
第二篇 神圣奥秘的范围

The Divine and Mystical Realm



壹 主恢复里所有的圣徒,都需要对物质的范围和神圣奥秘的范围有清楚的看见,有异象─箴二九18上,徒二六19:

I. All the saints in the Lord's recovery need to have a clear view, a vision, concerning the physical realm and the divine and mystical realm—Prov. 29:18a; Acts 26:19:

一 我们需要对以下鲜明的对比有深刻的印象,借此珍赏神圣奥秘的范围:属地的和属天的相对、法理的和生机的相对、客观的和主观的相对、物质的和奥秘的相对─罗五10,来八1。

A. We need to appreciate the divine and mystical realm by being impressed with a sharp contrast: earthly versus heavenly, judicial versus organic, objective versus subjective, physical versus mystical—Rom. 5:10; Heb. 8:1.

二 我们需要进入一个范围、领域,一个国度,比我们现今所在的范围高得多;这更高的范围就是神圣奥秘的范围。

B. We need to enter into a realm, a sphere, a kingdom, which is much higher than the realm that we are in now; this higher realm is the divine and mystical realm.

三 我们乃是借着看见神圣奥秘的范围而进入这范围;在属灵的事上,看见就是进入─约三3、5。

C. We enter into the divine and mystical realm by seeing this realm; in spiritual things to see is to enter— John 3:3, 5.

贰 三一神自己就是神圣奥秘的范围─十四10~11:

II. The Triune God Himself is a divine and mystical realm— 14:10-11:

一 三一神─神圣三一的三者─乃是自有永有、同时存在并且互相内在;因此,父、子、灵就是一个神圣奥秘的范围,神圣三一的三者住在彼此里面─太二八19,林后十三14。

A. The Triune God—the three of the Divine Trinity—is self-existing, ever-existing, coexisting, and coinhering, and as such, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are a divine and mystical realm, with the three of the Divine Trinity dwelling in one another—Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14.

二 按照约翰十四章十至十一节,子在父里面,父在子里面;这指明父具体化在子里面,而子是父的具体化身,形成神圣奥秘的范围,就是三一神的范围。─引用经文

B. According to John 14:10 and 11, the Son is in the Father, and the Father is in the Son; this indicates that the Father is embodied in the Son and the Son is the Father's embodiment, forming a divine and mystical realm, the realm of the Triune God.

叁 我们今天可以进入并活在其中之神圣奥秘的范围,事实上不仅仅是三一神那神圣奥秘的范围,乃是终极完成之灵与是灵之基督那神圣奥秘的范围─腓一19,罗八9,林后三17~18,加三14:

III. The divine and mystical realm into which we may enter today and in which we may live is actually not simply the divine and mystical realm of the Triune God; it is the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ— Phil. 1:19; Rom. 8:9; 2 Cor. 3:17-18; Gal. 3:14:

一 圣经启示,那灵已经成了终极完成、包罗万有并复合的灵─约七39,十四16~17,二十22,罗八9,腓一19:

A. The Bible reveals that the Spirit has become the consummated, all-inclusive, and compound Spirit— John 7:39; 14:16-17; 20:22; Rom. 8:9; Phil. 1:19:

1 “终极完成的灵”这辞含示那灵已经经过过程,因而成为终极完成的灵─约七39。

1. The term consummated Spirit implies that the Spirit has been processed and thus has become the consummated Spirit— John 7:39.

2 终极完成的灵乃是复合的灵,由涂抹的膏油所预表─出三十23~25:

2. The consummated Spirit is the compound Spirit typified by the anointing oil—Exo. 30:23-25:

a 在基督的复活里,神的灵与基督的人性、祂的死及死的功效、并祂的复活及复活的大能调和─腓三10。

a. In Christ's resurrection the Spirit of God was mingled with Christ's humanity, with His death and its effectiveness, and with His resurrection and its power—Phil. 3:10.

b 这调和的结果,就是复合、终极完成的灵─一19。

b. The issue of this mingling is the compound, consummated Spirit—1:19.

3 终极完成的灵乃是在基督里经过了成为肉体、人性生活、钉死和复活之过程的三一神─约七39。

3. The consummated Spirit is the Triune God who in Christ has passed through the process of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection— John 7:39.

二 圣经启示,基督已经成了那是灵的基督─林前十五45下:

B. The Bible reveals that Christ has become the pneumatic Christ— 1 Cor. 15:45b:

1 基督借着祂的死与复活成了赐生命的灵,因而成为那是灵的基督─45节下,林后三17~18。

1. Through His death and resurrection Christ became the life- giving Spirit and thereby became the pneumatic Christ— v. 45b; 2 Cor. 3:17-18.

2 因此我们可以说,这乃是“终极完成之灵与这位是灵之基督那神圣奥秘的范围”─约七39,加三14,林前十五45下。

2. Thus, we may speak of the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and of this pneumatic Christ—John 7:39; Gal. 3:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b.

肆 在我们的经历里,我们实际上成为终极完成之灵与是灵之基督这神圣奥秘范围的一部分─约十四16~20,十七21~23:

IV. In our experience we actually become part of the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ— John 14:16-20; 17:21-23:

一 我们借着神圣的出生而成为神圣奥秘范围的一部分;借着重生,我们生入神圣奥秘的范围里─三5~6。

A. We become part of the divine and mystical realm through the divine birth; through regeneration we were born into the divine and mystical realm—3:5-6.

二 我们借着有分于神的生命(15)、性情(弗一4,彼后一4)、心思(弗四23,腓二5)、所是(林后三18下,弗三8)、形像(林后三18上,罗八29)、荣耀(30,来二10)、儿子名分(弗一5,罗八23)、显明(19)和样式(约壹三2),而成为神圣奥秘范围的一部分。─引用经文

B. We become part of the divine and mystical realm by participating in God's life (v. 15), nature (Eph. 1:4; 2 Pet. 1:4), mind (Eph. 4:23; Phil. 2:5), being (2 Cor. 3:18b; Eph. 3:8), image (2 Cor. 3:18a; Rom. 8:29), glory (v. 30; Heb. 2:10), sonship (Eph. 1:5; Rom. 8:23), manifestation (v. 19), and likeness (1 John 3:2).

三 我们借着被建造到基督的身体里,而成为神圣奥秘范围的一部分─弗四16:

C. We become part of the divine and mystical realm by being built up in the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:16:

1 基督的身体乃是神圣奥秘的范围;我们越在基督身体的实际里,就越在神圣奥秘的范围里─罗十二4~5,林前十二12~13、27,弗一22~23,四16。

1. The Body of Christ is the divine and mystical realm, and the more we are in the reality of the Body of Christ, the more we are in the divine and mystical realm—Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:12-13, 27; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:16.

2 信徒调和成为一个实体,成为基督奥秘的身体─林前十二24、27。

2. The believers are blended into one entity to be the mystical Body of Christ—1 Cor. 12:24, 27.

伍 我们在基督里的信徒,神的儿女,应当活在神圣奥秘的范围里─罗八16,约十四2~3、20,林前十五45下,加三14,林后三17~18:

V. As believers in Christ, children of God, we should live in the divine and mystical realm—Rom. 8:16; John 14:2-3, 20; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Gal. 3:14; 2 Cor. 3:17-18:

一 我们可以进入并活在其中之神圣奥秘的范围,乃是终极完成之灵与是灵之基督那神圣奥秘的范围;我们需要学习活在这美妙的范围里─腓一19,林后十三14,加三14。

A. The divine and mystical realm into which we may enter and in which we may live is the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ; we need to learn to live in this wonderful realm—Phil. 1:19; 2 Cor. 13:14; Gal. 3:14.

二 在神圣奥秘的范围里,我们接受那灵为独一、包罗万有的福─2、5节。

B. In the divine and mystical realm, we receive the Spirit as the unique, all-inclusive blessing—vv. 2, 5.

三 在神圣奥秘的范围里,我们接受升天基督的输供和祂天上职事的供应─弗一22,来八1~2。

C. In the divine and mystical realm, we receive the transmission of the ascended Christ and the supply of His heavenly ministry— Eph. 1:22; Heb. 8:1-2.

四 在神圣奥秘的范围里,我们经历神生机的拯救─罗五10。

D. In the divine and mystical realm, we experience God's organic salvation—Rom. 5:10.

五 在神圣奥秘的范围里,我们活在神的国这神圣种类的范围里─约三3、5。

E. In the divine and mystical realm, we live in the kingdom of God as the realm of the divine species— John 3:3, 5.

六 在神圣奥秘的范围里,我们活在神圣生命的交通里─约壹一3、7,徒二42。

F. In the divine and mystical realm, we live in the fellowship of the divine life—1 John 1:3, 7; Acts 2:42.

七 在神圣奥秘的范围里,我们照着生命之律的自动功用,过着自然而不费力的基督徒生活─罗八2。

G. In the divine and mystical realm, we live a spontaneous and effortless Christian life according to the automatic function of the law of life—Rom. 8:2.

八 在神圣奥秘的范围里,我们过真实的生活,彰显那启示出来的神圣实际─约贰1,约叁1,约四23~24。

H. In the divine and mystical realm, we live a life of truthfulness as the expression of the revealed divine reality—2 John 1; 3 John 1; John 4:23-24.

九 在神圣奥秘的范围里,我们与经过过程的三一神调和,为着保守一─十七21、23:

I. In the divine and mystical realm, we are mingled with the processed Triune God for the keeping of oneness—17:21, 23:

1 真实的一乃是在三一神里─太二八19,约十七21、23。

1. The real oneness is in the Triune God—Matt. 28:19; John 17:21, 23.

2 真正的一乃是信徒与三一神的调和─林后十三14:

2. The genuine oneness is the mingling of the believers with the Triune God—2 Cor. 13:14:

a 要有这样的一,信徒必须在终极完成之灵与是灵之基督那神圣奥秘的范围里。

a. To have such oneness, the believers must be in the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ as the divine and mystical realm.

b 在终极完成之灵与是灵之基督那神圣奥秘的范围里,信徒与三一神是一。

b. The believers are one with the Triune God in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ.

陆 每一位信徒都该活在神圣奥秘的范围里,并且该是神圣奥秘的人,是属人的,却神圣的活着─加二20,林后十1,十三14:

VI. Every believer should live in the divine and mystical realm and be a divine and mystical person, one who is human yet lives divinely—Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 10:1; 13:14:

一 我们应当是神圣的,却又是属人的─不是仅仅属人,乃是奥秘而属人;我们生活中的每一件事,都应当是神圣而奥秘的─约十四16~20。

A. We need to be divine yet human—not merely human but mystically human; everything in our living should be divine and mystical— John 14:16-20.

二 我们该同着神、在神里面、凭着神并借着神作一切的事;这就是神圣的含意─林前十31,西三17。

B. To be divine means doing everything with God, in God, by God, and through God—1 Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17.

三 我们应当像主耶稣一样,在看得见的一面是物质的,在看不见的一面却是神圣奥秘的,同时活在物质的范围里和神圣奥秘的范围里─约三13,弗四20~21,来四16,十三13。

C. Like the Lord Jesus, we should be apparently physical yet invisibly divine and mystical, living simultaneously in the physical realm and in the divine and mystical realm— John 3:13; Eph. 4:20-21; Heb. 4:16; 13:13.

柒 “那时,两个人在田里,取去一个,撇下一个。两个女人在磨坊推磨,取去一个,撇下一个”─太二四40~41:

VII. "At that time two men will be in the field; one is taken and one is left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one is taken and one is left"—Matt. 24:40-41:

一 两个男人和两个女人,代表主第二次来临时活着的信徒─启十四1、4下。

A. The two men and the two women represent the living believers at the time of the Lord's second coming—Rev. 14:1, 4b.

二 取去,就是在大灾难前被提─太二四21,启三10:

B. To be taken is to be raptured before the great tribulation—Matt. 24:21; Rev. 3:10:

1 马太二十四章四十至四十一节,指的是隐密的被提,就是那些预备好且已成熟之人的被提─启十四4下。

1. Matthew 24:40-41 refers to the secret rapture, the rapture of the ready ones, the mature ones—Rev. 14:4b.

2 取去与撇下之人的区别,在于生命的成熟;取去的是活在神圣奥秘的范围里,撇下的是没有活在神圣奥秘的范围里─太二四40~41。

2. The difference between the one who is taken and the one who is left is in the maturity of life; one is living in the divine and mystical realm, and the other is not—Matt. 24:40-41.

三 主在马太二十四章四十至四十二节的话给我们看见,当我们等候祂来并期望被提时,必须在每天的职责上忠信,过正确平衡的为人生活,同时活在终极完成之灵与是灵之基督那神圣奥秘的范围里─参帖后三6~15。

C. The Lord's word in Matthew 24:40-42 shows us that as we are waiting for His coming and expect to be raptured, we need to be faithful in our daily duties, living a properly balanced human life while simultaneously living in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ—cf. 2 Thes. 3:6-15.
