
第二篇 从被掳到巴比伦归回之后,在美地上生活极重要的方面
Crucial Aspects of Living in the Good Land after Returning from Captivity in Babylon


Scripture Reading: 1 Chron. 4:10; 9:1; 16:8-12, 16-18; 29:10-20; 2 Chron. 20:15-22; 36:22-23

壹 以色列子民的历史乃是预表,预表新约的信徒,因此是预表召会—代下三六22~23,林前十6、11。

I. The history of the people of Israel is a type, typifying the New Testament believers and therefore typifying the church—2 Chron. 36:22-23; 1 Cor. 10:6, 11.

贰 犹大人因为不忠信,被迁徙到巴比伦;因此,那些从被掳归回的人必须向神忠信—代上九1,林前四1~2,七25,提后二13,启十七14:

II. Judah was carried away captive to Babylon because of unfaithfulness; thus, those who returned from captivity were to be faithful to God—1 Chron. 9:1; 1 Cor. 4:1-2; 7:25; 2 Tim. 2:13; Rev. 17:14:

一 神在完成祂经纶并在引导我们进入祂经纶的事上是信实的—哀三23下。

A. God is faithful in fulfilling His economy and in leading us into His economy—Lam. 3:23b.

二 神是信实的;祂不能否定自己,不能否定、违背祂自己的所是—提后二13。

B. As the faithful God, God cannot deny Himself; He cannot deny, go against, His own being—2 Tim. 2:13.

三 当神同着祂信实的属性作到我们里面,祂就成为我们,我们就在祂信实的属性上成为祂—林前七25,提后二13:

C. When He, with His attribute of faithfulness, is wrought into us, He becomes us, and we become Him in His attribute of faithfulness—1 Cor. 7:25; 2 Tim. 2:13:

1 正如神不能否定祂自己的所是,我们既已被祂构成,也不能否定我们自己的所是—参弗三16~17。

1. Just as God cannot deny His own being, we, having been constituted with Him, cannot deny our own being—cf. Eph. 3:16-17.

2 这样,我们作神奥秘的管家就能够并且会是忠信的—林前四1~2。

2. It is in this way that we can, and will, become faithful as stewards of the mysteries of God—1 Cor. 4:1-2.

3 我们因着被信实的神构成,向神就必定是忠信的;我们的所是,我们的构成,不容我们不忠信。

3. Because we are constituted with the faithful God, we must be faithful to Him; our being, our constitution, does not allow us to be otherwise.

四 我们是忠信、可靠的,意思是履行主所分给我们的管家职分—1~2节,七25,提前一12。

D. For us to be faithful, trustworthy, means to fulfill the stewardship that the Lord has apportioned to us—vv. 1-2; 7:25; 1 Tim. 1:12.

五 主来哈米吉顿争战时,将是万主之主,万王之王,那些同着祂的得胜者将是“蒙召被选忠信的人”—启十七14,十九11~21。

E. When the Lord comes for the battle at Armageddon, He will be the Lord of lords and the King of kings, and the overcomers who are with Him will be "the called and chosen and faithful"—Rev. 17:14; 19:11-21.

叁 所有那些从被掳到巴比伦归回美地的人,都受嘱咐要认识、顺从并敬拜耶和华—代上十六8~14:

III. All those who returned to the good land from captivity in Babylon were commanded to know, obey, and worship Jehovah—1 Chron. 16:8-14:

一 “神”含示神的能力,以及祂与受造之物的关系;“耶和华神”表明神与人发生关系。

A. God implies God's power and His relationship with creatures; Jehovah God denotes God having a relationship with man.

二 耶和华神不只是有能力的,也是和人亲近的—创二4、8、15~16、18~19、21~22。

B. Jehovah God is not only the One who is powerful but also the One who draws near to man—Gen. 2:4, 8, 15-16, 18-19, 21-22.

三 “耶和华”的意思是“我是那我是”,指明耶和华是自有永有的永远者,就是那昔是今是以后永是者—出三14,启一4。

C. Jehovah means "I am who I am," indicating that Jehovah is the self-existing and ever-existing eternal One, the One who was in the past, who is in the present, and who will be in the future forever—Exo. 3:14; Rev. 1:4.

四 唯有耶和华是那是的一位—来十一6:

D. Jehovah is the only One who is—Heb. 11:6:

1 唯有祂是存在的那一位,是伟大的“是”;动词“是”只适用于神,不适用于我们。

1. This unique One who has being is the great "To Be"; the verb to be can be applied only to God and not to us.

2 神是宇宙的“是”,是真正存在的;只有神是“我是”;唯有祂是存在的。

2. God is the universal To Be, the genuine being; only God is I Am; only He has being.

五 就着存在和应验来说,“耶和华”是神的名—创十七1,二八3,三五11,出三14,六6~8。

E. Jehovah is God's name for existence and fulfillment—Gen. 17:1; 28:3; 35:11; Exo. 3:14; 6:6-8.

六 因耶和华永远长存,而且祂是动词“是”的实际,凡祂所说的祂必成就—约八28~29。

F. Because Jehovah exists eternally and because He is the reality of the verb to be, He will fulfill whatever He has spoken—John 8:28-29.

七 今天在主的恢复里,我们乃是在应验的阶段;我们经历的神是耶和华,那伟大的我是—出三14~16,约八24、28。

G. In the Lord's recovery today, we are in the stage of fulfillment; we are experiencing God as Jehovah, the great I Am—Exo. 3:14-16; John 8:24, 28.

肆 以色列人归回美地,表征基督徒从分裂回到召会的立场,就是一的立场—代下三六22~23,参申十二1~32:

IV. The returning of the children of Israel to the good land signifies the returning of Christians from division to the ground of the church, the ground of oneness—2 Chron. 36:22-23; cf. Deut. 12:1-32:

一 召会地方的立场,基本上就是那实行于众地方召会中之基督身体独一的一—弗四4,林前一2,十二27。

A. The local ground of the church is basically the unique oneness of the Body of Christ practiced in the local churches—Eph. 4:4; 1 Cor. 1:2; 12:27.

二 照着新约神圣的启示,召会的立场是由三个重要的元素构成的:

B. According to the divine revelation in the New Testament, the ground of the church is constituted of three crucial elements:

1 构成召会立场的第一个元素,是基督宇宙身体独一的一;这一称为“那灵的一”(弗四3)—主在约翰十七章就是为这一祷告。

1. The first element of the constitution of the church ground is the unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ, which is called "the oneness of the Spirit" (Eph. 4:3)—the oneness for which the Lord prayed in John 17.

2 召会立场的第二个元素,是地方召会在其中建立并存在的地方独一立场—启一11,徒十四23,多一5。

2. The second element of the church ground is the unique ground of the locality in which a local church is established and exists—Rev. 1:11; Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5.

3 召会立场的第三个元素,是合一之灵的实际,也就是那灵的实际,那灵乃是神圣三一活的实际—约壹五6,约十六13。

3. The third element of the church ground is the reality of the Spirit of oneness, that is, the reality of the Spirit, who is the living reality of the Divine Trinity—1 John 5:6; John 16:13.

三 召会的立场内在地与生命有关—诗一三三1、3,三六8~9。

C. The ground of the church is intrinsically related to life—Psa. 133:1, 3; 36:8-9.

伍 归回美地的以色列人受嘱咐要记念神与亚伯拉罕所立的约—代上十六15~18,创十五7~21:

V. The children of Israel who returned to the good land were told to remember the covenant that God made with Abraham—1 Chron. 16:15-18; Gen. 15:7-21:

一 亚伯拉罕信神关于后裔的应许,但他缺乏信心信神关于美地的应许—6~8节。

A. Abraham believed God for His promise concerning the seed, but he lacked the faith to believe God for the promise of the good land—vv. 6-8.

二 为了加强亚伯拉罕的信心,神被迫与亚伯拉罕立约,以坚定祂对亚伯拉罕的应许—9~21节:

B. In order to strengthen Abraham's faith, God was compelled to confirm His promise to Abraham by making a covenant with him—vv. 9-21:

1 神与亚伯拉罕所立的约,乃是应许的约,要借着神在祂恩典中的大能得着成就—约一14、17。

1. The covenant God made with Abraham was a covenant of promise that would be fulfilled through God's power in His grace—John 1:14, 17.

2 新约是这约的延续—加三17,四22~26。

2. The new testament is a continuation of this covenant—Gal. 3:17; 4:22-26.

三 神借着钉十字架并复活的基督,与亚伯拉罕立约—创十五9,罗六5~6、9:

C. God made His covenant with Abraham through the crucified and resurrected Christ—Gen. 15:9; Rom. 6:5-6, 9:

1 三种被杀的牲畜,表征基督在祂的人性里为我们钉十字架,两只活鸟表征基督在祂的神性里,是活着、复活的一位—创十五9,约十一25,启一18。

1. The three kinds of slain cattle signify Christ in His humanity being crucified for us, and the two living birds signify Christ in His divinity being the living, resurrected One—Gen. 15:9; John 11:25; Rev. 1:18.

2 母牛是作平安祭,母山羊是作赎罪祭,公绵羊是作燔祭—创十五9,利三1,四28,五6,一10。

2. The heifer was for a peace offering, the female goat was for a sin offering, and the ram was for a burnt offering—Gen. 15:9; Lev. 3:1; 4:28; 5:6; 1:10.

3 在预表上,斑鸠表征受苦的生活,雏鸽表征相信的生活,信心的生活;这是主在地上生活的两个特征—创十五9。

3. In typology, the turtledove signifies a suffering life, and the young pigeon signifies a believing life, a life of faith; these are two characteristics of the Lord's life on earth—Gen. 15:9.

4 二是见证的数字,所以两只活鸟乃是见证基督是活在我们里面,并为我们活着的一位—9节,约十四19~20,加二20。

4. Since two is the number of testimony, the two living birds bear testimony of Christ as the One living in us and for us—v. 9; John 14:19-20; Gal. 2:20.

陆 作为在基督里的信徒,我们需要有发表神旨意以及对个人属灵境界得以扩大之渴望的祷告—代上二九10~20,四10:

VI. As believers in Christ, we need to have prayers that express God's will and our desire to have our personal spiritual border to be enlarged—1 Chron. 29:10-20; 4:10:

一 在宇宙中有三个意志:神的意志、撒但的意志以及人的意志;神要得着人的意志与祂合起来,并且要人与祂是一,好叫人为着祂的喜悦,在祷告中回头向祂发表并响应祂的旨意—太六10,七21:

A. In the universe there are three wills: the divine will, the satanic will, and the human will; God wants man's will to be joined to Him and wants man to be one with Him so that man may express and echo His will back to Him in prayer for His good pleasure—Matt. 6:10; 7:21:

1 祷告真实的意义包含四个步骤:

1. The real meaning of prayer consists of four steps:

a 神按着祂的旨意,起意要作一件事—六10。

a. God intends to do something according to His will—6:10.

b 祂把祂的旨意借着那灵启示给我们,叫我们懂得祂的旨意。

b. He reveals His will to us through the Spirit for us to know His will.

c 我们响应祂的旨意并回头祷告给祂听—约十五7。

c. We return and echo His will back to Him through prayer—John 15:7.

d 神照着祂的旨意作成那件事—启四11。

d. God accomplishes His work according to His will—Rev. 4:11.

2 只有神所发起,并响应神所发起之内容的祷告,才有属灵的价值;我们必须学习有这样的祷告—弗六18,约壹五14~16上。

2. Only prayers that are initiated by God and echo what He has initiated have any spiritual value; we must learn to pray this kind of prayer—Eph. 6:18; 1 John 5:14-16a.

二 雅比斯呼求神扩张他的境界;在他的祷告中,扩张美地的境界表征扩大赢得并享受基督的境界;基督是美地的实际—代上四10,参腓三8~14。

B. Jabez called on God to enlarge his border; the enlarging of the border of the good land in his prayer signifies the enlarging of the border of gaining Christ and the enjoyment of Christ, who is the reality of the good land—1 Chron. 4:10; cf. Phil. 3:8-14.

柒 从代下二十章十五至二十二节,我们能学习借着赞美主而从事属灵的争战:

VII. From 2 Chronicles 20:15-22 we can learn to engage in spiritual warfare by praising the Lord:

一 在代下二十章十五节,耶和华对约沙法王说,“不要因这大批军众惧怕惊惶;因为争战的胜败不在于你们,乃在于神”;并且十七节上半说,“这次你们不要争战”:

A. In 2 Chronicles 20:15 Jehovah said to King Jehoshaphat, "Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's," and in verse 17a, "It is not for you to fight in this battle":

1 许多事奉的人用极大的声音赞美耶和华以色列的神—19节。

1. Many of the serving ones praised Jehovah the God of Israel with an exceedingly loud voice—v. 19.

2 众人一开始欢呼歌唱赞美,耶和华就派伏兵击杀仇敌,仇敌就被打败了—22节。

2. When they began to shout in song and to praise, Jehovah set ambushes for the enemies, and they were struck—v. 22.

二 赞美乃是神的儿女最高的工作—诗一一九164,来十三15:

B. Praise is the highest work carried out by God's children—Psa. 119:164; Heb. 13:15:

1 圣徒属灵生命的最高表示,就是赞美神—诗一四六2,来十三15,启五9~13,十九1~6:

1. The highest expression of a saint's spiritual life is his praise to God—Psa. 146:2; Heb. 13:15; Rev. 5:9-13; 19:1-6:

a 基督徒的生活是从赞美爬上去的—徒十六19~34。

a. The Christian life soars through praise—Acts 16:19-34.

b 赞美乃是超越过一切去摸着主—启十四1~3,十五2~4。

b. To praise is to transcend everything to touch the Lord—Rev. 14:1-3; 15:2-4.

2 属灵的得胜不是靠着争战,乃是靠着赞美—代下二十20~22。

2. Spiritual victory does not depend on warfare—it depends on praise—2 Chron. 20:20-22.

三 在召会生活和我们个人的生活中,我们需要向神献上终极完成的赞美—诗二二22下,来二12下。

C. In the church life and in our personal life, we need to offer consummate praise to God—Psa. 22:22b; Heb. 2:12b.

四 我们需要借着所经历并享受的基督,常常向神献上赞美的祭—十三15。

D. Through the Christ whom we have experienced and enjoyed, we need to offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually—13:15.

五 “主我的神啊,我要全心赞美你;我要荣耀你的名,直到永远”—诗八六12。

E. "I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart; ? And I will glorify Your name forever"—Psa. 86:12.