

第八篇 长成在主里的圣殿

Growing into a Holy Temple in the Lord

晨兴 - 纲目 | outline - 听抄 - 目录

读经: 弗二5~6、8、18~22,三4~5,林前三16~17,六17

壹 我们靠着恩典得救,与基督一同复活,与祂一同坐在诸天界里,并且得以进到父面前,乃是为着召会,就是基督身体的建造,这建造是借着长成在主里的圣殿─ 弗二5~6、8、18、21~22:

I. Our being saved by grace, being raised up together with Christ and seated together with Him in the heavenlies, and having access to the Father are for the building up of the church, His Body, through growing into a holy temple in the Lord—Eph. 2:5-6, 8, 18, 21-22:

一 当神使钉十字架的耶稣活过来时,也使我们一同活过来;所以,祂叫我们一同与基督活过来─ 5节。

A. God enlivened us together when He enlivened the crucified Jesus; therefore, He made us alive together with Christ—v. 5.

二 借着恩典,我们已经从死亡可怜的地位,被拯救到生命奇妙的范围里─ 5节。

B. By grace we have been saved out of our wretched position of death into the marvelous realm of life—v. 5.

三 借着子神,祂是完成者,是凭借;在灵神里,祂是执行者,是应用;我们得以进到父神面前,祂是起源,是独一的源头─ 18节:

C. Through God the Son, who is the Accomplisher, the means, and in God the Spirit, who is the Executor, the application, we have access unto God the Father, who is the Originator, the unique source—v. 18:

1 在地位上,我们是与神和好;在经历上,我们是进到父面前─ 16、18节:

1. Positionally, we were reconciled to God; experientially, we have access unto the Father—vv. 16, 18:

a 与神和好是得救,进到父面前是享受神。

a. To be reconciled to God is to be saved; to have access unto the Father is to enjoy God.

b 我们接触神,是借着基督在灵里来到父面前;这是在我们的经历中并给我们享受的三一神─ 18节。

b. When we contact God, we come to Him through Christ in the Spirit unto the Father; this is the Triune God in our experience and for our enjoyment—v. 18.

2 父借着子在那灵里临到我们,如今那灵借着子带我们归向父;借这美妙的双向交通,我们就享受三一神的分赐─ 林后十三14,弗三16~17上。

2. The Father came to us through the Son in the Spirit, and now the Spirit brings us back to the Father through the Son; through this wonderful two-way traffic, we enjoy the dispensing of the Triune God—2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 3:16-17a.

3 借着子,乃是借着三一神;在那灵里,乃是在三一神里;进到父面前,乃是进到三一神面前;这就是我们如何经历三一神,也是我们能得着建造的路─ 二18、21~22。

3. Through the Son is through the Triune God, in the Spirit is in the Triune God, and unto the Father is unto the Triune God; this is how we experience the Triune God and the way that we can be built up—2:18, 21-22.

贰 作为在基督里的信徒和基督身体的肢体,我们“被建造在使徒和申言者的根基上,有基督耶稣自己作房角石”─20节:

II. As believers in Christ and as members of the Body of Christ, we are "being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone"—v. 20:

一 基督的奥秘─召会─已经向使徒启示出来,他们所得的启示被视为召会建造在其上的根基─ 三4~5,二20:

A. Since the mystery of Christ, the church, has been revealed to the apostles, the revelation that they received is considered the foundation upon which the church is built—3:4-5; 2:20:

1 这与马太十六章十八节的磐石相符,那里的磐石不仅指基督自己,也指关乎基督的启示,基督要在其上建造祂的召会。─ 引用经文

1. This corresponds to the rock in Matthew 16:18, which is not only Christ Himself but also the revelation concerning Christ, on which He will build His church.

2 我们要将召会建造在使徒和申言者之上─ 弗二20。

2. We need to build the church upon the apostles and prophets—Eph. 2:20.

二 以弗所二章二十节说到基督是房角石:─ 引用经文

B. In Ephesians 2:20 Christ is referred to as the cornerstone:

1 基督作房角石,将犹太信徒和外邦信徒联结一起,成为在主里的圣殿─ 诗一一八22~26,弗二20~22。

1. Christ as the cornerstone joins together the Jewish believers and Gentile believers into a holy temple in the Lord—Psa. 118:22-26; Eph. 2:20-22.

2 基督作房角石,是为着在新约时代建造召会─ 太十六18,弗二20~22,彼前二5:

2. Christ, the cornerstone, is for the building up of the church in the New Testament age—Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:20-22; 1 Pet. 2:5:

a 我们要建造召会作神的殿,就需要经历基督作房角石─ 6~7节。

a. For the building up of the church as the temple of God, we need to experience Christ as the cornerstone—vv. 6-7.

b 在基督这房角石里面,全房长成在主里的圣殿─ 弗二20~22。

b. In Christ as the cornerstone, all the building is growing into a holy temple in the Lord—Eph. 2:20-22.

3 在神新约的经纶里,作房角石的基督在祂对我们所施的拯救里(徒四10~12),首先使我们成为活石,以建造神属灵的殿(太十六18,约一42,彼前二4~7),然后在祂变化我们的过程中(罗十二2上,林后三18),将我们建造成为神的居所(弗二19~22),好使祂得以为着神的喜悦,完成神永远的经纶(一9,三9~11)。─ 引用经文

3. In God's New Testament economy Christ as the cornerstone, in His saving us (Acts 4:10-12), first makes us living stones for the building up of God's spiritual house (Matt. 16:18; John 1:42; 1 Pet. 2:4-7) and then, in the process of His transforming us (Rom. 12:2a; 2 Cor. 3:18), builds us up into a dwelling place of God (Eph. 2:19-22) so that He may carry out God's eternal economy for God's good pleasure (1:9; 3:9-11).

叁 在作房角石的基督里,“全房联结一起,长成在主里的圣殿”─二21:

III. In Christ, who is the cornerstone, "all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord"—2:21:

一 “全房”这辞指明宇宙的建造,就是全宇宙的召会─ 21节。

A. The phrase all the building denotes the universal building, the church throughout the universe—v. 21.

二 “联结”这辞的意思是,使之适合于全房的情形和处境─ 21节:

B. The word fitted means being made suitable for the condition and situation of the building—v. 21:

1 联结一起,是借着全身的骨架各部分联络成一系─ 四16。

1. To be fitted together is for all parts of the frame of the Body to be fitted together to form one structure—4:16.

2 在建造时,所有的材料都联结一起;这不是仅仅堆积,乃是建造─ 二21。

2. In the building all the materials are fitted together; this is not merely to pile up but to build up—2:21.

三 这房是活的,所以是在长大,因为是生机的─ 彼前二5:

C. Since the building is living, it is growing because it is organic—1 Pet. 2:5:

1 这建筑长成圣殿,就是神圣别的居所;这指明圣殿是活的建筑─ 弗二21。

1. This building is growing into a holy temple, a holy dwelling place of God; this indicates that the holy temple is a living building—Eph. 2:21.

2 表面看,长大和建造是分开的事;事实上,家的建造就是身体的长大─ 四15~16。

2. Apparently, growth and building are separate things; actually, the building of the house is the growth of the Body—4:15-16.

3 召会这神的殿(神的家)的建造,乃是借着信徒生命的长大─ 林前三6~7,弗四15~16,西二19,彼前二2。

3. The building of the church as the temple, the house of God, is by the believers' growth in life—1 Cor. 3:6-7; Eph. 4:15-16; Col. 2:19; 1 Pet. 2:2.

4 基督的身体以神的增长而长大─ 西二19:

4. The Body grows with the growth of God—Col. 2:19:

a 基督身体的长大在于我们里面神的增长,神的加添,神的增多─ 弗四16。

a. The growth of the Body depends on the growth of God, the addition of God, the increase of God, within us—Eph. 4:16.

b 神是以非常主观的方式把祂自己给了我们,而使我们生长─ 三16~17上:

b. God gives the growth by giving Himself to us in a subjective way—3:16-17a:

㈠ 神使我们生长,事实上意思乃是把祂自己赐给我们─ 林前三6~7。

1) For God to give us growth actually means that He gives us Himself—1 Cor. 3:6-7.

㈡ 神越加给我们,就越使我们生长─ 弗四15~16。

2) The more God is added to us, the more growth He gives—Eph. 4:15-16.

5 召会是借着生命的分赐,就是神圣三一的神圣分赐而长大─ 林后十三14:

5. The church grows by life dispensing, the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity—2 Cor. 13:14:

a 三重的神─父神、子、那灵─一直将祂自己分赐到我们里面作生命,并作我们生命的供应─ 弗三16~17。

a. The threefold God—God the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—is dispensing Himself into us as life and as our life supply—Eph. 3:16-17.

b 只要经过过程并终极完成的三一神将祂自己分赐到我们里面作生命,我们就得滋养而长大─ 四15~16。

b. As long as the processed and consummated Triune God is dispensing Himself into us as life, we are nourished and we grow—4:15-16.

c 在众召会中,我们该关心借着神圣生命的分赐而有真正的长大─ 林前三6~7,彼后一5~7。

c. In the churches we should care for the genuine growth through the dispensing of the divine life—1 Cor. 3:6-7; 2 Pet. 1:5-7.

四 全房成为圣别─ 弗二21:

D. All the building is becoming holy—Eph. 2:21:

1 神使我们成为圣别的方法,乃是将祂自己这圣别者分赐到我们里面,使我们全人被祂圣别的性情充满并浸透─ 一4,帖前五23。

1. God makes us holy by imparting Himself, the Holy One, into our being so that our whole being may be permeated and saturated with His holy nature—1:4; 1 Thes. 5:23.

2 对我们这些神所拣选的人,成为圣别就是有分于神的神圣性情,并使我们全人被神自己所充满;这使我们全人在神的性情和特性上成为圣别,像神自己一样─ 彼后一4,弗五27,西一22。

2. For us, God's chosen ones, to be holy is to partake of God's divine nature and have our whole being permeated with God Himself; this makes our being holy in God's nature and character, just like God Himself—2 Pet. 1:4; Eph. 5:27; Col. 1:22.

五 全房长成在主里的殿─ 弗二21:

E. All the building is growing into a temple in the Lord—Eph. 2:21:

1 二十一节“殿”这字在原文的意思是圣所,指全殿的内部。─ 引用经文

1. The Greek word rendered "temple" in verse 21 means the sanctuary, the inner part of the temple.

2 召会是神的殿;因此,乃是圣别之神的圣所,也就是神的灵所居住其中的殿─ 林前三16~17:

2. The church is the temple of God; as such, it is the sanctuary of the holy God, the temple in which the Spirit of God dwells—1 Cor. 3:16-17:

a 林前三章十六节“神的殿”是指在某一个地方团体的信徒,十七节“神的那殿”是指普世所有的信徒。─ 引用经文

a. The temple of God in verse 16 refers to the believers collectively in a certain locality, whereas the temple of God in verse 17 refers to all the believers universally.

b 神在宇宙中唯一属灵的殿,在地上的许多地方都有显出;每一显出就是神在那地方的殿─ 弗二21~22。

b. The unique spiritual temple of God in the universe has its expression in many localities on earth; each expression is the temple of God in that locality—Eph. 2:21-22.

3 在新耶路撒冷城内没有殿,因主神全能者和羔羊为城的殿─ 启二一22:

3. There is no temple in the New Jerusalem, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple—Rev. 21:22:

a 圣城耶路撒冷全城就是至圣所;所以城内没有殿─ 16节。

a. The holy city Jerusalem as a whole will be the Holy of Holies; hence, there will be no temple in it—v. 16.

b 主神全能者和羔羊就是内殿─ 22节。

b. This inner temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb—v. 22.

4 神的家,即祂的圣所,全部的建筑都是在主基督里─ 弗二21。

4. The entire building of God's house, His sanctuary, is in Christ the Lord—Eph. 2:21.

肆 保罗指着在以弗所地方上的圣徒说,“你们也在祂里面同被建造,成为神在灵里的居所”─22节:

IV. Referring to the local saints in Ephesus, Paul says, "In whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit"—v. 22:

一 殿和居所是指一体的两面─ 21~22节:

A. The temple and the dwelling place refer to two aspects of the same thing—vv. 21-22:

1 殿是神子民接触神、敬拜神、听神话语的地方─ 21节。

1. The temple is the place where God's people contact God, worship God, and hear His oracle—v. 21.

2 神的居所是安息的地方;神安息在祂的居所里─ 22节。

2. The dwelling place of God is a place of rest; God rests in His dwelling place—v. 22.

3 殿和居所并不是两个截然不同的地方;相反的,二者乃是同一建筑的两面、两种功用或用途。

3. The temple and the dwelling place are not two distinct places; rather, they are two aspects, two functions or usages, of the same building.

二 二十二节的“也”指明,二十一节的建造是宇宙的,二十二节的建造是地方的:─ 引用经文

B. The word also in verse 22 indicates that the building in verse 21 is universal and that the building in verse 22 is local:

1 按照上下文,二十一节的圣殿是宇宙的,二十二节神的居所是地方的。─ 引用经文

1. According to the context, in verse 21 the holy temple is universal, and in verse 22 the dwelling place of God is local.

2 在宇宙一面,召会是独一无二的,其长大是普遍的;在地方一面,召会在所在的地方上也是一,其地的圣徒在该地同被建造─ 21~22节,林前一2,三16~17。

2. Universally, the church is uniquely one and is growing universally; locally, the church in a particular locality is also one, and the local saints are being built up together in their particular locality—vv. 21-22; 1 Cor. 1:2; 3:16-17.

三 神的居所是在我们的灵里─ 弗二22:

C. The dwelling place of God is in our spirit—Eph. 2:22:

1 二十一节说圣殿是在主里,二十二节说神的居所是在灵里。─ 引用经文

1. Verse 21 says that the holy temple is in the Lord, and verse 22, that the dwelling place of God is in spirit.

2 这指明为着神居所的建造,主与我们的灵是一,我们的灵与主也是一─ 林前六17。

2. This indicates that for the building of God's dwelling place, the Lord is one with our spirit, and our spirit is one with the Lord—1 Cor. 6:17.

3 我们的灵就是神的居所建造的所在。

3. Our spirit is where the building of the dwelling place of God takes place.

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