
第七篇 神完整救恩的两面─法理的救赎加上生机的拯救

The Two Aspects of God's Complete Salvation— Judicial Redemption Plus Organic Salvation



壹 神完整的救恩有两面─法理的一面和生机的一面─罗五10、21,约一12~13,彼前二25,罗六19、22,林后四16,三18,弗四15~16,罗八28~29,腓三20~21:

I. God's complete salvation is of two aspects—the judicial aspect and the organic aspect—Rom. 5:10, 21; John 1:12-13; 1 Pet. 2:25; Rom. 6:19, 22; 2 Cor. 4:16; 3:18; Eph. 4:15-16; Rom. 8:28-29; Phil. 3:20-21:

一 神救恩法理的一面,乃是在客观一面由在肉体里的基督在祂地上职事物质的范围里完成的─约一14,西一22:

A. The judicial aspect of God's salvation was accomplished in the physical realm of Christ's earthly ministry objectively by Christ in His flesh— John 1:14; Col. 1:22:

1 这是照着神的义─罗一17上,三21~26,九30~31。

1. It is according to the righteousness of God—Rom. 1:17a; 3:21-26; 9:30-31.

2 这是借着基督在十字架上救赎的死,满足了神公义律法对罪人的一切要求─加三13,彼前二24,林后五21,来九12。

2. It is through God's fulfilling of all the requirements of His righteous law on sinners by Christ's redemptive death on the cross—Gal. 3:13; 1 Pet. 2:24; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 9:12.

3 基督成就祂地上的职事,完成了神法理的救赎,结果在客观方面使神:

3. Christ carried out His earthly ministry by accomplishing God's judicial redemption with the following objective results:

a 赦免信徒的罪─路二四47,弗一7。

a. The forgiveness of the believers' sins—Luke 24:47; Eph. 1:7.

b 洗净信徒的罪─来一3。

b. Washing away the believers' sins—Heb. 1:3.

c 称义信徒─罗三24~25。

c. Justifying the believers—Rom. 3:24-25.

d 叫原是神仇敌的信徒与祂自己和好─五10上。

d. Reconciling the believers, who were His enemies, to Himself—5:10a.

e 叫信徒在地位上成为圣别归祂自己,作祂圣别的子民─林前一2,来十三12,十29。

e. Sanctifying the believers in their position unto Himself as His holy people—1 Cor. 1:2; Heb. 13:12; 10:29.

二 神法理的救赎乃是神完整救恩的手续,使信徒有分于神生机的拯救,就是神完整救恩的目的─罗五21。

B. God's judicial redemption is the procedure of God's complete salvation for the believers to participate in God's organic salvation as the purpose of the complete salvation of God—Rom. 5:21.

三 神生机拯救的一切项目,不是在法理和客观一面由在肉体里的基督在祂地上的职事里完成的,乃是在生机和主观一面由那赐生命之灵的基督在祂天上的职事里完成的─林前十五45下。

C. All the items of God's organic salvation are carried out not by Christ in the flesh in His earthly ministry judicially and objectively but by Christ as the life-giving Spirit in His heavenly ministry organically and subjectively—1 Cor. 15:45b.

贰 神救恩生机的一面,乃是在主观一面由那赐生命之灵的基督在祂天上职事神圣奥秘的范围里,完成以下八步:

II. The organic aspect of God's salvation is carried out in the divine and mystical realm of Christ's heavenly ministry subjectively by Christ as the life-giving Spirit in the following eight steps:

一 重生乃是神整个救恩的中心,也是神的救恩在生机方面的开始:

A. Regeneration is the center of God's complete salvation and the commencement of God's salvation in its organic aspect:

1 重生是神圣生命的繁生,将神的生命分赐给信徒,由神的灵在蒙救赎之信徒的灵里,把信徒重生再造─约三6下。

1. It is the propagation of the divine life by the imparting of God's life into the believers to regenerate and re-create the redeemed believers in their spirit by the Spirit of God— John 3:6b.

2 这是借着基督的复活,使祂将祂的生命分赐到信徒里面作权柄,叫他们成为神亲生的儿女,作祂的种类─彼前一3,约一12~13。

2. It is through the resurrection of Christ that He may impart His life into the believers as the authority for them to be the children of God, begotten of God as His species—1 Pet. 1:3; John 1:12-13.

3 借着重生,信徒在他们天然属人的生命之外,得着永远神圣的生命─约三15、36。

3. Through regeneration the believers have the eternal, divine life of God in addition to their natural, human life—3:15, 36.

二 牧养中的喂养乃是神圣生命的滋养:

B. Feeding in shepherding is the nourishment of the divine life:

1 喂养乃是重生的继续,是借着基督保养与顾惜而牧养祂的群羊,使祂的羊在神圣生命中长大,达到成熟─弗五29,约十10~11、14~16,二一15~17,来十三20,彼前五4,二25。

1. Feeding is the continuation of regeneration through Christ's shepherding His flock by nourishing and cherishing that His sheep may grow in the divine life unto maturity—Eph. 5:29; John 10:10-11, 14-16; 21:15-17; Heb. 13:20; 1 Pet. 5:4; 2:25.

2 喂养使才生的婴孩(初信者)得着滋养,好叫他们借着神话中之奶的供应,渐渐长大而得救─2节。

2. Feeding nourishes the newborn babes (new believers) that they may grow and be saved gradually through the supply of the milk in the word of God—v. 2.

3 喂养的结果是信徒在神圣生命上成熟,而得着变化,并模成基督的形像─林后三18,罗十二2,八29。

3. Feeding results in the believers' maturity in the divine life unto transformation and conformation to the image of Christ— 2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2; 8:29.

4 喂养也是借着信徒为着建造基督的身体彼此牧养,而完成神永远的经纶并达成神永远的定旨─弗四11~16,约二一15~17,彼前五2~3。

4. Feeding is also by the believers through the mutual shepherding for the building up of the Body of Christ for the accomplishment of God's eternal economy and the achievement of God's eternal purpose—Eph. 4:11-16; John 21:15-17; 1 Pet. 5:2-3.

三 在性情上的圣别使信徒被神圣的性情所构成:

C. Dispositional sanctification constitutes the believers with God's divine nature:

1 这是那些在神圣生命中长大的信徒里面的圣化,乃是借着圣灵,就是生命的灵,在他们性情里的工作─罗十五16,八2。

1. It is an inward sanctifying of the believers who are growing in the divine life by the working of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of life, in their disposition—Rom. 15:16; 8:2.

2 信徒被神的神圣、圣别性情所圣别,使他们成圣归神,而成就神拣选他们的目的─彼后一4,弗一4。

2. The believers are sanctified with the divine, holy nature of God for them to be holy unto God and thus fulfill God's purpose in choosing them—2 Pet. 1:4; Eph. 1:4.

3 性情上的圣别含示变化─罗六19、22。

3. Dispositional sanctification implies transformation—Rom. 6:19, 22.

4 圣别要终极地显于新耶路撒冷这圣城─启二一2、10,二二19。

4. Sanctification will ultimately be manifested in the New Jerusalem as the holy city—Rev. 21:2, 10; 22:19.

四 更新是神新造的过程:

D. Renewing is the process of God's new creation:

1 信徒被圣灵圣化时,自然就被更新─林后五17。

1. The believers are spontaneously renewed when they are sanctified by the Holy Spirit—2 Cor. 5:17.

2 更新乃是重生之洗涤的继续,也是基于一直在进行之圣别的过程,使信徒成为新的。

2. Renewing is the continuation of the washing of regeneration and is based upon the ongoing process of sanctification, making the believers new.

3 更新的完成是:

3. Renewing is carried out:

a 借着更新的灵调着由基督内住之信徒重生的灵而成为一灵,扩展到信徒的心思里,以更新他们全人,使他们作新人的肢体─多三5,弗四23。

a. By the renewing Spirit mingling with the believers' regenerated spirit indwelt by Christ as one spirit to spread into the believers' mind to renew their entire being as a member of the new man—Titus 3:5; Eph. 4:23.

b 借着信徒在复活里在生命的新样中生活行动─罗六4,弗四22~24,腓一19~21。

b. By the believers' walking in the newness of life in resurrection—Rom. 6:4; Eph. 4:22-24; Phil. 1:19-21.

4 更新乃是借着信徒受环境中苦难的销毁─林后四16。

4. Renewing is through the consuming by the believers' environmental sufferings—2 Cor. 4:16.

5 信徒必须彻底而完全地被更新,使他们能实际地成为属于神并为着神之真正的新造─加六15。

5. The believers must be thoroughly and absolutely renewed so that they may be practically the genuine new creation of God and for God—Gal. 6:15.

6 更新使信徒成为像新耶路撒冷一样的新─启二一2。

6. Renewing causes the believers to be as new as the New Jerusalem—Rev. 21:2.

五 变化是在神圣生命中新陈代谢的过程:

E. Transformation is the metabolic process in the divine life:

1 这过程变化信徒的全人,开始于心思的更新,使他们完全有分于神的神性─罗十二2。

1. This process transforms the believers' entire being, beginning from the renewing of the mind, that they may fully participate in God's divinity—Rom. 12:2b.

2 变化不是任何一种外面的改正或调整,乃是一种新陈代谢的作用,借着将基督神圣生命的元素加到信徒里面,而在外面彰显出基督的形像。

2. It is not any kind of outward correction or adjustment but a kind of metabolism, by the addition of the element of the divine life of Christ into their being, to be expressed outwardly in the image of Christ.

3 变化得以完成,是借着主灵(是灵的基督)将信徒变化成为基督荣耀的形像─林后三18。

3. It is accomplished by the Lord Spirit (the pneumatic Christ) transforming the believers into the image of the glory of Christ—2 Cor. 3:18.

4 信徒应当凭着灵活着、凭着灵而行(加五16、25),并照着调和的灵而行(罗八4下),使基督神圣的生命有路规律他们,并将他们变化成为在荣耀里之主的形像。─引用经文

4. The believers should live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:16, 25) and walk according to the mingled spirit (Rom. 8:4b), that the divine life of Christ may have the way to regulate them and transform them into the image of the Lord in glory.

六 建造是在神圣生命中联络并结合在一起:

F. Building up is the joining and knitting together in the divine life:

1 神的建造乃是借着变化的灵在信徒身上作工,使他们联络并结合在一起而产生的─弗四16。

1. God's building is brought forth through the joining and knitting together by the working of the transforming Spirit on the believers—Eph. 4:16.

2 这是信徒在一切事上长到元首基督里面的结果─15节,西二19。

2. It is the issue of the believers' growing up into the Head, Christ, in all things—v. 15; Col. 2:19.

3 这是基督身体的建造,以终极完成圣城新耶路撒冷的建造─弗四16,启三12,二一10~11。

3. This is the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate the building of the holy city, New Jerusalem—Eph. 4:16; Rev. 3:12; 21:10-11.

七 模成是在神圣生命中成熟:

G. Conformation is the maturity in the divine life:

1 模成是信徒在生命中得着重生、喂养、圣别、更新并变化的完成─罗八28~29。

1. Conformation is the consummation of the believers' regeneration, feeding, sanctification, renewing, and transformation in the divine life—Rom. 8:28-29.

2 当信徒借着那使他们成熟的灵,在他们由基督使其丰富的灵里,在神圣的生命上成熟,成为长成的人,达到基督丰满之身材的度量,他们就被模成─西一28,弗四13。

2. Conformation is when the believers have matured in the divine life by the maturing Spirit in their spirit enriched with Christ to be a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ—Col. 1:28; Eph. 4:13.

3 模成乃是被模成神长子的形像─腓三10,一19~21上,约壹三2。

3. Conformation is to be conformed to the image of God's firstborn Son—Phil. 3:10; 1:19-21a; 1 John 3:2.

八 得荣是神完整救恩的完满彰显:

H. Glorification is the full manifestation of God's complete salvation:

1 在重生时,神用祂的灵印涂重生的信徒,直到他们得赎的日子─弗一13,四30。

1. In regeneration God seals the regenerated believers with His Spirit unto the day of redemption—Eph. 1:13; 4:30.

2 成熟的信徒要借着一生被神的荣耀浸透而从里面得荣耀,也要借着被带进神的荣耀而从外面得荣耀─30节,帖后一9,罗八23、30,来二10。

2. The matured believers will be glorified from within through the lifelong saturation with the glory of God and from without through their being brought into God's glory—v. 30; 2 Thes. 1:10; Rom. 8:23, 30; Heb. 2:10.

3 成熟之信徒的得荣,乃是他们在神生机救恩里神圣儿子名分的最高之分;这儿子名分是他们重生时所得着的─加四5,罗八23。

3. The glorification of the matured believers is the top portion of their divine sonship in God's organic salvation, which they received at the time of their regeneration—Gal. 4:5; Rom. 8:23.

4 信徒身体的得赎,就是他们的身体在主回来时改变形状─腓三20~21。

4. The redemption of the believers' body is the transfiguration of their body at the Lord's coming back—Phil. 3:20-21.

5 借着信徒得荣,神完成并实现了祂永远的定旨,就是新耶路撒冷─经过过程并终极完成之三一神与蒙重生、变化、模成并荣化之三部分选民,联结并调和的结晶。

5. Through glorification God realizes the fulfillment of His eternal purpose—the New Jerusalem—the crystallization of the union and mingling of the processed and consummated Triune God with His regenerated, transformed, conformed, and glorified tripartite elect.

叁 神生机救恩这八段的目标,乃是要使我们在生命、性情和彰显上(但不在神格上)成为神,就是使我们成为神的复制、复印;“那灵同我们的灵”乃是神生机救恩的秘诀:

III. God's goal in these eight sections of His organic salvation is simply to make us God in life, in nature, and in expression but not in the Godhead, that is, to make us a duplication, a xerox copy, of God; "the Spirit Himself with our spirit" is the secret of God's organic salvation:

一 生殖的灵在我们被基督所复苏的灵里,重生我们,赐我们权柄,作神亲生的儿女。

A. The generating Spirit in our spirit, quickened by Christ, regenerates us, giving us the authority to be children of God, begotten of God.

二 滋养的灵在我们为基督所顾惜的灵里,用主话中的灵奶喂养我们,使我们长大以致得救。

B. The nourishing Spirit in our spirit, cherished by Christ, feeds us with the spiritual milk of the word that we may grow unto salvation.

三 圣别的灵从我们为基督所夺取的灵里,用神的性情圣别我们,使我们成圣归神。

C. The sanctifying Spirit from our spirit, captivated by Christ, sanctifies us with the nature of God, making us holy unto God.

四 更新的灵在我们为基督所内住的灵里,更新我们,使我们借着十字架的破碎,穿上新人。

D. The renewing Spirit in our spirit, indwelt by Christ, renews us that we may put on the new man through the breaking of the cross.

五 变化的灵在我们被基督所充满的灵里,将我们变化成为基督荣耀的形像,作祂的彰显。

E. The transforming Spirit in our spirit, filled by Christ, transforms us into the glorious image of Christ for His expression.

六 建造的灵在我们为基督所据有的灵里,将我们建造成为神的家和基督的身体,作祂们的居所。

F. The building Spirit in our spirit, possessed by Christ, builds us into the house of God and the Body of Christ for Their dwelling.

七 成熟的灵在我们由基督使其丰富的灵里,将我们模成作神众子模型之神长子基督的形像。

G. The maturing Spirit in our spirit, enriched with Christ, conforms us to the image of Christ, the firstborn Son of God—the model of God's sons.

八 印涂的灵在我们因基督而欢腾的灵里,用神的荣耀将我们渗透,并将我们带进神的荣耀,使我们得荣耀。

H. The sealing Spirit in our spirit, exulting with Christ, saturates us with and brings us into the glory of God for our glorification.
