
第五篇 祭司经学家以斯拉,以及需要许多以斯拉—精通神话语的人
Ezra, a Priestly Scribe, and the Need for Ezras— Those Skilled in the Word of God


Scripture Reading: Ezra 7:6, 11-12, 21; 8:21-23; Neh. 8:1-9, 11-13; 12:26

壹 以斯拉是祭司,也是经学家;因此,他不是一位字句经学家,乃是一位祭司经学家—拉七6、11~12、21,尼八1~2、8~9、11~12,十二26:

I. Ezra was a priest and also a scribe; thus, he was not a letter scribe but a priestly scribe—Ezra 7:6, 11-12, 21; Neh. 8:1-2, 8-9, 11-12; 12:26:

一 祭司是与主调和并被主浸透的人;以斯拉就是这种人—拉八21~23。

A. A priest is one who is mingled with the Lord and saturated with the Lord; Ezra was this kind of person—Ezra 8:21-23.

二 以斯拉是信靠神的人,他与神是一,精通神的话,并认识神的心、神的渴望和神的经纶—七6、11~12、21。

B. Ezra was a man who trusted in God, who was one with God, who was skilled in the word of God, and who knew God's heart, God's desires, and God's economy—7:6, 11-12, 21.

三 以斯拉是一位祭司经学家,不断与主接触,而与主是一—尼八1~2、8~9、11~12,十二26。

C. As a priestly scribe, Ezra was one with the Lord by contacting Him continually—Neh. 8:1-2, 8-9, 11-12; 12:26.

四 以斯拉没有说什么新的东西,他是说摩西所已经说过的—拉七6,尼八14,彼后一12。

D. Ezra spoke nothing new; what he spoke had been spoken by Moses—Ezra 7:6; Neh. 8:14; 2 Pet. 1:12.

五 祭司和利未人都聚集到经学家以斯拉那里,要深入领略律法书上的话;尼希米八章十三节里,“深入领略”指领略律法的话内在的意义。

E. The priests and the Levites were gathered to Ezra the scribe in order to gain insight into the words of the law; in Nehemiah 8:13 insight refers to apprehending the intrinsic significance.

贰 以斯拉用属天的真理教育以色列人,把他们重新构成,使以色列能成为神的见证—1~3、5~6、8、13~18节:

II. Ezra reconstituted the people of Israel by educating them with the heavenly truths so that Israel could become God's testimony—vv. 1-3, 5-6, 8, 13-18:

一 神对以色列的心意,是要在地上得着一班神圣构成的子民,作祂的见证—被神的话重新构成的子民—赛四九6,六十1~3,西三16。

A. God's intention with Israel was to have on earth a divinely constituted people to be His testimony—a people reconstituted with the word of God—Isa. 49:6; 60:1-3; Col. 3:16.

二 在被掳归回之后,以色列百姓仍然是任性的,因为他们生在并长在巴比伦,在构成上已成了巴比伦人:

B. After the return from captivity, the people of Israel were still unruly, for they had been born and raised in Babylon and had become Babylonian in their constitution:

1 巴比伦的元素已作到他们里面,构成到他们全人里面—亚三3~5。

1. The Babylonian element had been wrought into them and constituted into their being—Zech. 3:3-5.

2 他们返回列祖之地,成为以色列的国民后,需要被神的话重新构成—尼八1~3、5~6、8、13。

2. After they returned to the land of their fathers to be citizens of the nation of Israel, they needed to be reconstituted with the word of God—Neh. 8:1-3, 5-6, 8, 13.

三 神的子民需要教导和重新构成,好被带进照着神的文化,就是彰显神的文化中;这种文化需要许多教育—8节。

C. There was the need of teaching and reconstitution to bring the people of God into a culture that was according to God, a culture that expressed God; this kind of culture requires a great deal of education—v. 8.

四 以斯拉在神百姓的重新构成上非常有用,因为他具有属天神圣之构成与文化的总和,并且借着他,百姓得以被神的话重新构成—1~2节。

D. For the reconstituting of God's people, Ezra was very useful, for he bore the totality of the heavenly and divine constitution and culture, and he was one through whom the people could be reconstituted with the word of God—vv. 1-2.

五 以斯拉把百姓带回到神的话上,使他们重新受教育,并被圣言中的属天真理重新构成。

E. Ezra brought the people back to the Word of God so that they might be re-educated and reconstituted with the heavenly truths in the divine Word.

六 要重新构成神的百姓,需要用神口里所出并彰显神的话教育他们—诗一一九2、9、105、130、140:

F. In order to reconstitute the people of God, there was the need to educate them with the word that comes out of the mouth of God and that expresses God—Psa. 119:2, 9, 105, 130, 140:

1 重新构成神的百姓,就是教育他们,把他们摆进神的话里,使他们被神的话浸透—西三16。

1. To reconstitute the people of God is to educate them by putting them into the word of God so that they may be saturated with the word—Col. 3:16.

2 当神的话在我们里面作工,神的灵,就是神自己,自然而然地就借着话将神的性情同神的元素分赐到我们里面;这样,我们就被重新构成—提后三16~17。

2. As the word of God works within us, the Spirit of God, who is God Himself, through the word spontaneously dispenses God's nature with God's element into our being; in this way we are reconstituted—2 Tim. 3:16-17.

七 借着以斯拉的职事,以色列人(在预表上)被重新构成,结果成为特别的国,就是圣别、分别归神且彰显神的国—赛四九6,六十1~3,亚四2:

G. As a result of being reconstituted through the ministry of Ezra, Israel (in type) became a particular nation, a nation sanctified and separated unto God, expressing God—Isa. 49:6; 60:1-3; Zech. 4:2:

1 被掳归回的人是个别的并团体的被重新构成,作神的见证。

1. The returned captives were reconstituted personally and corporately to become God's testimony.

2 他们被神的思想、神的考量并神的一切所是灌输,使他们成为神的复制。

2. They were transfused with the thought of God, with the considerations of God, and with all that God is; this made them God's reproduction.

3 借着这种神圣的构成,人人都在生命和性情上成为神;结果,他们成为神圣的国,彰显神圣的特性—彼前二9。

3. By this kind of divine constitution, everyone became God in life and in nature; as a result, they became a divine nation expressing the divine character—1 Pet. 2:9.

叁 在主的恢复里我们需要许多以斯拉,他们是祭司教师,就是那些与神接触,被神浸透,与神是一,与神调和,被神充满,并精通神话语的人;只有这种人才够资格在主的恢复里作教师—太十三52,林后三5~6,提前二7,提后一11:

III. In the Lord's recovery we need Ezras, priestly teachers who contact God, who are saturated with God, who are one with God, who are mingled with God, who are filled with God, and who are skillful in the Word of God; this is the kind of person who is qualified to be a teacher in the recovery—Matt. 13:52; 2 Cor. 3:5-6; 1 Tim. 2:7; 2 Tim. 1:11:

一 主耶稣向人施教,为要将他们从撒但的黑暗里,带到神圣的光中—可六6,参徒二六18:

A. The Lord Jesus taught the people in order to bring them out of the satanic darkness into the divine light—Mark 6:6; cf. Acts 26:18:

1 人堕落到罪中,就中断了与神的交通,使所有的人蒙昧无知,不认识神;这样的无知,带来黑暗和死亡—弗四17~18。

1. Man's fall into sin broke his fellowship with God, making all men ignorant of the knowledge of God, with such ignorance issuing in darkness and death—Eph. 4:17-18.

2 主是世界的光,如同大光照亮坐在死亡阴影中的人—约八12,太四12~16。

2. The Lord as the light of the world came as a great light to shine on the people who were sitting in the shadow of death—John 8:12; Matt. 4:12-16.

3 主的教训释放出亮光的话,使那些在黑暗和死亡里的人得着生命的光—约一4。

3. The Lord's teaching released the word of light that those in darkness and death might receive the light of life—John 1:4.

二 教导等于启示,启示就是揭开帕子—提前二7,弗三3~4、9:

B. Teaching equals revelation, which is the opening of the veil—1 Tim. 2:7; Eph. 3:3-4, 9:

1 教导就是把帕子卷去;我们教导人时,该除去帕子,使他们看见关于三一神的事。

1. To teach is to roll away the veil; as we are teaching others, we should be taking away the veil so that they may see something of the Triune God.

2 我们在召会的聚会中说话时,我们的说话该是卷去帕子;这就是说,我们的教导该陈明启示—提前四6。

2. When we speak something in the church meeting, our speaking should be the rolling away of the veil; this means that our teaching should present a revelation—1 Tim. 4:6.

3 今天的以斯拉应当劳苦用真理教育神的子民,借此构成他们,使他们成为神在地上的见证,祂团体的彰显—尼八1~8、13,提后二2、15,提前三15。

3. Today's Ezras should labor to constitute God's people by educating them with the truth so that they may be God's testimony, His corporate expression, on the earth—Neh. 8:1-8, 13; 2 Tim. 2:2, 15; 1 Tim. 3:15.

三 主的恢复有最高的真理,就是在已过历世纪中所恢复一切真理的终极完成—二4,提后二2、15:

C. The recovery has the highest truth—the truth that is the consummation of the truths recovered during the past centuries—2:4; 2 Tim. 2:2, 15:

1 我们必须应付的最大需要,乃是把主恢复里的圣徒带到真理中,好将恢复带往前去—提前二4,提后二2、15。

1. The greatest need that must be met is to bring the saints in the Lord's recovery into the truth to carry the recovery on—1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Tim. 2:2, 15.

2 我们有圣经里客观的真理,也有主观的真理—路二四39,林前十五45下,罗八34、10,西三1,一27。

2. We have both the objective truths and the subjective truths in the Holy Scriptures—Luke 24:39; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:34, 10; Col. 3:1; 1:27.

3 我们研究圣经,不该只注意“枝节”,乃该深入“根本”和“主干”。

3. In our study of the Bible, we should not pay attention merely to the "branches" but go deeply into the "roots" and the "trunk."

4 我们需要看见神经纶和基督身体之各步骤的结晶意义—约一14,林前十五45下,弗一22~23,四4~6。

4. We need to see the crystallized significances of the steps of God's economy and of the Body of Christ—John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4-6.

四 为真理所构成,就是得着真理作到我们里面,成为我们内在的所是,我们生机的构成—约贰2:

D. To be constituted with the truth is to have the truth wrought into us to become our intrinsic being, our organic constitution—2 John 2:

1 神圣启示的内在元素必须作到我们全人里面,并构成到我们全人里面—西三16。

1. The intrinsic element of the divine revelation must be wrought into and constituted into our being—Col. 3:16.

2 真理一旦经过我们的悟性而进到我们里面,就留在我们的记忆里;这样,我们就把真理存在我们的记忆里,使我们有真理的储存—彼前一13,彼后一15,三1。

2. Once the truth gets into us through our understanding, it remains in our memory, and then we retain the truth in our memory, causing us to have an accumulation of the truth—1 Pet. 1:13; 2 Pet. 1:15; 3:1.

3 真理进入我们的记忆里,就成了常时、长期的滋养;这样,我们就有真理的储存,我们就常时在滋养之下—西三16、4,提前四6。

3. After the truth gets into our memory, it becomes a constant and long-term nourishment; then we have an accumulation of the truth, and we are under the constant nourishment—Col. 3:16, 4; 1 Tim. 4:6.

五 主恢复里的众圣徒都应当在神圣的启示上受训练—提后二2、15:

E. All the saints in the Lord's recovery should be trained in the divine revelation—2 Tim. 2:2, 15:

1 圣经中几乎所有重要的启示,都包括在倪弟兄和李弟兄的职事里;我们应当注意这些纯正、健康的事,而不要把时间浪费于收集“毒瓜”—王下四38~41。

1. Nearly all the crucial revelations in the Bible have been covered in the ministry of Brother Nee and Brother Lee; we should pay our attention to these pure and healthy things and not waste our time collecting "poisonous gourds"—2 Kings 4:38-41.

2 我们都需要借着生命读经和圣经恢复本连同注解得帮助,看见圣经话语内在的意义—尼八8、13。

2. We all need to be helped through the Life-studies and the Recovery Version with the footnotes to see the intrinsic significance of the word of the Bible—Neh. 8:8, 13.