

第九篇 神的殿充满神的荣耀

The Temple of God Filled with the Glory of God

晨兴 - 纲目 | outline - 听抄 - 目录

读经: 出二四16,四十34~35,王上八10~11,徒七2、55,约十七22,弗三21,启五13,二一9~11

壹 荣耀是神的一个属性;荣耀是神的彰显,就是辉煌的彰显出来的神─ 出二四16,徒七55。

I. Glory is an attribute of God; glory is the expression of God, God expressed in splendor—Exo. 24:16; Acts 7:55.

贰 神的荣光充满了帐幕和殿─ 出四十34~35,王上八10~11:

II. The glory of God filled the tabernacle and the temple—Exo. 40:34-35; 1 Kings 8:10-11:

一 “云彩遮盖会幕,耶和华的荣光充满了帐幕”─出四十34:

A. "The cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of Jehovah filled the tabernacle"—Exo. 40:34:

1 帐幕立起来,云彩降下来遮盖它,神的荣光进来充满它的那日,乃是大日─ 2、34~35节:

1. The day that the tabernacle was raised up, that the cloud descended and covered it, and that the glory of God entered and filled it was a great day—vv. 2, 34-35:

a 那些聚集在会幕四围的人能看见云彩,而至终进到帐幕里面至圣所的大祭司,能看见帐幕里的荣耀─ 利十六15,来九7。

a. Those who gathered around the Tent of Meeting could see the cloud, whereas the high priest who eventually entered into the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle could see the inward glory of the tabernacle—Lev. 16:15; Heb. 9:7.

b 这指明我们在召会生活的经历中,需要往前,进入帐幕─基督作为神的具体化身─以享受桌子上的饼,并在香坛代求,使我们可以经历神居所中的荣耀─ 出四十34~35,约一14。

b. This indicates that in our experience of the church life we need to advance by entering into the tabernacle—Christ as the embodiment of God—to enjoy the bread at the table and intercede at the incense altar so that we may experience the glory in God's dwelling place—Exo. 40:34-35; John 1:14.

2 云彩遮盖、荣光充满的帐幕,是以色列人极大的祝福,但他们在表样里才有的,今天我们有其实际─ 十四2~3、6、10~11、16~18、20、26,弗二18~22,三16~21。

2. The tabernacle covered by the cloud and filled with glory was a great blessing to the children of Israel, but today we have the reality of what they had only in figure—14:2-3, 6, 10-11, 16-18, 20, 26; Eph. 2:18-22; 3:16-21.

二 “耶和华的荣光充满了耶和华的殿”─王上八11:

B. "The glory of Jehovah filled the house of Jehovah"—1 Kings 8:11:

1 殿作神在地上的团体彰显与居所,被神的荣光所充满─ 10~11节。

1. The temple, the corporate expression and habitation of God on earth, was filled with the glory of God—vv. 10-11.

2 耶和华的荣光充满了耶和华的殿,将天上的神带到地上,并将地联于天─ 11节。

2. The glory of Jehovah filled the temple of Jehovah, bringing the God who is in the heavens to the earth and joining the earth to the heavens—v. 11.

3 在创世记二十八章雅各梦见“一个梯子立在地上,梯子的顶通着天”(12);他说这“不是别的,乃是神的家,也是天的门”(17):─ 引用经文

3. In Genesis 28 Jacob dreamed that "there was a ladder set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven" (v. 12), and he said that this is "none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven" (v. 17):

a 在那里,借着梯子,天来到地上,并且地联于天。

a. There heaven came down to the earth, and the earth was joined to heaven by the ladder.

b 这梯子预表基督作为人子,带着祂的人性,乃是立在地上通天的梯子,使天向地开启,并使地联于天,为着神的家─伯特利─ 约一51,创二八19。

b. This ladder is a type of Christ who, as the Son of Man, with His humanity, is the ladder set up on the earth and leading to heaven, keeping heaven open to earth and joining earth to heaven for the house of God, Bethel—John 1:51; Gen. 28:19.

c 今天借着那住在我们里面的基督,天上的神来到地上,并且地联于神─ 西一27。

c. Today the heavenly God comes down to the earth, and the earth is joined to God by the Christ who dwells in us—Col. 1:27.

d 神不仅从天而降,祂那看得见的荣耀更充满了殿─ 王上八10~11。

d. God not only came down from heaven, but His shekinah glory filled the temple—1 Kings 8:10-11.

叁 三一神乃是荣耀的神─ 徒七2、55:

III. The Triune God is a God of glory—Acts 7:2, 55:

一 神是荣耀的神─ 2、55节:

A. God is the God of glory—vv. 2, 55:

1 每当神得着彰显,那就是荣耀;没有看见的神是神,而看见的神是荣耀─ 出十三21。

1. Whenever God is expressed, that is glory; the unseen God is God, and the seen God is glory—Exo. 13:21.

2 荣耀的神向亚伯拉罕显现,呼召他,并将他从世界里分别出来归给神;他受到那荣耀吸引且被俘掳─ 徒七2。

2. The God of glory appeared to Abraham, called him, and separated him from the world unto God; he was attracted and captured by that glory—Acts 7:2.

二 保罗在以弗所一章十七节里用了“荣耀的父”一辞:─ 引用经文

B. In Ephesians 1:17 Paul uses the term the Father of glory:

1 荣耀的父乃是那借着祂许多儿子彰显出来的神─ 来二10。

1. The Father of glory is God expressed through His many sons—Heb. 2:10.

2 “父”这名称含示重生,“荣耀”这辞含示彰显;因此,“荣耀的父”这名称含示重生与彰显。

2. The title Father implies regeneration, and the word glory implies expression; therefore, the title Father of glory implies regeneration and expression.

三 子基督与父神在荣耀里是相同的─ 约十七5:

C. Christ the Son and God the Father are the same in glory—John 17:5:

1 子基督是神荣耀的光辉;子是父荣耀的照耀和光辉─ 来一3上。

1. Christ the Son is the effulgence of God's glory; the Son is the shining, the brightness, of the Father's glory—Heb. 1:3a.

2 基督是荣耀的王,就是万军之耶和华,也就是终极完成的三一神具体化身在得胜且要来的基督里─ 诗二四7~10,路二一27,太二五31。

2. Christ is the King of glory, Jehovah of hosts (that is, of armies), the consummated Triune God embodied in the victorious and coming Christ—Psa. 24:7-10; Luke 21:27; Matt. 25:31.

3 基督是荣耀的主─ 林前二7~8:

3. Christ is the Lord of glory—1 Cor. 2:7-8:

a 基督今天是我们的生命,将来是我们的荣耀─ 西三4,一27。

a. Christ is our life today and our glory in the future—Col. 3:4; 1:27.

b 神已经呼召了我们,要我们得享这荣耀,还要带领我们进入这荣耀─ 彼前五10,来二10。

b. To this glory God has called us, and into it He will bring us—1 Pet. 5:10; Heb. 2:10.

四 彼前四章十四节说到“荣耀的灵,就是神的灵(直译,荣耀的灵和神的灵)”:

D. First Peter 4:14 speaks of "the Spirit of glory and of God":

1 荣耀的灵就是神的灵。

1. The Spirit of glory is the Spirit of God.

2 荣耀的灵乃是基督在祂的复活里借以得荣耀的那一位─ 罗一4。

2. The Spirit of glory is the One through whom Christ was glorified in His resurrection—Rom. 1:4.

3 这荣耀的灵安息在逼迫中受苦的信徒身上,好叫那位现今在荣耀里,复活、被高举的基督得荣耀─ 彼前四13~14。

3. This very Spirit of glory rests upon the suffering believers in their persecution, for the glorifying of the resurrected and exalted Christ, who is now in glory—1 Pet. 4:13-14.

肆 神的荣耀与神的经纶有内在的关系─ 提前一4,弗一10:

IV. The glory of God is intrinsically related to the economy of God—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 1:10:

一 神永远的目标是要领祂许多的儿子进荣耀里去,好得着永远的团体彰显─新耶路撒冷─ 来二10,林前二7,弗一5~6、12、14,启二一7、9~11。

A. God's eternal goal is to bring His many sons into glory for the eternal corporate expression—the New Jerusalem—Heb. 2:10; 1 Cor. 2:7; Eph. 1:5-6, 12, 14; Rev. 21:7, 9-11.

二 神预定我们要得祂的荣耀,使我们彰显祂;因此,神的预定的目标乃是我们的得荣耀─ 林前二7。

B. God has predestinated us to obtain His glory so that we may express Him; thus, the goal of God's predestination is our glorification—1 Cor. 2:7.

三 神按着祂的形像创造我们作为贵重、预备得荣耀的器皿;我们蒙祂主宰的预定,作祂贵重的器皿以彰显祂在荣耀里的所是─ 创一26,罗九21、23。

C. God created us in His image as vessels unto honor, prepared unto glory; we were predestinated in His sovereignty to be His vessels of honor to express what He is in glory—Gen. 1:26; Rom. 9:21, 23.

四 基督的救赎满足了神荣耀的要求─ 三23~25,来九5,参创三24。

D. Christ's redemption has fulfilled the requirement of God's glory—3:23-25; Heb. 9:5; cf. Gen. 3:24.

五 神借着祂荣耀的福音,已经用祂永远的荣耀,呼召我们进入祂永远的荣耀里─ 林后四4,提前一11,帖前二12,彼前五10,彼后一3。

E. Through the gospel of the glory of God, God has called us by and into His eternal glory—2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Tim. 1:11; 1 Thes. 2:12; 1 Pet. 5:10; 2 Pet. 1:3.

六 包罗万有的基督住在我们里面,作荣耀的盼望─ 西一27,三4、11。

F. The all-inclusive Christ dwells in us as the hope of glory—Col. 1:27; 3:4, 11.

七 我们观看并返照主的荣光,就渐渐变化成为主的形像,从荣耀到荣耀─ 林后三18。

G. As we behold and reflect the glory of the Lord, we are being transformed into the Lord's image from glory to glory—2 Cor. 3:18.

八 父神乃是全般恩典的神,在我们里面行动,使我们有分于祂永远的荣耀,甚至使我们成为神的荣耀─ 彼前五10。

H. God the Father is moving within us as the God of all grace so that we may participate in His eternal glory and even become the glory of God—1 Pet. 5:10.

九 在神的经纶里,神的荣耀与神圣启示的高峰有关─神成为人,为要使人在生命、性情和功用上成为神,但无分于神格─ 约一14,罗八3,一3~4,西三4,来二10,启二一10~11。

I. The glory of God in the economy of God involves the high peak of the divine revelation—God becoming man so that man may become God in life, nature, and function but not in the Godhead—John 1:14; Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; Col. 3:4; Heb. 2:10; Rev. 21:10-11.

伍 主耶稣在约翰十七章二十二节祷告说,“你所赐给我的荣耀,我已赐给他们,使他们成为一,正如我们是一一样”:

V. In John 17:22 the Lord Jesus prayed, "The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, even as We are one":

一 主为着在父的名里,借着永远生命的一(6~13),以及借着圣言之圣别的一(14~21),这两阶段的一祷告之后,就为着信徒在神圣的荣耀里,为着三一神团体彰显,这第三阶段的一(22~24)祷告。─ 引用经文

A. After praying for the stages of oneness in the Father's name by the eternal life (vv. 6-13) and of oneness through sanctification by the holy word (vv. 14-21), the Lord prayed for the third stage concerning the believers' oneness being in the divine glory for the corporate expression of the Triune God (vv. 22-24).

二 既然父所赐给子的荣耀,子已经赐给我们,真正的一就在这神圣的荣耀里─ 22节:

B. Since the glory which the Father has given to the Son has been given to us by the Son, genuine oneness is in the divine glory—v. 22:

1 父赐给子的荣耀,乃是儿子的名分,具有父神圣的生命和性情,好在父的丰满里彰显父─ 1、5、22节。

1. Glory is the sonship given to the Son by the Father with the Father's divine life and nature to express the Father in His fullness—vv. 1, 5, 22.

2 荣耀有四方面:儿子的名分、父的生命、父神圣的性情以及父在祂丰满里的彰显;这四件事合起来等于我们在子里所有的荣耀,也是子所已经赐给我们的荣耀─ 弗一5,四18,约壹五12,彼后一4,启二一9~11。

2. There are four aspects of glory: sonship, the Father's life, the Father's divine nature, and the expression of the Father in His fullness; these four things equal the glory that we have in the Son and that has been given to us by the Son—Eph. 1:5; 4:18; 1 John 5:12; 2 Pet. 1:4; Rev. 21:9-11.

三 在一的第三阶段,信徒已完全否认己,享受父的荣耀作他们那个被成全之一的要素,因而得被建造而团体地彰显神─ 约十七22:

C. In the third stage of oneness, the believers, their self having been fully denied, enjoy the glory of the Father as the factor of their perfected oneness and thus express God in a corporate, built-up way—John 17:22:

1 唯有在一的第三阶段,我们才会完全得成全成为一,以彰显并荣耀主。

1. It is only in the third stage of oneness that we will be absolutely perfected into oneness to manifest and glorify the Lord.

2 我们就会有神的生命、神的性情甚至神的自己,目的是为着成为神的表明和彰显─ 22节。

2. We will have the life of God, the nature of God, and even God Himself for the purpose of becoming the manifestation and expression of God—v. 22.

陆 在以弗所三章二十一节保罗宣告说,“愿在召会中,并在基督耶稣里,荣耀归与祂,直到世世代代,永永远远。阿们”:

VI. In Ephesians 3:21 Paul declares, "To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus unto all the generations forever and ever. Amen":

一 我们是照着神荣耀的丰富,得加强到里面的人里;这含示神的荣耀可以作到圣徒里面─ 16节,林后三18。

A. We are being strengthened into our inner man according to the riches of God's glory; this implies that the glory of God can be wrought into the saints—v. 16; 2 Cor. 3:18.

二 在以弗所三章二十一节里,“荣耀归与祂”含示神的荣耀作到圣徒里面之后,又回到神那里。─ 引用经文

B. In Ephesians 3:21 to Him be the glory implies that the glory of God, which has been wrought into the saints, returns to God.

三 这荣耀同着神到我们这里来,在作到我们里面之后,要同着我们回到神那里;这是神在召会中得荣耀的路─ 16~21节。

C. This glory comes to us with God and, after being worked into us, will return to God with us; this is the way in which God is glorified in the church—vv. 16-21.

四 借着这双向的交通,召会这宇宙中初熟的果子(雅一18),就领头把荣耀归与神:─ 引用经文

D. By means of this two-way traffic the church, as the first-fruits in the universe (James 1:18), takes the lead to give glory to God:

1 神的荣耀作到召会中,神就在召会中得着彰显─ 弗一22~23,二21~22,三16~17、19下。

1. God's glory is wrought into the church, and He is expressed in the church—Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22; 3:16-17, 19b.

2 在召会中荣耀归与神,就是神在召会中得着荣耀─ 21节。

2. To God is the glory in the church; that is, God is glorified in the church—v. 21.

3 神不仅在今世(召会的世代)得着荣耀,也在来世(国度的世代),以及世世代代(即永世)得着荣耀─ 太六13、29,罗十六27,启五13,二一10~11。

3. God will be glorified not only in this age, the age of the church, but also in the coming age, the age of the kingdom, and in the age of the ages, which is eternity—Matt. 6:13, 29; Rom. 16:27; Rev. 5:13; 21:10-11.

4 神要在所有的世代,就是从今世直到永世,得着荣耀,祂就必须在召会中,也在基督里得着荣耀─ 弗三21。

4. For God to be glorified in all the ages, from the present age through eternity, He must be glorified in the church and in Christ—Eph. 3:21.

柒 新耶路撒冷一个显著的特点,乃是这城有神的荣耀,就是祂的彰显─ 启二一11、23:

VII. An outstanding feature of the New Jerusalem is that it has the glory of God, His expression—Rev. 21:11, 23:

一 新耶路撒冷是神在永世里团体的彰显,带着神显出来的样子,彰显神在祂荣耀里的形像─ 10~11节,四3。

A. The New Jerusalem, as the corporate expression of God in eternity, bears the appearance of God, expressing God's image in His glory—vv. 10-11; 4:3.

二 整座新耶路撒冷城有神的荣耀,就是神自己透过城照耀出来─ 二一11上:

B. The entire city of New Jerusalem bears the glory of God, which is God Himself shining out through the city—21:11a:

1 神的荣耀是新耶路撒冷的内容,因为这城完完全全充满了神的荣耀;这指明新耶路撒冷乃是盛装神并彰显神的器皿。

1. The glory of God is the content of the New Jerusalem, for the city is completely filled with His glory; this indicates that the New Jerusalem is a vessel to contain God and express Him.

2 神的荣耀实际上就是神自己显明出来;因此,圣城满了神的荣耀,意思就是神在这城显明出来。

2. The glory of God is actually God Himself being manifested; thus, for the holy city to be full of God's glory means that God is manifested in this city.

三 神的荣耀,也就是彰显出来的神,照亮新耶路撒冷,透过碧玉墙照耀出去─ 23、18节上:

C. The glory of God, God expressed, illumines the New Jerusalem, shining through the jasper wall—vv. 23, 18a:

1 新耶路撒冷的光辉好像碧玉,明如水晶─ 11节下。

1. The light of the New Jerusalem is like a jasper stone, as clear as crystal—v. 11b.

2 神的荣耀在作为灯的羔羊基督里,透过圣城的墙照耀出去─ 23、18节上。

2. The glory of God shines in Christ the Lamb as the lamp through the wall of the holy city—vv. 23, 18a.

四 神就是新耶路撒冷,荣耀神就是以神为新耶路撒冷,将一切荣耀都归与祂─ 22节,罗十五5~7:

D. God is the New Jerusalem, and to glorify God is to take Him as the New Jerusalem and give all the glory to Him—v. 22; Rom. 15:5-7:

1 荣耀神就是得在新耶路撒冷有分─ 启三12,二一11。

1. To glorify God is to participate in the New Jerusalem—Rev. 3:12; 21:11.

2 我们只有在新耶路撒冷里彰显神,才真正是在宇宙中荣耀神─ 罗十六27,林前十31。

2. It is only when we express God in the New Jerusalem that He is truly glorified in the universe—Rom. 16:27; 1 Cor. 10:31.

五 我们就是新耶路撒冷,要使神的荣耀得着称赞─ 弗一12:

E. As the New Jerusalem, we will be to the praise of God's glory—Eph. 1:12:

1 在永世里,神的众子要完全被神浸透,并要彰显神─ 来二10。

1. In eternity all the sons of God will be fully saturated with God and will express God—Heb. 2:10.

2 神要借着祂得荣的众子彰显出来,而这彰显出来的神就是荣耀─ 启二一7。

2. God will be expressed through His glorified sons, and this expressed God is glory—Rev. 21:7.

3 宇宙中的众天使和一切正面的事物,要颂赞这彰显出来的神;因此,我们作为神得荣的众子,要使祂的荣耀得着称赞─ 弗一12。

3. All the angels and positive things in the universe will praise the expressed God; thus, we, the glorified sons of God, will be to the praise of His glory—Eph. 1:12.

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爱 灵 慕 圣