒、保守自己,远避偶像(约壹五21),远避生活中基督一切的代替品和顶替的事物。─引用经文

A. The golden calf was a made-by-God's-redeemed-people idol; to stand up to play is to indulge in revelry (or boisterous merrymaking); an idol in our heart is anything within us that we love more than the Lord and that replaces the Lord in our life (Ezek. 14:3); as genuine children of the genuine God, we need to be on the alert to guard ourselves from idols (1 John 5:21), from all the substitutes and replacements of Christ in our life.

二 我们必须因金牛犊偶像的原则受警告,这偶像乃是神所救赎之人作的,使他们成了拜偶像的营;拜偶像包括五个原则─林前十5~7:

B. We must be warned by the principle of the golden-calf idol, an idol made by God's redeemed people to make them an idolatrous camp; idolatry involves five principles—1 Cor. 10:5-7:

1 自我妆饰导致拜偶像(出三二1~4,三三5~6,创三五1~4);神是我们的美丽,祂正在美化祂的召会,就是祂荣美的殿,好使祂得荣美(赛六十7、19、21,弗五26~27);在己的彰显里有分裂,但在神团体的彰显,就是神圣的荣耀里,有“一”(约十七22~24);我们的工作就是我们的生活,在地上荣耀(彰显)神(4,林前十31,赛四三7);在我们的说话里,我们不该寻求自己的荣耀,不该传自己,乃该传基督耶稣为主,也传自己作奴仆服事信徒(约七17,林后四5)。─引用经文

1. Self-beautification leads to idolatry (Exo. 32:1-4; 33:5-6; Gen. 35:1-4); God is our beauty, and He is beautifying the church as the house of His beauty so that He may be beautified (Isa. 60:7, 19, 21; Eph. 5:26-27); in the expression of our self there is division, but in the corporate expression of God, the divine glory, there is oneness (John 17:22-24); our work is our living to glorify, to express, God on earth (v. 4; 1 Cor. 10:31; Isa. 43:7), and in our speaking we should not seek our own glory by preaching ourselves, but we should preach Christ Jesus as Lord and ourselves as slaves to serve the believers (John 7:17; 2 Cor. 4:5).

2 拜偶像乃是撒但篡夺了神所赐给我们的,以致将其糟蹋;这是我们滥用神所赐给我们的,而不为着神的定旨使用神在物质和属灵上的赐与;神在以色列人出埃及以前借着埃及人赐给以色列人的金子,是要用来建造帐幕的;但这金子在用来为着神的目的以前,就被撒但篡夺,被神的子民用来作成偶像─出十一2~3,十二35~36,二五2~8,三五4~9。

2. Idolatry is Satan's usurping of what God has given us in order to make it a waste; it is our abusing what God has given us and not using God's gifts, both material and spiritual, for God's purpose; the gold given to the children of Israel by God through the Egyptians before their exodus from Egypt was to be used for the building of the tabernacle; however, before the gold could be used for God's purpose, it was usurped by Satan and used by God's people to make an idol—Exo. 11:2-3; 12:35-36; 25:2-8; 35:4-9.

3 拜偶像就是敬拜我们所享受的东西,就是敬拜娱乐和消遣;不错,我们有对主的享受,但这不是一种属世的娱乐和消遣─三二6、18~19,参诗三六8~9:

3. Idolatry is the worship of the things we enjoy, the worship of amusement and entertainment; yes, we have the enjoyment of the Lord, but this is not a form of worldly amusement and entertainment—32:6, 18-19; cf. Psa. 36:8-9:

a 保罗这样警告哥林多人:“也不要作拜偶像的人,像他们有些人那样;如经上所记:‘百姓坐下吃喝,起来玩耍’”(林前十7,出三二6);寇特(C. A. Coates)说,他们在玩乐;许多人到了周末只关心吃喝玩乐。─引用经文

a. Paul warns the Corinthians in this way: "Neither become idolaters, as some of them did; as it is written, ' The people sat down to eat and drink, and stood up to play'" (1 Cor. 10:7; Exo. 32:6); C. A. Coates says that they sported; on the weekends many people care only for eating, drinking, and sporting.

b “玩耍”就是嬉闹、开玩笑、不那么严肃的行动、表演或说话;“玩耍”就是表现得有趣、不羁;就是搞热闹,也就是兴高采烈地玩乐。

b. To play is to frolic, to joke, and to act, perform, or speak with little seriousness; to play is to behave playfully and uninhibitedly; it is to engage in hilarity, that is, high-spirited fun.

4 拜偶像乃是假装敬拜真神─出三二4~6,王上十二26~30,参太四8~11,约四23~24。

4. With idolatry there is the pretense of worshipping the true God—vv. 4-6; 1 Kings 12:26-30; cf. Matt. 4:8-11; John 4:23-24.

5 拜偶像是在敬拜上的搀杂─出三二4~6、21~24,参林前三12。

5. With idolatry there is mixture in worship—Exo. 32:4-6, 21-24; cf. 1 Cor. 3:12.

三 以色列人拜了金牛犊后,摩西因为晓得主的同在不再在百姓中间,就把他的帐棚迁移,支搭在离营一段距离的地方;他的帐棚于是成了神的帐棚,因为主的同在和说话都在那里─出三三7~11。

C. After the children of Israel worshipped the golden calf, Moses realized that the Lord's presence would no longer be in the midst of the people, so he removed his tent and pitched it some distance from the camp; his tent then became the tent of God, for both the Lord's presence and speaking were there—Exo. 33:7-11.

四 摩西迁移他的帐棚,远离拜偶像的营之后,主与他面对面说话,好像人与同伴说话一般(11、14);神与摩西是同伴、伙伴、同伙,同有一个事业,并在一个伟大事业中有共同的权益;摩西与神是亲密的,并且他是一个懂得神心的人,他是照着神的心,并且能摸着神的心。─引用经文

D. After Moses removed his tent and separated it from the idolatrous camp, the Lord spoke to him face to face, just as a man speaks to his companion (vv. 11, 14); God and Moses were companions, associates, partners, involved in the same career and having a common interest in a great enterprise; Moses was intimate with God, and he was a person who knew God's heart, who was according to God's heart, and who could touch God's heart.

叁 神借着摩西重新训练长期飘流后新一代的以色列人,预备他们进入神所应许的美地,承受这地为产业;除了迦勒与约书亚,第一代的人都已故去,第二代预备好要进入并据有美地:

III. A renewed training was given by God through Moses to the new generation of the children of Israel after their long wandering, to prepare them to enter into the good land promised by God and inherit it as their possession; after the first generation, with the exception of Caleb and Joshua, had died out, the second generation was ready to enter into the good land and possess it:

一 第一代预表我们的旧人,第二代预表我们的新人─申二14,八6~10,出三8,西一12:

A. The first generation typifies our old man; the second generation typifies our new man—Deut. 2:14; 8:6-10; Exo. 3:8; Col. 1:12:

1 我们需要是那些在生命里长大,达到完全据有并享受包罗万有之基督(就是神所应许之地)的人;变化是旧人死去,新人长大;神的经纶是要我们的旧人(外面的人)被销毁,并且我们的新人(里面的人)日日得更新─林后四16。

1. We need to be those who grow in life into the full possession and enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ, God's promised land; transformation is the dying out of the old man and the growing up of the new man; God's economy is to have our old man (the outer man) consumed and our new man (the inner man) renewed day by day—2 Cor. 4:16.

2 因着主的怜悯和恩典,我们进入主的恢复后,正在经历更新,好叫我们在生命里长大,在生命里变化,把我们引进对基督作我们美地的享受,好为着神的建造和国度─三18,罗十二2。

2. By the Lord's mercy and grace, since we have come into the Lord's recovery, we are being renewed for our growth in life and transformation in life to usher us into the enjoyment of Christ as our good land for God's building and kingdom—3:18; Rom. 12:2.

二 我们在生命里的变化是在我们让基督的话丰丰富富地住在我们里面时(西三16)发生;申命记八章三节说,“人活着不是单靠食物,乃是靠耶和华口里所出的一切话〔原文:一切事〕”;在马太四章四节,“一切事”被“一切话”顶替:─引用经文

B. Our transformation in life takes place as we let the word of Christ dwell in us richly (Col. 3:16); Deuteronomy 8:3 says that "man lives not by bread alone, but that man lives by everything that proceeds out from the mouth of Jehovah"; in Matthew 4:4 everything is replaced by every word:

1 圣经的话都是神的呼出,并且都是指着基督;祂是神话语的总和(约一1,启十九13),作神子民的生命和生命的供应;靠神口里所出的一切话活着,乃是靠基督这神圣之气的具体化身活着(约六57、63,二十22)。─引用经文

1. All the words in the Bible are God's breathing, and all refer to Christ, who is the totality of God's Word (John 1:1; Rev. 19:13) to be the life and life supply of God's people; to live by every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God is to live by Christ, the embodiment of the divine breath (John 6:57, 63; 20:22).

2 因着圣经的话都是神的呼出(提后三16),我们该借着各样的祷告接受神的话,而吸入圣经的话(弗六17~18);我们教导圣经,该是将神呼到人里面。─引用经文

2. Because the Scriptures are the breathing out of God, the exhaling of God (2 Tim. 3:16), we should inhale the Scriptures by receiving the word of God by means of all prayer (Eph. 6:17-18); as we are teaching the Bible, we should be exhaling God into people.

3 我们若要完全据有基督作美地,就必须借着天天接受主对我们新的说话,维持我们在主面前的新鲜和新样(哀三22~24,申三四7,罗七6,耶十五16);我们必须提防在那地衰萎(申四25);“衰萎”这辞含示“因着风俗影响力,或在一地居留太久,而失去了属灵的新鲜,并且原初给与人的印象也变得不鲜明了”(S. R. Driver,踹沃)。─引用经文

3. In order to fully possess Christ as the good land, we must maintain our freshness and newness with the Lord by receiving His new speaking to us day by day (Lam. 3:22-24; Deut. 34:7; Rom. 7:6; Jer. 15:16); we must beware of languishing in the land (Deut. 4:25); the word languish implies "the loss of spiritual freshness, and the blunting of original impressions, produced by force of custom, or long residence in the same spot" (S. R. Driver).

4 我们若爱神,谦卑自己,借着祷读主的话,在祂写出来的话里来到祂这活的话跟前,祂对我们就成为那灵应用的话;祂即时的话对我们乃是灵和生命,作我们的供应和滋养;我们借着祂的话,得着神本质的注入,就在生命和性情上,但不在神格上,与神成为一,使祂得着荣耀,得着彰显─约五39~40,六57、63,弗五26~27。

4. If we love God, humble ourselves, and come to the Lord as the living word in His written word by pray-reading His Word, He becomes the applied word of the Spirit to us; His instant words are spirit and life to us for our supply and nourishment, we are infused with God's substance through His words, and we become one with God in life and nature but not in the Godhead for His glory, His expression— John 5:39-40; 6:57, 63; Eph. 5:26-27.

肆 神的重新训练乃是祂在九件事上对祂百姓的嘱咐:

IV. The renewed training by God was His charge to His people in nine matters:

一 我们必须敬畏主;敬畏主就是怕得罪主,怕失去祂的同在,怕在来世得不着祂作我们的赏赐;我们该怕在今世失去主的笑脸,在来世失去祂的赏赐─箴一1、7,弗四30,林后五9~10。

A. We must fear the Lord; to fear the Lord is to be in fear of offending Him, of losing His presence, and of not receiving Him as our reward in the next age; we should be in fear of missing the Lord's smile in this age and His reward in the next—Prov. 1:1, 7; Eph. 4:30; 2 Cor. 5:9-10.

二 我们必须行神的道路;凡神的所是对我们都是道路;因此,接受神的所是作我们的道路,并行这些道路,就是活神,活基督;接受基督作我们的道路,就是活祂,而活祂就是彰显祂,显大祂─约十四6,腓一19~21上。

B. We must walk in God's ways; whatever God is, is a way to us; hence, to take what God is as our ways and walk in these ways is to live God, to live Christ; to take Christ as our way is to live Him, and to live Him is to express Him, to magnify Him— John 14:6; Phil. 1:19-21a.

三 我们必须爱主耶稣,祂是我们的神(约二十28);因着神爱我们,并钟情于我们(申十15,耶三一3),我们该以爱回报祂,钟情于祂(林前二9)。─引用经文

C. We must love the Lord Jesus, who is our God (John 20:28); because God loves us and has set His affection on us (Deut. 10:15; Jer. 31:3), we should love Him in return by setting our affection on Him (1 Cor. 2:9).

四 我们必须全心全魂爱神并事奉神;我们的心与我们的灵相联,因为我们的良心是我们灵的一个功用(罗九1),也是我们心的一个功用(来十22);因此,全心全魂爱神并事奉神,指明我们也是用我们的灵(罗一9),就是爱的灵(提后一7),爱神并事奉神。─引用经文

D. We must love and serve God with all our heart and all our soul; our heart is linked to our spirit, for our conscience, which is a function of our spirit (Rom. 9:1), is also a function of our heart (Heb. 10:22); thus, to love and serve God with all our heart and soul indicates that we love and serve Him also with our spirit (Rom. 1:9), which is a spirit of love (2 Tim. 1:7).

五 我们必须遵守祂的诫命和律例,为要叫我们得福;这意思是,今天我们需要持守基督,祂是神诫命的实际,并持守那供应给我们之基督的丰富,好叫我们蒙福─申十13。

E. We must keep His commandments and statutes for our good; this means that today we need to keep Christ as the reality of God's commandments and the riches of Christ that have been ministered to us so that we may be blessed—Deut. 10:13.

六 我们必须割除我们心的阳皮,意思是,我们必须在我们重生的灵里生活并事奉(罗一9,二28~29,七6,八4、16),而钉死肉体(加五24),就是我们天然人的所是和所有;这会使我们成为那“真受割礼的,乃是我们这凭神的灵事奉,在基督耶稣里夸口,不信靠肉体的”(腓三3)。─引用经文

F. We must circumcise the foreskin of our heart, which means that we crucify the flesh (Gal. 5:24), which is all that we are and have in our natural being, by our living and serving in our regenerated spirit (Rom. 1:9; 2:28-29; 7:6; 8:4, 16); this makes us the true "circumcision, the ones who serve by the Spirit of God and boast in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh" (Phil. 3:3).

七 我们不可再硬着颈项;我们硬的颈项表征我们顽梗、悖逆的意志(申三一27),必须被基督借着祂自己作为变化的灵所征服并复活,而在对祂的顺从里成为我们的美丽(歌一10,腓二13)。─引用经文

G. We must not be stiff-necked any longer; our stiff neck signifies our stubborn and rebellious will (Deut. 31:27), which must be subdued and resurrected by Christ through Him as the transforming Spirit to become our beauty in our obedience to Him (S. S. 1:10; Phil. 2:13).

八 我们必须持守那作神全部诫命的基督,就必得着加强并鼓励,往前去据有基督作我们的美地(申十一8、24),这意思是,我们会赢得基督(腓三8);不仅如此,我们的日子必在基督里得以长久(申十一9、21);神的眼目必看顾我们,眷顾我们,并将祂同在的福赐给我们(12);我们必享受属天的雨,那灵的浇灌,而有基督庄稼的收割(14~15)。─引用经文

H. We must hold fast to Christ as God's whole commandment; then we will be strengthened and encouraged to go on to possess Christ as our good land (Deut. 11:8, 24); this means that we will gain Christ (Phil. 3:8); furthermore, our days will be extended in Christ (Deut. 11:9, 21), God's eyes will be upon us to care for us and give us the blessing of His presence (v. 12), and we will enjoy the heavenly rain, the watering of the Spirit to reap a harvest of Christ (vv. 14-15).

九 “你要……指着祂的名起誓。祂是你所赞美的,是你的神,为你作了这些大而可畏的事,是你亲眼所看见的”(十20下、21);在新约的辞汇和经历里,这意思是我们呼求主的名,使我们得以享受祂生机的救恩和祂追测不尽的丰富(罗十12~13)。─引用经文

I. "By His name shall you swear. He is your praise and He is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you, which your eyes have seen" (10:20b-21); in New Testament terms and experience, this means that we call upon the name of the Lord so that we may enjoy His organic salvation and His unsearchable riches (Rom. 10:12-13).
