
第三篇 重建神的坛—燔祭坛
The Rebuilding of the Altar of God— the Altar of Burnt Offering


Scripture Reading: Lev. 1:3-11, 13-14, 17; 6:9, 12a, 13; Num. 28:2; Ezra 1:2-3, 5; 3:2-3, 6a; Psa. 43:4a; Eph. 5:2; Rom. 12:1

壹 “都起来建造以色列神的坛,要照神人摩西律法书上所写的,在坛上献燔祭”—拉三2下:

I. "They built the altar of the God of Israel to offer burnt offerings upon it, as it is written in the law of Moses the man of God"—Ezra 3:2b:

一 为着恢复神的家,我们需要恢复祭坛—一2~3、5,三2~3:

A. For the recovery of the house we need the recovery of the altar—1:2-3, 5; 3:2-3:

1 为着召会生活,第一件该被恢复的就是祭坛—罗十二1:

1. The first thing to be recovered for the church life is the altar—Rom. 12:1:

a 我们要过召会生活,必须先把一切摆在坛上—诗四三4上。

a. Before we can have the church life, we must put everything on the altar—Psa. 43:4a.

b 我们必须把我们一切所有、所是、所能的都放在坛上,使神得着满足;这是召会生活的起始。

b. We must put all that we have, all that we are, and all that we can do on the altar for God's satisfaction; this is the start of the church life.

2 问题在于我们只从巴比伦回到耶路撒冷,而在耶路撒冷我们仍为自身利益保留许多东西;我们不肯为神的利益和神的满足将一切献在坛上—罗十二1:

2. The problem is that we have come back from Babylon to Jerusalem, yet at Jerusalem we may still keep many things for our own interests; we may not offer everything on the altar for God's interests and for God's satisfaction—Rom. 12:1:

a 我们绝不能归回耶路撒冷,而我们的生活却仍是巴比伦的那一套。

a. We should not come back to Jerusalem yet maintain our life as it was in Babylon.

b 在耶路撒冷的生活必须是绝对为着主的利益。

b. The life in Jerusalem must be absolutely for the Lord's interests.

二 燔祭坛预表基督的十字架—出二七1,四十6,来十三10:

B. The altar of burnt offering typifies the cross of Christ—Exo. 27:1; 40:6; Heb. 13:10:

1 在神的经纶里,神给我们一个人位—基督,和一条道路—十字架—林前二2:

1. In His economy God gives us one person—Christ—and one way—the cross—1 Cor. 2:2:

a 十字架是神在祂经纶中作为的中心—加一4,二19~21,三1、13,五24,六14。

a. The cross is the center of God's operation in His economy—Gal. 1:4; 2:19-21; 3:1, 13; 5:24; 6:14.

b 神借着十字架管理万有,并借着十字架对付万有—西一20~22,二11~15。

b. God governs everything by the cross and deals with everything by the cross—Col. 1:20-22; 2:11-15.

2 十字架是一切属灵经历的基础,立场;一切属灵的经历都开始于十字架—加二20,六14,林前二2:

2. The cross is the base, the ground, of all spiritual experiences; all spiritual experience begins from the cross—Gal. 2:20; 6:14; 1 Cor. 2:2:

a 我们要在属灵上长进,就需要天天经过十字架—太十38,十六24,路十四27。

a. In order to progress spiritually, we need to pass through the cross daily—Matt. 10:38; 16:24; Luke 14:27.

b 我们若要有正确的召会生活,就需要经历十字架—弗二14~16。

b. If we want to have a proper church life, we need to experience the cross—Eph. 2:14-16.

c 我们需要经过十字架,而成为一无所是,一无所有,一无所能;否则,我们的所是、所有、所能,会成为基督的代替—林前一17~18、23。

c. Through the cross we need to become nothing, to have nothing, and to be able to do nothing; otherwise, what we are, what we have, and what we can do will become a substitute for Christ—1 Cor. 1:17-18, 23.

贰 “他们就向耶和华献燔祭”—拉三6中:

II. "They began to offer up burnt offerings to Jehovah"—Ezra 3:6a:

一 燔祭表征基督是绝对为着神的满足—利一3~9:

A. The burnt offering signifies Christ's being absolute for God's satisfaction—Lev. 1:3-9:

1 完全为着神满足的燔祭,预表基督作神的喜悦和满足—弗五2。

1. The burnt offering, which was wholly for God's satisfaction, typifies Christ as God's pleasure and satisfaction—Eph. 5:2.

2 燔祭预表基督,不仅在于祂过一种完全且绝对为着神的生活,也在于祂是使神子民能过这样一种生活的生命—约五19、30,六38,七18,八29,十四24,林后五15,加二19~21。

2. The burnt offering typifies Christ not only in His living a life that is perfect and absolute for God but also in His being the life that enables God's people to have such a living—John 5:19, 30; 6:38; 7:18; 8:29; 14:24; 2 Cor. 5:15; Gal. 2:19-21.

3 燔祭是基督自己,而我们与祂是一;因此,燔祭也是我们与基督的一—林前六17。

3. The burnt offering is Christ Himself, and we are one with Him; thus, the burnt offering is also our oneness with Christ—1 Cor. 6:17.

二 燔祭乃是神的食物,使神可以享受并得着满足—民二八2:

B. The burnt offering is for God's food that God may enjoy it and be satisfied—Num. 28:2:

1 虽然神是全能的,但祂无法给自己东西吃;祂的食物必须来自祂的子民—2节。

1. Although God is almighty, He cannot provide Himself something to eat; His food must come from His people—v. 2.

2 基督是神的食物,但祂不是直接作神的食物;反之,基督是由我们服事给神作食物的。

2. Christ is God's food, but He is not God's food in a direct way; rather, Christ is God's food served to God by us.

三 “燔祭”,原文意“上升之物”,指升到神面前的东西;这个上升是指基督—利一3、10、14:

C. The Hebrew word translated "burnt offering" literally means "that which goes up" and denotes something that is ascending to God; this ascending refers to Christ—Lev. 1:3, 10, 14:

1 唯一能从地上升到神那里的,乃是基督所过的生活,因为祂是唯一绝对为着神而活的人—约六38:

1. The only thing that can ascend to God from the earth is the life lived by Christ, for He is the unique person to live a life that is absolutely for God—John 6:38:

a 基督作我们的燔祭,是完全、绝对为着神的—四34,五30,来十8~10。

a. Christ as our burnt offering is completely for God, absolutely for God—4:34; 5:30; Heb. 10:8-10.

b 凡主耶稣所是的、所说的、所作的,都是绝对地为着神—约六38,五17、36、45,八28,十25,十二49~50。

b. Whatever the Lord Jesus was, whatever He spoke, and whatever He did was absolutely for God—John 6:38; 5:17, 36, 45; 8:28; 10:25; 12:49-50.

2 借着按手在作燔祭的基督身上,我们就与祂联结—利一4,林前六17。

2. By laying our hands on Christ as the burnt offering, we are joined to Him—Lev. 1:4; 1 Cor. 6:17.

3 基督活在我们里面,就在我们里面重复祂在地上所过的生活,就是燔祭的生活—加二20。

3. As Christ lives in us, He repeats in us the life He lived on the earth, the life of the burnt offering—Gal. 2:20.

四 燔祭是“献与耶和华为怡爽〔的〕香气”—利一9、13、17:

D. The burnt offering is "a satisfying fragrance to Jehovah"—Lev. 1:9, 13, 17:

1 “怡爽香气”,原文意“安息或满足的香气”—9节。

1. The Hebrew words translated "satisfying fragrance" literally mean "savor of rest or satisfaction"—v. 9.

2 怡爽的香气,就是一种带来满足、平安与安息的香气;这样一种怡爽的香气对神乃是享受。

2. The satisfying fragrance is a savor that brings satisfaction, peace, and rest; such a satisfying fragrance is an enjoyment to God.

3 因着基督过绝对使神满足的生活,祂的生活乃是怡爽的香气,是升到神面前,使神喜乐并满足的馨香之气—弗五2。

3. Because Christ lived a life that was absolutely for God's satisfaction, His living was a satisfying fragrance, a sweet savor ascending to God for His pleasure and satisfaction—Eph. 5:2.

叁 在利未记里首先提到的祭不是赎罪祭或赎愆祭,而是燔祭—一3:

III. In Leviticus the first offering that is mentioned is not the sin offering or the trespass offering but the burnt offering—1:3:

一 我们首先需要基督作燔祭,因为我们在神面前的第一种光景,第一个问题,不是过犯,乃是不为着神:

A. We need Christ first as our burnt offering because our first situation before God, our first problem related to God, is not a matter of trespasses but of not being for God:

1 神创造我们,是要我们作祂的彰显和代表—创一26。

1. God created us to be His expression and His representation—Gen. 1:26.

2 神创造我们,是要我们为着祂,并不是为着我们自己;但我们堕落的人为自己活,并没有为祂活。

2. God created us that we might be for Him; He did not create us for ourselves, but as fallen human beings, we live for ourselves, not for Him.

二 燔祭的意思是,我们是神所创造的人,为着彰显祂并代表祂,不该为着神以外的事物—27~28节,参诗七三25,可十二30。

B. The burnt offering means that as those who were created by God for the purpose of expressing and representing Him, we should be for nothing other than God—vv. 27-28; cf. Psa. 73:25; Mark 12:30.

三 我们必须领悟我们没有绝对为着神,并且我们在自己里面无法绝对;因此,我们需要以基督为我们的燔祭—利一3~4。

C. We need to realize that we are not absolutely for God and that of ourselves we cannot be absolute; therefore, we need to take Christ as our burnt offering—Lev. 1:3-4.

肆 过常时不断之燔祭的生活,就是成为活祭—罗十二1:

IV. To live a life of the continual burnt offering is to be a living sacrifice—Rom. 12:1:

一 燔祭预表我们的奉献,也就是把自己献给神作活祭;奉献的意义,就是把自己献给神作活祭—利一3~4、8~9,六9、12上、13,罗十二1。

A. The burnt offering is a type of our consecration, of our offering ourselves to God as a living sacrifice; the meaning of consecration is to offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice—Lev. 1:3-4, 8-9; 6:9, 12a, 13; Rom. 12:1.

二 在旧约里每日献的燔祭,预表在新约里,我们属神的人应当每日将自己献给神—民二八3~8。

B. The daily burnt offering in the Old Testament typifies that, in the New Testament, we who belong to God should offer ourselves daily to God—Num. 28:3-8.

三 今天在我们的基督徒生活和召会生活中,需要常时不断的燔祭—利一3~4、8~9,六9、12上、13。

C. Today, in our Christian life and church life, there is the need for the continual burnt offering—Lev. 1:3-4, 8-9; 6:9, 12a, 13.

伍 我们需要以基督作燔祭敬拜父神,使神得满足,成就祂的愿望—一3、9下,民二八2,约四23~24:

V. We need to worship God the Father with Christ as the burnt offering for God's satisfaction to fulfill His desire—1:3, 9b; Num. 28:2; John 4:23-24:

一 神要我们以基督作一切祭物的实际来敬拜祂;祭物乃是为讨神喜悦并使祂快乐—23~24节。

A. God wants us to worship Him with Christ as the reality of all the offerings; the offerings are for pleasing God and making Him happy—vv. 23-24.

二 正确的敬拜是以基督为燔祭而满足神—彼前二5,约四34,五30,八29:

B. Proper worship is a matter of satisfying God with Christ as the burnt offering—1 Pet. 2:5; John 4:34; 5:30; 8:29:

1 当我们以基督作燔祭的实际敬拜父,一种使神悦纳的香气就上升到神那里,使祂满足—利一9,约四23~24。

1. When we worship the Father with Christ as the reality of the burnt offering, a fragrance well pleasing to God will ascend to Him for His satisfaction—Lev. 1:9; John 4:23-24.

2 神既因那献给祂作燔祭之实际的基督得着满足,就将祂甜美的悦纳赐给我们;这就是燔祭的意义—民二八2。

2. Since God is satisfied with our offering to Him Christ as the reality of the burnt offering, He will render His sweet acceptance to us; this is the significance of the burnt offering—Num. 28:2.