

第十一篇 背道、邱坛以及恢复真正一的立场

Apostasy, the High Places, and the Recovery of the Genuine Ground of Oneness

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读经: 王上十二25~33,十三33~34,申十二2~18

壹 耶罗波安的背道,可视为今天基督教的预表─ 王上十二25~33,十三33~34:

I. The apostasy of Jeroboam can be considered a type of today's Christianity—1 Kings 12:25-33; 13:33-34:

一 背道的意思就是离开神的道路,而走别的道路,跟从神以外的事物;背道就是在耶稣基督的名下,在敬拜神的掩饰下,为自己作事─ 徒九2,十八26,彼后二2、15、21,犹11,士十八30~31。

A. Apostasy means to leave the way of God and to take another way to follow things other than God, and it is to do things for the self under the name of Jesus Christ and under the cloak of worshipping God—Acts 9:2; 18:26; 2 Pet. 2:2, 15, 21; Jude 11; Judg. 18:30-31.

二 耶罗波安的背道包括五件事:

B. Jeroboam's apostasy consisted of five things:

1 耶罗波安铸造了两只金牛犊(偶像),把一只安在伯特利,一只放在但,为要岔引百姓,不在耶路撒冷敬拜神,因而干犯神的定命,就是在圣地只可有一个独一的敬拜中心,以保守以色列人的一─ 王上十二26~30,申十二2~18。

1. Jeroboam made two calves of gold (idols), putting one in Bethel and the other in Dan, in order to distract the people from worshipping in Jerusalem, thus breaking God's ordination of having one unique worship center in the Holy Land for keeping the oneness of the children of Israel—1 Kings 12:26-30; Deut. 12:2-18.

2 耶罗波安造了邱坛的殿,又从那不属利未支派的俗民中,立人为祭司─ 王上十二31,十三33下,代下十三9。

2. Jeroboam built a temple at the high places and appointed priests from among the common people who were not of the tribe of Levi—1 Kings 12:31; 13:33b; 2 Chron. 13:9.

3 耶罗波安定八月十五日为节期(他私心所虚构之节期的月日),像在犹大的节期一样─ 王上十二32上、33下。

3. Jeroboam ordained a feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth month (the month he had devised in his own heart) like the feast that was in Judah—1 Kings 12:32a, 33b.

4 耶罗波安在伯特利的坛上,向他所铸造的牛犊献祭,又将邱坛的祭司安置在伯特利─ 32节下~33节上。

4. Jeroboam offered sacrifices on the altar at Bethel to the calves that he had made, and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places—vv. 32b-33a.

5 耶罗波安虽然不是祭司,却上了坛─ 33节下。

5. Jeroboam went up to the altar although he was not a priest—v. 33b.

三 耶罗波安的背道成了严重的罪,使他全家在神审判下被除灭,至终导致以色列人被掳─ 十三34,十四7~11、15~16,十五29~30,王下十七20~23。

C. Jeroboam's apostasy became a serious sin that caused his entire family to be destroyed under God's judgment and eventually led to Israel's being carried away into captivity—13:34; 14:7-11, 15-16; 15:29-30; 2 Kings 17:20-23.

四 现今的“耶罗波安”所建立的敬拜中心,实际上乃是野心的中心:

D. The centers of worship set up by present-day "Jeroboams" are actually centers of ambition:

1 基督教里的分裂,是由自私与野心引起的。

1. The divisions in Christianity are caused by selfishness and ambition.

2 有些人因着有野心要得着一个王国,满足自己的私欲,就忽视神的拣选。

2. Because certain ones are ambitious to have an empire to satisfy their selfish desire, they neglect God's choice.

五 在神新约的经纶中,所有在基督里的真信徒都成了神的祭司,但堕落的基督教建立了一个制度,任命一些信徒事奉神,使他们成为圣品阶级,叫其余的信徒作平信徒;这是一种背道的作法,是我们必须厌弃的─ 彼前二9,启一6,五10,二6、15。

E. In God's New Testament economy, all true believers in Christ are made priests to God, but degraded Christianity has built up a system to ordain some believers to do the service of God, making them a clerical hierarchy and leaving the rest of the believers as laymen; this is an apostate practice, which we must abhor and abandon—1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 2:6, 15.

六 因着今天的基督教充满了背道,主就需要有一个恢复─恢复生命和真理─ 耶二11、13、19,启二6、15,约壹一1~2、5~6,约十八37下,十10下。

F. Because today's Christianity is filled with apostasy, the Lord needs a recovery—the recovery of life and truth—Jer. 2:11, 13, 19; Rev. 2:6, 15; 1 John 1:1-2, 5-6; John 18:37b; 10:10b.

七 生命的供备和真理的启示,乃是使徒们用来对付背道和召会败落的抗毒剂─ 约壹一1~2、5~6,约十八37下,十10下,彼后一3~21,提后一1、10,二15、25。

G. The provision of life and the revelation of truth are the antidotes the apostles used in dealing with apostasy and the decline of the church—1 John 1:1-2, 5-6; John 18:37b; 10:10b; 2 Pet. 1:3-21; 2 Tim. 1:1, 10; 2:15, 25.

贰 我们要恢复并保守真正且包罗万有的一,就必须拆毁邱坛─ 王上十一7~8,十二26~33,十三33~34,十四22~23,十五14,二二43,王下十二2~3,十四3~4,十五3~4、34~35:

II. For the recovery and preservation of the genuine, all-inclusive oneness, we must destroy the high places—1 Kings 11:7-8; 12:26-33; 13:33-34; 14:22-23; 15:14; 22:43; 2 Kings 12:2-3; 14:3-4; 15:3-4, 34-35:

一 邱坛即外邦人敬拜偶像之处。

A. High places were the places where the Gentile people worshipped their idols.

二 当以色列人进入并据有迦南地,神命令他们拆毁列国一切的邱坛─ 申十二1~3:

B. When the children of Israel entered into the land of Canaan to possess it, God commanded them to destroy all the high places of the nations—Deut. 12:1-3:

1 设立邱坛就有了分裂;因此,邱坛的意义就是分裂。

1. To set up a high place is to have a division; hence, the significance of high places is division.

2 神为着保守祂子民的一,就要他们来到祂所选择独一的地方;邱坛是这独一地方的代替品,另一选择─ 8、11、13~14、18节。

2. To preserve the oneness of His people, God required that they come to the unique place of His choice; the high places were a substitute and an alternative for this unique place—vv. 8, 11, 13-14, 18.

3 在列王纪上,所罗门和耶罗波安这二王带头设立邱坛,前者是因放纵情欲,后者是因野心─ 十一7~8,十二27。

3. In 1 Kings, two kings—Solomon and Jeroboam—took the lead to set up the high places, the former because of the indulgence of lust and the latter because of ambition—11:7-8; 12:27.

三 邱坛是高地,高举在一般水平之上:

C. A high place is an elevation, something lifted above the common level:

1 这指明邱坛涉及高举某些事物。

1. This indicates that a high place involves the exaltation of something.

2 原则上,基督教每一邱坛(每一分裂)都涉及高举、高抬一些基督以外的事物─ 参西一18。

2. In principle, every high place, every division, in Christianity involves the uplifting, the exaltation, of something other than Christ—cf. Col. 1:18.

四 在所罗门和耶罗波安之下建立邱坛的记载有属灵的意义;这是为着给我们属灵的教训而写的─ 罗十五4~6:

D. The record of the building of the high places under Solomon and Jeroboam has a spiritual significance; it was written for our spiritual instruction—Rom. 15:4-6:

1 所罗门和耶罗波安所建立的邱坛,严重破坏一的立场─ 王上十一7~8,十二26~33。

1. The high places built by Solomon and Jeroboam seriously damaged the ground of oneness—1 Kings 11:7-8; 12:26-33.

2 在召会生活中,我们不该有任何邱坛;反之,我们都该在同一水平上,高举基督─ 西一18,三10~11。

2. In the church life we should not have any high places; instead, we should all be on one level to exalt Christ—Col. 1:18; 3:10-11.

3 任何邱坛,即便是用来献真正祭物的,也会损害一的立场。

3. Any high place, even those at which genuine sacrifices are offered, causes damage to the ground of oneness.

五 拆毁邱坛和三件主要的事有关:地方、偶像和名字─ 申十二2~3:

E. The destruction of the high places involved three main things: the places, the images, and the names—Deut. 12:2-3:

1 从属灵的一面说,我们必须拆毁召会之外的每一个地方,以及基督之名以外的每一个名字;这意思是说,我们必须拆毁我们的文化、个性、脾气、习惯、天然的特性、爱好、宗教背景及其影响,拆毁一切损毁真正的一的事物─ 加二20,五24,六14。

1. Spiritually speaking, we must destroy every place other than the church and every name other than the name of Christ; this means that we must destroy our culture, disposition, temperament, habits, natural characteristics, preferences, religious background with its influence—everything that damages the genuine oneness—Gal. 2:20; 5:24; 6:14.

2 为着实现歌罗西三章十一节的话,别的地方都必须一一彻底地拆毁:─ 引用经文

2. In order to fulfill the word in Colossians 3:11, every other place must be utterly destroyed:

a 每一样东西,只要不是召会同着基督,我们都必须拆毁。

a. We must destroy everything that is not the church with Christ.

b 我们应该单纯地在召会生活里享受基督作为美地的丰富─ 申八7~9,弗三8。

b. We should simply be in the church life enjoying Christ as the riches of the good land—Deut. 8:7-9; Eph. 3:8.

3 召会生活之所以会削弱,就是因为不太情愿拆毁邱坛─ 王上十五14,二二43:

3. The church life has been weakened because of the lack of willingness to destroy the high places—1 Kings 15:14; 22:43:

a 在我们的人生与文化之中,有许多地方仍然存在,没有加以拆毁;我们必须将其全部拆毁,然后去到神所选择独一的地方─召会─ 加五24,太十六18。

a. In our human life and culture there are many places that remain, which need to be destroyed; we must destroy them all and then go to the unique place of God's choice, the church—Gal. 5:24; Matt. 16:18.

b 每一个要加以拆毁的地方都有柱像、木像或神像;在我们的性格或个性里,可能有这种必须加以拆毁的柱像、木像或神像。

b. In every place that is to be destroyed, there is a dedicated pillar, a symbol, or an image; in our character or disposition there may be such pillars, symbols, or images that must be destroyed.

c 在召会中,除了基督,别无他物;基督必须是一切,又在一切之内─ 西一18、27,二2,三11。

c. In the church there cannot be anything other than Christ; Christ must be all and in all—Col. 1:18, 27; 2:2; 3:11.

叁 因着整个基督教国里的背道、邱坛和分裂,所以需要恢复真正一的立场─ 弗四2~6、13,约十七11、14~23,林前十16~17:

III. Because of the apostasy, the high places, and the divisions throughout Christendom, there is the need for the recovery of the genuine ground of oneness—Eph. 4:2-6, 13; John 17:11, 14-23; 1 Cor. 10:16-17:

一 照着新约神圣的启示,召会的立场─真正一的立场─是由三个重要的元素构成的:

A. According to the divine revelation in the New Testament, the church ground—the genuine ground of oneness—is constituted of three crucial elements:

1 构成召会立场的第一个元素,是基督宇宙身体独一的一─ 弗四4:

1. The first element of the constitution of the church ground is the unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ—Eph. 4:4:

a 这个一称为“那灵的一”─ 3节。

a. This oneness is called "the oneness of the Spirit"—v. 3.

b 这个一就是在约翰十七章主所祷告的一,是经过过程之三一神与所有在基督里之信徒调和的一─ 6、11、14~24节。

b. This oneness is the oneness that the Lord prayed for in John 17—a oneness in the mingling of the processed Triune God with all the believers in Christ—vv. 6, 11, 14-24.

c 所有在基督里的信徒凭着生命的灵,借着基督这神圣的生命重生时,就有这个一分赐到他们灵里。

c. This oneness was imparted into the spirit of all the believers in Christ, in their regeneration by the Spirit of life with Christ as the divine life.

2 召会立场的第二个元素,是地方召会在其中建立并存在的地方独一立场─ 徒十四23,多一5,启一11。

2. The second element of the church ground is the unique ground of the locality in which a local church is established and exists—Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5; Rev. 1:11.

3 召会立场的第三个元素,是合一之灵的实际,在地方召会的地方独一立场上彰显基督宇宙身体独一的一─ 约壹五6,约十六13:

3. The third element of the church ground is the reality of the Spirit of oneness, expressing the unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ on the unique ground of locality of a local church—1 John 5:6; John 16:13:

a 实际的灵是神圣三一活的实际,凭着这灵,基督身体的一成为又真又活的。

a. By the Spirit of reality, who is the living reality of the Divine Trinity, the oneness of the Body of Christ becomes real and living.

b 借着这灵,召会的立场得以应用在生命里,而非在律法上。

b. Through this Spirit the ground of the church is applied in life and not in legality.

c 凭着这灵,召会真正的立场得以与三一神联结─ 弗四3~6。

c. By this Spirit the genuine ground of the church is linked with the Triune God—Eph. 4:3-6.

二 召会,基督生机的身体,不是分开的,也是不能分开的;这独一的身体彰显于许多地方召会,乃是在神圣的一里,如三一神所是的,也是在神圣的性质、元素、素质、彰显、功用和见证上─ 启一11,约十七11、21、23。

B. The church, the organic Body of Christ, is undivided and indivisible; this unique Body is expressed in many local churches in the divine oneness as it is with the Triune God and in the divine nature, element, essence, expression, function, and testimony—Rev. 1:11; John 17:11, 21, 23.

三 真正的一─按照神本性的一─是包含着一切积极事物之包罗万有、广被的一─ 诗二三6,三六8~9,四三3~4,八四1~8、10~12,九二10,一三三1、3下:

C. The genuine oneness—the oneness according to the nature of God—is an all-inclusive, comprehensive oneness that includes all positive things—Psa. 23:6; 36:8-9; 43:3-4; 84:1-8, 10-12; 92:10; 133:1, 3b:

1 当一恢复时,一切属灵的丰富和积极的事物都随之一同恢复,因为这些都存在于一之内─ 弗四3,三8。

1. When the oneness is recovered, all the spiritual riches and all the positive things are recovered with it, because they all exist in the oneness—Eph. 4:3; 3:8.

2 在真正一的立场上,一切敬虔的事和一切属灵的丰富都是我们的─ 申八7~9,十二12、26~28。

2. All the godly things and all the spiritual riches are ours on the genuine ground of oneness—Deut. 8:7-9; 12:12, 26-28.

3 真正的一,不是一个部分的一,而是一个伟大、完整、广被、整体的一─ 诗一三三1:

3. The genuine oneness is not a partial oneness; it is a great, complete, comprehensive oneness, a oneness in entirety—Psa. 133:1:

a 以弗所四章三至六节所启示的这个一,包括父神、主基督与那灵作为赐生命者。─ 引用经文

a. This oneness, as revealed in Ephesians 4:3-6, includes God the Father, Christ the Lord, and the Spirit as the Giver of life.

b 包罗万有的一能使我们得着各样积极的美德和属性─ 1~2节。

b. The all-inclusive oneness gives us access to all positive virtues and attributes—vv. 1-2.

四 为着拆毁邱坛,以及恢复并保守真正且包罗万有的一这个异象,我们感谢赞美主;何等有幸,我们能在主今日的恢复里认识、经历并享受这一─ 诗一三三1、3下,约十七21~23,弗四3~6。

D. We thank and praise the Lord for the vision concerning the destruction of the high places and concerning the recovery and preservation of the genuine, all-inclusive oneness; it is our privilege to know, experience, and enjoy this oneness in the Lord's recovery today—Psa. 133:1, 3b; John 17:21-23; Eph. 4:3-6.

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