
第八篇 建造城墙,以保护作为神殿的召会
Building the Wall of the City for the Protection of the Church as the House of God


Scripture Reading: Neh. 1:3; 2:9-20

壹 以斯拉记所载的历史,乃是关于以色列人从被掳中归回,重建神的殿;尼希米记所载的历史,乃是关于重建耶路撒冷的城墙—尼二17~20:

I. The book of Ezra is a history of the return of Israel's captivity and the rebuilding of the temple; the book of Nehemiah is a history of the rebuilding of the wall of the city of Jerusalem—Neh. 2:17-20:

一 耶路撒冷城是城内神殿的防卫和保护—13节:

A. The city of Jerusalem was a safeguard and protection for the house of God, which was in the city—v. 13:

1 这表征神的殿作为神在地上的居所和家,需要祂的国得建立作范围,以护卫祂在地上行政的权益,使祂能完成祂的经纶—15节。

1. This signifies that the house of God as His dwelling and home on the earth needs His kingdom to be established as a realm to safeguard His interests on the earth for His administration that He may carry out His economy—v. 15.

2 重建神的殿,预表神恢复堕落的召会;重建耶路撒冷的城墙,预表神恢复祂的国—17~20节。

2. The rebuilding of the house of God typifies God's recovery of the degraded church, and the rebuilding of the wall of the city of Jerusalem typifies God's recovery of His kingdom—vv. 17-20.

二 神建造祂的殿和建造祂的国是并行的—太十六18~19。

B. God's building of His house and His building of the kingdom go together—Matt. 16:18-19.

贰 尼希米记的第一部分,一至七章,论到在尼希米带领下重建耶路撒冷城墙:

II. The first section of the book of Nehemiah, chapters 1 through 7, is on the rebuilding of the wall of the city of Jerusalem under Nehemiah:

一 尼希米接到报告说,耶路撒冷的城墙被拆毁,城门被火焚烧—一3下。

A. Nehemiah received the report that the wall of Jerusalem was broken down and the gates had been burned with fire—1:3b.

二 尼希米二章九至十六节说到尼希米往耶路撒冷的行程,与他对耶路撒冷城墙的光景亲身的观察。

B. Nehemiah 2:9-16 speaks of Nehemiah's journey to Jerusalem and his personal observation of the condition of the wall of the city of Jerusalem.

三 十七至二十节说到耶路撒冷城墙的重建:

C. Nehemiah 2:17-20 is a word concerning the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem:

1 殿是主同在的地方,是我们与主相会、事奉主的地方;但它需要保护。

1. The temple is the place of the Lord's presence, where we meet and serve the Lord, but it needs protection.

2 城墙乃是殿的防御,没有城墙就没有保护。

2. The wall of the city is the defense to the temple; without the wall of the city, there is no protection.

3 城墙不仅是为着保护,也是为着分别。

3. The wall of the city is not only for protection but also for separation.

4 尼希米记告诉我们,我们都必须建造我们那部分的城墙;各人必须建造自己那一部分的城墙—四6、19。

4. The book of Nehemiah tells us that we all must build up our part of the wall; everyone should build up his own part—4:6, 19.

四 我们需要内在的跟随尼希米的榜样“建造城墙”,就是建造召会作神的国,使召会作为神的家,祂的居所,得着保护—二4、10、17~20,弗二21~22。

D. We need to intrinsically follow Nehemiah's pattern to "build up the wall," to build up the church as the kingdom of God, for the protection of the church as the house of God, His dwelling place—2:4, 10, 17-20; Eph. 2:21-22.

叁 建造城墙的目的是要将我们众人带进在基督元首权柄下生命里正确的等次—一22~23,西一18,二19:

III. The purpose of the building of the wall is to bring us all into the proper order in life under the headship of Christ—1:22-23; Col. 1:18; 2:19:

一 基督是团体身体(召会)的头,也是个别信徒的头;祂是我们各人直接的头—一18,林前十一3。

A. Christ is both the Head of the Body, the church, corporately and of all the believers individually; He is the Head of every one of us directly—1:18; 1 Cor. 11:3.

二 召会生活是在基督这独一元首权柄之下,归一于一个元首之下的生活—弗一10、22~23,四15~16,西二19。

B. The church life is a life of being headed up under the unique headship of Christ—Eph. 1:10, 22-23; 4:15-16; Col. 2:19.

三 我们若尊重基督独一的元首权柄,这样,在主的恢复里,召会就不仅是殿,也是城—来十一10,拉一2~3,尼一9,二5、17,提前三15,启二一2、10~11:

C. If we honor the unique headship of Christ, then in the Lord's recovery the church will be not only the house but also the city—Heb. 11:10; Ezra 1:2-3; Neh. 1:9; 2:5, 17; 1 Tim. 3:15; Rev. 21:2, 10-11:

1 召会作为殿主要的是与基督作生命有关,召会作为城主要的是与基督作元首有关—提前三15,太五14,西三4,一18:

1. The church as the house is mainly with Christ as life, and the church as the city is mainly with Christ as the Head—1 Tim. 3:15; Matt. 5:14; Col. 3:4; 1:18:

a 当我们经历并享受基督作生命,我们就有作为殿的召会;当我们实现基督独一的作头,召会就要扩大成为表征神国的城—太十六18~19。

a. When we experience and enjoy Christ as life, we have the church as the house; when we realize the unique headship of Christ, the church will be enlarged as the city, which signifies the kingdom of God—Matt. 16:18-19.

b 召会作为城,不仅是以基督作生命来建造,也是以基督的作头来建造的;因此,基督不仅必须作我们的生命,也必须作我们的头—西三4,一18,二19。

b. The church as the city is built not only with Christ as life but also with the headship of Christ; thus, Christ must be not only our life but also our Head—Col. 3:4; 1:18; 2:19.

2 我们若尊重基督独一的元首权柄,召会就会由殿扩大成为城,为着王和祂的国度—诗四八1~2,林前一2,十二12~13、27,弗一22~23,四15~16,启二一2、10~11、14,十一15。

2. If we honor the unique headship of Christ, the church will be enlarged from the house to the city for the King and His kingdom—Psa. 48:1-2; 1 Cor. 1:2; 12:12-13, 27; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:15-16; Rev. 21:2, 10-11, 14; 11:15.

肆 我们需要建造城墙,以保护召会脱离违反使徒的教训之不同的教训—徒二42,提前一3~4:

IV. We need to build the wall to protect the church from differing teachings, which are contrary to the teaching of the apostles—Acts 2:42; 1 Tim. 1:3-4:

一 不同的教训指与神经纶不合的教训—六3。

A. Differing teachings refer to teachings that are not in line with the economy of God—6:3.

二 提前一章三至四节、六至七节、六章三至五节、二十至二十一节不同的教训,以及四章一至三节的异端,乃是召会败落、堕落并变质的种子、根源。

B. The differing teachings in 1:3-4, 6-7; 6:3-5, 20-21 and the heresies in 4:1-3 are the seed, the source, of the church's decline, degradation, and deterioration.

三 教导不同的事拆毁神的建造,废掉神的经纶;甚至一点不同的教训,也会毁坏主的恢复。

C. Teaching differently tears down God's building and annuls God's economy; even a small amount of teaching in a different way destroys the recovery.

四 地方召会的行政和牧养所需要的第一件事,就是终止异议者那些使圣徒偏离神经纶中心线的不同教训—多一9。

D. For the administration and shepherding of a local church, the first thing needed is to terminate the differing teachings of the dissenting ones, which distract the saints from the central line of God's economy—Titus 1:9.

五 我们必须避开不同的教训,专注于神关于基督与召会的经纶—提前一3~4,弗三9,五32。

E. We must avoid differing teachings and concentrate on God's economy concerning Christ and the church—1 Tim. 1:3-4; Eph. 3:9; 5:32.

伍 城墙若在召会中建造起来,我们就会得保护脱离那些被仇敌利用以毁坏神建造工作的人:

V. If the wall is built up in the church, we will be protected from those who are used by the enemy to destroy God's building work:

一 毁坏神圣建造的人,就是那些传讲并教导异端的人—彼后二1,约贰7~11:

A. The destroyers of the divine building are those who preach and teach heresies—2 Pet. 2:1; 2 John 7-11:

1 那些教导关于基督身位之异端的人,乃是敌基督者,不承认主为主人的身位,并主借以买回信徒的救赎;不承认那人耶稣是神,乃是大异端—7节,约壹二18、22~23,四2~3。

1. Those who teach heresies concerning the person of Christ are antichrists, denying both the person of the Lord as the Master and His redemption, by which the Lord purchased the believers; to deny that the man Jesus is God is a great heresy—v. 7; 1 John 2:18, 22-23; 4:2-3.

2 使徒警告信徒,要为自己儆醒,免得受到异端的影响,失去真理的事;我们必须弃绝那些否认基督的成孕和祂的神格的人,不要接他们到家里,也不要问他们的安—约贰8~11。

2. The apostle warned the believers to watch for themselves lest they be influenced by the heresies and lose the things of the truth; we must reject those who deny the conception and deity of Christ, not receiving them into our house or greeting them—2 John 8-11.

二 毁坏神圣建造的人,就是那些分门结党、分派的人—多三10:

B. The destroyers of the divine building are those who are factious, sectarian—Titus 3:10:

1 分门结党的人指异端、分派的人,在召会中照着自己的意见形成派别,而造成分裂;为了在召会中维持良好的秩序,分门结党和分裂的人,警戒过一两次,就要拒绝—10节。

1. A factious man is a heretical, sectarian man who causes divisions by forming parties in the church according to his own opinions; in order to maintain good order in the church, a factious, divisive person should be refused, rejected, after a first and second admonition—v. 10.

2 因着这样的分裂会传染,这种的拒绝是为着召会的益处,而停止与分裂的人交往—参民六6~7。

2. Because such divisiveness is contagious, this rejection is for the church's profit so that contact with the divisive one may be stopped—cf. Num. 6:6-7.

三 毁坏神圣建造的人,就是那些造成分立之事的人—罗十六17:

C. The destroyers of the divine building are those who make divisions—Rom. 16:17:

1 在罗马十四章,保罗对于接纳在道理或作法上不同的人,十分宽大容让;但在十六章十七节,他坚决断然地说,“那些造成分立和绊跌之事,违反你们所学之教训的人,我恳求你们要留意,并要避开他们。”

1. In Romans 14 Paul was liberal and gracious regarding the receiving of those who differ in doctrine or practice; however, in Romans 16:17 he was unyielding and resolute in saying that we must "mark those who make divisions and causes of stumbling contrary to the teaching which you have learned, and turn away from them."

2 主恨恶“在弟兄中布散纷争的人”—箴六16、19。

2. The Lord hates "one who injects discord among brothers"—Prov. 6:16, 19.

四 毁坏神圣建造的人,就是那些对地位有野心的人—约叁9:

D. The destroyers of the divine building are those who are ambitious for position—3 John 9:

1 在为主的任何工作中,我们绝不可猎取首位;这是隐藏的雄心在作祟,要与人争竞居首—9节。

1. We should never hunt to be the first in any work for the Lord; this is the insidious work of hidden ambition to compete with others to be the first—v. 9.

2 毁坏神圣建造的人,就是那些豺狼,不爱惜羊群,以及那些说悖谬的话,要勾引信徒跟从他们的人—徒二十29~30。

2. The destroyers of the divine building are those who are wolves, not sparing the flock, and those who speak perverted things to draw away the believers after them—Acts 20:29-30.

陆 城墙建造之后,我们就能抵挡死亡对召会的攻击,并在基督复活的生命里建造基督的身体—太十六18,约十一25,弗一22~23,四16:

VI. After the wall has been built, we will be able to resist the attack of death upon the church and to build up the Body of Christ in the resurrection life of Christ—Matt. 16:18; John 11:25; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:16:

一 死亡乃是撒但工作的特点;他一切所作的,至终就是要人充满死亡—来二15。

A. Death is the characteristic of Satan's work; the ultimate goal of his work is to saturate man with death—Heb. 2:15.

二 马太十六章十八节给我们看见,对召会的攻击将从什么源头而来—“阴间的门”,就是死亡:

B. Matthew 16:18 shows us from what source the attack upon the church will come—"the gates of Hades," that is, death:

1 撒但特别的目标乃是要在召会里散布死亡;对于召会他所最惧怕的,乃是召会抵挡他死亡的权势—启二8、10~11。

1. Satan's special object is to spread death within the church, and his greatest fear with regard to the church is her resistance to his power of death—Rev. 2:8, 10-11.

2 建造在“这磐石”上的召会,能辨识死亡与生命,并且阴间的门不能胜过召会—太十六18。

2. The church that is built upon "this rock" can discern between death and life, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it—Matt. 16:18.

三 我们需要认识基督是那首先的、末后的(永远长存、永不改变的一位),且是死过又活的(这一位就是复活)—启一17~18,二8,约十一25,徒二24。

C. We need to know Christ as the First and the Last—the ever-existing, unchanging One—and as the One who became dead and lived again—the One who is resurrection—Rev. 1:17-18; 2:8; John 11:25; Acts 2:24.

四 我们唯有在基督复活的生命里才能建造基督的身体—弗二6、21~22,四16,启一18,二8,腓三10:

D. We can build up the Body of Christ only in the resurrection life of Christ—Eph. 2:6, 21-22; 4:16; Rev. 1:18; 2:8; Phil. 3:10:

1 基督的身体是在基督复活的生命里—约十一25:

1. The Body of Christ is in the resurrection life of Christ—John 11:25:

a 召会作为基督的身体,其性质乃是复活—徒二24,弗一19~23。

a. The nature of the church as the Body of Christ is resurrection—Acts 2:24; Eph. 1:19-23.

b 召会是一个新造,是在基督的复活里,由复活的基督所造的—彼前一3,弗二6,加六15。

b. The church is a new creation created in Christ's resurrection and by the resurrected Christ—1 Pet. 1:3; Eph. 2:6; Gal. 6:15.

2 基督的身体是在复活里,而复活的实际乃是基督这赐生命的灵—约十一25,二十22,林前十五45下。

2. The Body of Christ is in resurrection, and the reality of resurrection is Christ as the life-giving Spirit—John 11:25; 20:22; 1 Cor. 15:45b.

3 复活的原则就是天然的生命被杀死,神圣的生命代之而起—林后一9。

3. The principle of resurrection is that the natural life is killed and that the divine life rises up to take its place—2 Cor. 1:9.

4 当我们不凭天然的生命,乃凭我们里面神圣的生命而活时,我们就在复活里;这种生活的结果就是召会作为基督身体的长大和建造—腓三10~11,弗四15~16,西二19,三15。

4. When we do not live by the natural life but live by the divine life within us, we are in resurrection; the issue of such a living is the growth and building up of the church as the Body of Christ—Phil. 3:10-11; Eph. 4:15-16; Col. 2:19; 3:15.