

第七篇 圣殿材料的内在意义

The Intrinsic Significance of the Materials of the Temple

晨兴 - 纲目 | outline - 听抄 - 目录

读经: 王上五15~18,六7、9~10、15~16、23、31~34、36,七14~15、21

壹 我们要成为神建造的材料,就需要经历基督的死(由松木所表征)、基督的复活(由香柏木所表征)与基督作为那灵(由橄榄木所表征):

I. In order to become materials for God's building, we need to experience Christ in His death (signified by cypress), Christ in His resurrection (signified by cedar), and Christ as the Spirit (signified by olive wood):

一 钉十字架与复活的基督,就是耶稣基督包罗万有的灵以及经过过程之三一神的同在,乃是建造召会之材料的实际;召会乃是神的殿,就是基督的扩大和延展─ 腓一19~21上,林前三9、12上、16~17。

A. The crucified and resurrected Christ, who is the all-inclusive Spirit of Jesus Christ and the presence of the processed Triune God, is the reality of the materials for the building up of the church as the temple of God, the enlargement and expansion of Christ—Phil. 1:19-21a; 1 Cor. 3:9, 12a, 16-17.

二 我们需要让作为那灵之钉死并复活的基督,将祂自己建造到我们里面,使我们对基督有最完满的享受,好作神诸般恩典(生命的丰富供应)的好管家,以建造召会作神的殿─ 弗三2、16~17,彼前四10~11。

B. We need to allow the crucified and resurrected Christ as the Spirit to build Himself into our being so that we can have the fullest enjoyment of Christ in order to be good stewards of the varied grace of God (the rich supply of life) for the building up of the church as the temple of God—Eph. 3:2, 16-17; 1 Pet. 4:10-11.

贰 松木表征钉十字架的基督─ 王上六15下、34,参创六14:

II. Cypress signifies the crucified Christ—1 Kings 6:15b, 34; cf. Gen. 6:14:

一 古时犹太人在他们的墓地栽种松树;因此,松木表征基督在祂死里的人性,即表征钉十字架的耶稣─ 林前二2。

A. In ancient times the Jews planted cypress trees above their graves; hence, cypress signifies Christ's humanity in His death, the crucified Jesus—1 Cor. 2:2.

二 殿门是用松木作的,门上面刻着基路伯和棕树─ 王上六34~35,参结四一18~20:

B. The doors of the temple were made of cypress wood and were carved with cherubim and palm trees—1 Kings 6:34-35; cf. Ezek. 41:18-20:

1 基路伯表征主的荣耀显在受造之物上(十18,来九5);棕树表征基督的得胜和祂永远常存的力量(结四十16,启七9)。─ 引用经文

1. Cherubim signify the glory of the Lord manifested upon the creatures (10:18; Heb. 9:5), and palm trees signify the victory of Christ and the everlasting and ever-existing power of Christ (Ezek. 40:16; Rev. 7:9).

2 在松木门上雕刻棕树和基路伯,表征基督的得胜和主的荣耀,已经借着受苦“雕刻”到我们里面─ 徒十六7,腓三10,林后四10~12。

2. The carving of the palm trees and the cherubim on the doors of cypress wood signifies that the victory of Christ and the glory of the Lord have been "carved" into our being through sufferings—Acts 16:7; Phil. 3:10; 2 Cor. 4:10-12.

叁 香柏木表征复活的基督─ 王上六9~10、15~16、36:

III. Cedar signifies the resurrected Christ—1 Kings 6:9-10, 15-16, 36:

一 香柏树长在黎巴嫩山上;因此,香柏木表征基督在复活里的人性,即表征复活的基督─ 诗一〇四16,歌四8。

A. Cedar trees grew on the mountains of Lebanon; thus, cedar signifies Christ's humanity in resurrection, the resurrected Christ—Psa. 104:16; S. S. 4:8.

二 复活并升天的基督作为王,乃是出于大卫家尊高壮大的香柏树─ 结十七22~23,罗一3~4,徒二22~24、32~36,来二9。

B. The resurrected and ascended Christ as the King is a majestic and magnificent cedar out of the house of David—Ezek. 17:22-23; Rom. 1:3-4; Acts 2:22-24, 32-36; Heb. 2:9.

三 我们需要成为那些如黎巴嫩的香柏树的人,往下扎根在基督里,使我们栽植于耶和华的殿中,发旺在我们神的院里,而得以在生命里长大,且在年老的时候,仍要结果子,要满了汁浆而常发青─ 何十四5~9,诗九二12~14,王下十九30。

C. We need to be those who send forth our roots into Christ, like the cedar trees of Lebanon, causing us to grow in life as we are planted in the house of Jehovah, flourishing in the courts of our God, still bringing forth fruit in old age, and being full of sap and green—Hosea 14:5-9; Psa. 92:12-14; 2 Kings 19:30.

四 召会就是基督复活的能力积蓄在其中,并存在其中的;这个能力运行在基督身上,叫祂作元首,也运行在我们身上,叫我们作祂的身体─ 弗一19~23,罗八2、11,十二1~2,腓三10。

D. The church is the depository and the storehouse of the resurrection power of Christ; when this power operated in Christ, it made Him the Head; when this power operates in us, it makes us His Body—Eph. 1:19-23; Rom. 8:2, 11; 12:1-2; Phil. 3:10.

肆 橄榄木表征变化为赐生命之灵的基督─ 王上六23、31~33,林前十五45下:

IV. Olive wood signifies the transformed Christ as the life-giving Spirit—1 Kings 6:23, 31-33; 1 Cor. 15:45b:

一 橄榄油预表神的灵;因此,橄榄木表征基督在神的灵里的人性,即表征受膏的基督,祂也是作为膏油涂抹之复合的灵─ 来一9,林后一21,约壹二20、27,出三十25、30。

A. Olive oil typifies the Spirit of God; hence, olive wood signifies Christ's humanity in the Spirit of God, the anointed Christ, who is also the compound Spirit as the anointing—Heb. 1:9; 2 Cor. 1:21; 1 John 2:20, 27; Exo. 30:25, 30.

二 我们是接在基督这好橄榄树上的枝子,以享受祂(罗十一17、24);赐生命的灵是基督这属天橄榄树的生命汁液;我们若渴慕有分于基督的丰富,就是这属天橄榄树的肥汁,汁浆,就需要接触赐生命的灵,就是基督的生命汁液(路二三31,参诗九二13~14,三六8~9):─ 引用经文

B. We are the branches of Christ who have been grafted into Him as the cultivated olive tree to enjoy Him (Rom. 11:17, 24); the life-giving Spirit is the life-juice of Christ as the heavenly olive tree; if we desire to partake of the riches of Christ as the fatness, the sap, of the heavenly olive tree, we need to contact the life-giving Spirit as the life-juice of Christ (Luke 23:31; cf. Psa. 92:13-14; 36:8-9):

1 我们与基督的接枝已经发生在我们的灵里,所以我们需要一直运用我们的灵;当我们呼求主说,“哦主,哦主”,我们就运用我们的灵,而立刻有分于主作赐生命的灵─ 罗八16,林前六17,罗十9~13。

1. Because our grafting with Christ has taken place in our spirit, we need to exercise our spirit continually; when we call on the Lord by saying, "O Lord, O Lord," we exercise our spirit and immediately partake of the Lord as the life-giving Spirit—Rom. 8:16; 1 Cor. 6:17; Rom. 10:9-13.

2 我们享受基督丰富的另一条路,乃是读神的话,并对每一句话说阿们;我们借此就运用灵接触主,享受祂,并有分于包罗万有的灵作肥汁─ 诗一〇六48,尼八6,林后一20,启十九4,弗六17~18。

2. Another way for us to enjoy the riches of Christ is to read the Word of God and to say Amen to every word; by this, we exercise our spirit, we contact the Lord, we enjoy Him, and we partake of the all-inclusive Spirit as the fatness—Psa. 106:48; Neh. 8:6; 2 Cor. 1:20; Rev. 19:4; Eph. 6:17-18.

三 我们需要看见,我们已经“逆着性”得接枝到基督里;“逆着性”意思是“逆着自己”─ 罗十一24:

C. We need to see that we have been grafted into Christ "contrary to nature"; contrary to nature means "contrary to the self "—Rom. 11:24:

1 我们旧性情的一切,都与主的性情相反;我们的性情是有罪的性情,主的性情是神圣、属灵与圣别的性情─ 加五16~17,彼后一4。

1. Everything of our old nature contradicts the Lord's nature; our nature is the sinful nature, and the Lord's nature is the divine, spiritual, and holy nature—Gal. 5:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:4.

2 我们要有分于基督这橄榄树连同祂的丰富,就需要完全从我们这些野枝子老旧的背景、老旧的历史、老旧的生命、老旧的习惯和老旧的习俗得以剪除─ 罗十一24,参弗四22~24。

2. In order to partake of Christ as the olive tree with His riches, we need to be fully cut off from our old background, old history, old life, old habits, and old customs as wild branches—Rom. 11:24; cf. Eph. 4:22-24.

3 我们要经历从老旧的生活样式得以剪除,并享受接枝到基督里的经历,就需要运用灵呼求祂的名,并祷读祂的话─ 罗十6~8,弗六17~18。

3. In order to experience being cut off from our old manner of life and to enjoy the experience of being grafted into Christ, we need to exercise our spirit to call on His name and pray-read His Word—Rom. 10:6-8; Eph. 6:17-18.

四 罗马十一章启示,我们是基督这橄榄树的枝子(17、24),要结出“橄榄”,并产生抚慰人的油(表征圣灵);约翰十五章启示,我们是基督这葡萄树的枝子(5),要结出“葡萄”以产生令人振奋的酒(表征神圣的生命);路加十章里的好撒玛利亚人,把油和酒倒在垂死之人的伤处(33~34):─ 引用经文

D. Romans 11 reveals that we are the branches of Christ as the olive tree (vv. 17, 24) to bear "olives" and produce soothing oil, signifying the Holy Spirit; John 15 reveals that we are the branches of Christ as the vine tree (v. 5) to bear "grapes" to produce invigorating wine, signifying the divine life; and in Luke 10 the good Samaritan poured oil and wine on the wounds of the dying one (vv. 33-34):

1 油和酒摆在一起成了人的医治;我们越呼求主并祷读祂的话而住在祂里面,就会越结出“橄榄”与“葡萄”,好产出油和酒,倒给那些里面受伤、灰心失望的人。

1. Oil and wine together become a healing to people; the more we abide in the Lord by calling on Him and pray-reading His Word, the more we will bear "olives" and "grapes" to produce oil and wine to pour into people who have been inwardly wounded and have become depressed and disappointed.

2 橄榄树的油是用来尊重神和人(士九8~9),表征那些凭那灵而行的人乃是尊重神(加五16、25),也表征那些供应那灵的人乃是尊重人(林后三6、8,腓三3)。─ 引用经文

2. The oil of the olive tree was used to honor God and man (Judg. 9:8-9), signifying that those who walk by the Spirit honor God (Gal. 5:16, 25), and those who minister the Spirit honor man (2 Cor. 3:6, 8; Phil. 3:3).

3 葡萄树的酒是用来使神和人喜乐(士九12~13),表征那些享受基督作牺牲并令人振奋之生命的人,乃是使神喜乐(太九17),也表征那些供应基督作牺牲并令人振奋之生命的人,乃是使人喜乐(林后三6,腓二17,提后四6)。─ 引用经文

3. The wine of the vine tree was used to cheer God and man (Judg. 9:12-13), signifying that those who enjoy Christ as their sacrificing and invigorating life cheer God (Matt. 9:17) and that those who minister Christ as their sacrificing and invigorating life cheer man (2 Cor. 3:6; Phil. 2:17; 2 Tim. 4:6).

伍 圣殿的柱子是铜作的,铜表征神的审判─ 王上七14~15、21,启三12,二一22:

V. The pillars of the temple were built of bronze, signifying God's judgment—1 Kings 7:14-15, 21; Rev. 3:12; 21:22:

一 在圣经里,柱子是神建造的标记、见证,神的建造乃是借着在实行身体生活中被变化而成的─ 创二八22上,王上七15~22,加二9,提前三15,启三12,罗十二2,弗四11~12。

A. In the Scriptures the pillar is a sign, a testimony, of God's building through transformation in practicing the Body life—Gen. 28:22a; 1 Kings 7:15-22; Gal. 2:9; 1 Tim. 3:15; Rev. 3:12; Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:11-12.

二 对神有用的人,乃是一直在神的审判(铜)之下,领悟他们是在肉体里的人,一无价值,只配死与埋葬─ 诗五一5,出四1~9,罗七18,太三16~17:

B. Those who are useful to God are constantly under God's judgment (bronze), realizing that they are men in the flesh, worthy of nothing but death and burial—Psa. 51:5; Exo. 4:1-9; Rom. 7:18; Matt. 3:16-17:

1 信徒中间的分裂和不结果子,都是因为没有铜,没有什么是经过神审判的;反而有骄傲、自夸、自我表白、自我称义、自我称许、自找借口、自义、定罪别人、规律别人,而不牧养人、寻找人─ 十六24,路九54~55。

1. The reason for both division and fruitlessness among believers is that there is no bronze, nothing of God's judgment; instead, there is pride, self-boasting, self-vindication, self-justification, self-approval, self-excuse, self-righteousness, and condemning and regulating others instead of shepherding and seeking them—16:24; Luke 9:54-55.

2 我们爱主并经历祂是样子像铜的人(结四十3),祂就成为我们超凡的爱、极广的宽恕、无上的信实、尽致的卑微、绝顶的纯洁、至圣至义以及光明正大(腓四5~8)。─ 引用经文

2. When we love the Lord and experience Him as the man of bronze (Ezek. 40:3), He will become our extraordinary love, boundless forbearance, unparalleled faithfulness, absolute humility, utmost purity, supreme holiness and righteousness, and our brightness and uprightness (Phil. 4:5-8).

三 殿里柱子的柱顶有“装修的格子网〔如格子架〕和拧成的链索形成的花圈”;这些表征错综复杂的光景,而那些在神建造中作柱子的人,在其中生活并承担责任(王上七17,林后一12,四7~8);柱顶上有百合花和石榴(王上七18~20):─ 引用经文

C. On the capitals of the pillars in the temple there were "nets of checker work [like a trellis] with wreaths of chain work"; these signify the complicated and intermixed situation in which those who are pillars in God's building live and bear responsibility (1 Kings 7:17; 2 Cor. 1:12; 4:7-8); on the top of the capitals were lilies and pomegranates (1 Kings 7:18-20):

1 百合花表征信靠神的生活,就是凭神之于我们的所是,不凭我们的所是而生活;铜的意思是“不是我”,百合花的意思是“乃是基督”─ 歌二1~2,太六28、30,林后五4,加二20。

1. Lilies signify a life of faith in God, a life of living by what God is to us, not by what we are; the bronze means "not I," and the lily means "but Christ"—S. S. 2:1-2; Matt. 6:28, 30; 2 Cor. 5:4; Gal. 2:20.

2 柱顶花圈上的石榴,表征那作生命的基督之丰富的丰满、丰盛、美丽和彰显─ 腓一19~21上,弗一22~23,三19。

2. The pomegranates on the wreaths of the capitals signify the fullness, the abundance and beauty, and the expression of the riches of Christ as life—Phil. 1:19-21a; Eph. 1:22-23; 3:19.

3 借着格子网的除去和拧成之链索的限制,我们就能过信靠神的单纯、简单生活,彰显基督神圣生命的丰富,为着神在生命里的建造。

3. Through the crossing out of the checker work and the restriction of the chain work, we can live a pure, simple life of trusting in God to express the riches of the divine life of Christ for God's building in life.

陆 圣殿的石头表征基督在变化里的人性,即表征经过变化的基督─ 王上五15~18,六7、36,代上二九2,代下三6:

VI. The stones of the temple signify Christ's humanity in transformation, the transformed Christ—1 Kings 5:15-18; 6:7, 36; 1 Chron. 29:2; 2 Chron. 3:6:

一 基督是神,在祂成为肉体时穿上人的肉体;基督既成了在肉体里的人,就是在旧造里的人,因此,祂人性的部分就需要变化─ 罗一3~4。

A. As God, Christ in His incarnation put on man's flesh; having become a man in the flesh, a man in the old creation, He needed to be transformed in His human part—Rom. 1:3-4.

二 这样一位经过变化的基督,现今是神建造的活石、基石、房角石和顶石─ 彼前二4,赛二八16,林前三11,弗二20,彼前二6,亚四7,三9,启五6,四3,二一11。

B. Such a transformed Christ is now the living stone, the foundation stone, the cornerstone, and the topstone of God's building—1 Pet. 2:4; Isa. 28:16; 1 Cor. 3:11; Eph. 2:20; 1 Pet. 2:6; Zech. 4:7; 3:9; Rev. 5:6; 4:3; 21:11.

三 殿里的石头也表征在基督里的信徒,被那作石头的基督所变化─ 太十六18,约一42,彼前二4~7,启二一11、14、18~21,参但二34~35、44~45。

C. The stones in the temple also signify the believers in Christ, who have been transformed by Christ as the stone—Matt. 16:18; John 1:42; 1 Pet. 2:4-7; Rev. 21:11, 14, 18-21; cf. Dan. 2:34-35, 44-45.

四 新约说到活石(彼前二5);旧约说到凿成的石头(王上五15、17~18,六7);建造召会所用的石头,里面必须是活的,外面必须经过一番凿成(对付)(林后四16):─ 引用经文

D. The New Testament speaks of living stones (1 Pet. 2:5), and the Old Testament speaks of cut stones (1 Kings 5:15, 17-18; 6:7); the stones used for the building up of the church must be living inwardly and cut (dealt with) outwardly (2 Cor. 4:16):

1 有的弟兄姊妹在召会中,就像刚从山野里打下来的“野”石头,全是棱角,人一碰着他们就会受伤,就会有不舒服的感觉。

1. In the church some brothers and sisters can be compared to "wild" stones, freshly cut from the quarry and full of sharp edges; when they are contacted, they cause people to be hurt and to have an uncomfortable feeling.

2 他们不够牢固,在他们身上无法建造;他们无法与人一同配搭事奉,与人一同并肩作战,一同扛抬约柜。

2. They are not stable enough to be built upon, to coordinate and serve with others, to fight the battle with others, or to bear the Ark with others.

柒 真正为着建造召会作神殿的基督徒生命,乃是钉死并复活之基督的生命;祂作为赐生命的灵建造到我们里面,使我们借着祂复活的大能模成祂的死,日日得更新,并且被变化,从荣耀到荣耀,好叫祂在召会中得着荣耀─ 腓三10,林后三18,四16~18,弗三21。

VII. The real Christian life for the building up of the church as the temple of God is a life of the crucified and resurrected Christ as the life-giving Spirit being built into our being so that we are being conformed to His death by the power of His resurrection to be renewed day by day and transformed from glory to glory for His glory in the church—Phil. 3:10; 2 Cor. 3:18; 4:16-18; Eph. 3:21.

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爱 灵 慕 圣